Chapter 5

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Kris POV:

Soo there i was listening Allison's story. It was hard, painful, and funny at times. I actually saw her smile during her story when she explained the joke she pulled on that on guy. HAHA my sister is a genius!! But later on in the story she got cold and distance she changed from the old mei to the new mei and i could even feel it.

i took a lil while to take it in but i eventually caught up.

"but now that i see how much i miss you Gege i dont know if i want to go back" She said with a blank expression.

Im glad shes slowly but kinda quickly coming back. I hope she comes back i really really do. I just have to be patient.

Tears were now streaming down my face.

OMGAWDDD!! TEARS!!?? what kind of man am i?? I've been crying a lot lately..... i am no longer a man anymore hoohoohoo. Am i-i-i-i-i c-c-crying again?!?!


"Gege..." She said.

"Yes?? Mei?" I replied back my voice was hoarse

"Why are you crying?? When we were little you told me crying was for the weak. Thats why in training I never cried not once." She told me back to her cold self once again.

"Sometimes Mei you need to cry once in a while." I said with a little smile on my face.

"Yeah SOMETIMES not twice in one day" She said.

I was shocked. How did she know i cried earlier????

"Mei ho-" i was cut of by her.

"gege i know many things and I wont be able to put it in words. I just cant and you have to understand that. I know too much thats why so many want me dead thats why I go to the gym and practice evrything. Everyday. You know why?" she asked me.

"Because you never know when you'll need it for an attack?" I said a little unsure.

"GOOD BOY!!! Whose a good boy! Your the good boy! Arent you? Finally catching on are we now?" She said in a baby voice.

"Mei stop that aha you're acting like a kid." I said and ruffled her hair.

"Well dont you dare tell anyone about this! Arraso?! If you do You dont know how much trouble we would be in..... the results could be death. You dont want that now do we?" She said with a smirl on her face.

"Hmmm im guessing with that smirk you like to do life risking stuff?" I said

"you bet'cha! Its the thrill of life to see fear in your oppents eyes just by looking at them" she smiled to herself. Probably remembering the looks.

Your POV:

I smiled to myself remembering everything when fighting people. But after remembering ti my cold side took over once again.

"Goodnight I'm going to sleep bye." I said and laid on my bed pretending to sleep.

He soon walked out and I opened my eyes again.

"Yah! were you there the whole time?!?!" I heard my brudahhh hiss to someone. with my good hearing i could hear a lot of things.

"Mianhae!! I just passed by and i got interested." he yelled back.

"Go back to your room and if you tell another soul about my sister your gonna be in some deep with me and her." Kris hissed again and walked away.

I heard my door open and pretended to sleep AGAIN.

He came closer and closer til he was at the edge of my bed. I felt somethine coming closer adn right when he was about to touch my face i stopped him and grabbed his wrist.

"How may i help you?" I galred at him

"I was just.. uh i was just-" he got cut off by me.

"Just what?! Just to check up on me?? Do you think im weak? Just cuz im a girl? Nigga last time i checked all you can do is dance. Baekhyun-ssi. I know you heard about my awful past and all but please just dont think im weak. Im not! Last time i checked i could handle 30 guys that are full on armed while all i had was a pocket knife. Im stronger than you think." i said looking down.

"Alex i know your strong but you have to start acting normal and not go all ninja status on just anyone! They will find out who you are and we'll all be in danger including Kris Hyung. Please become human. I know you better than you know yourself." He said.

"No you dont! We just met! You cant know me in 2 days! You may think you know me. Everyone thinks they know me but they dont No one knows me! Not even my own brother! As you can see Im not good with making friends im good at making enemies and what not! I dont know how to be normal i just know how to act." I said now looking into his eyes.

"Actually Alex..... theres something i need to tell you." He said

"what?" I asked.

"My friend was the one that called you weak i was there... i once trained for Taeyang hyung.. until i just couldnt take all the killing i didnt want to become someone like you. A. Machine. Cold and dehumanized. So i quit and joined SM." He said.

My eyes were wide of shock. I looked at him more closely and recongnized him. He was the one that saved me when i was stabbed multiple times when i didnt feel anything but passed out cuz i was still fighting but i was unaware of how much blood i lost. I woke up in the hospital and i saw his sleeping face but I didnt care. I woke him up, thanked him, and went back to sleep.

As you can see i dont tell my brother everything cuz its just too much so i tell him stuff tht i want to tell. BUT NOT the whole story.

You Know how much enrgy that would take. Man im lazy but i love to fight.

"Soo you were the one that saved my last time when i was stabbed mulitple times?" I asked still in shock.

"Yes i did. I see you remember me." he chuckled.

"Whats so funny?" I asked with my pokerface on.

"Its funny becuz your here slowly turning human and you just now remebered me. When i first saw you i thought you would know who i am but you didnt until 2 days later." he said still laughing. "I didnt believe it was you cuz you seemed a little more human than before. So i didnt think it was you until i heard your story. Turns out it was you all along."

"Well thank you for helping me. But i have a problem......" I said my voice getting lower.

"What is it?" he asked interested.

"I need to be "human" if i want to become better Taeyang said that with emotion and being more human i would become a better fighter. How am i supposed to be come human?" I asked.

"Hmm well first can you start by calling me Oppa'' he said with a huge grin on his face.

"Dude 'Oppa' is too mainstream dawg. Theres a reason why i dont call people Oppa but 'him' cause he helped me soo much in my life. I dont just go around calling people Oppa like some and what not." I said STILL with a blank expression.

"YAH!!! I saved your life didnt I?!?!?! So i think i desreve to be called 'Oppa' YAH!!! are you listening to me?!" he said waving his hand in front of me.

I nodded my head.

"YAH!YAH!YAH! ANSWER ME!!!" He started yelling.

"Shut the mother fawking gawd damn up you crazy physco freak!!!!" i hissed. "Your gonna wake everyone up you dumass."

"Oh sorry but will you?" he asked using aeygo.

"Ewwww. Oh my gawd. Please dont even makae that face. you look like some retard. Eww fine i'll call you oppsa only because you saved my life. But please dont ever make that face again or i"ll punch it off your face. ewwwwwww god please get this freak away from me." I said pretending to pray and started laughing.

"Yayayayayayaayy!!!! And you laughed your becoming human stepp by step." he said with a huge grin on his face.

"Ya ya ya ya go to sleep its 12 and i have a job to do tomorrow." i said laying back down.

"oh yeah you're our assistant. Im soo excited for tomorrow now because your our assistant. Ahaha i bet everyones gonna be jealous cuz you're gonnaa be callin meh Oppa. weee heeeeee happy dance man!! Dude your gonna be da best assistant in the whole wide wor-"

"Shut da fawk up you dip and go to ing sleep or i'll gas you!! Dont puch me or i'll never call you oppa! I dont care if you scaed my life or not. JUST GO TO SLEEP DAMMIT!!" I yelled angrily. "Damn. ing slore." (a/n: its a and put together slore)

"yah what did you call your OPPA?!" Baekhyun yelled emphasizing the word oppa.

"I called you a slore now go to sleep dammit!" and soon pretended to sleep so he could go away.


Soooo how did i do??? I tried making this different from other stories(: please COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE(: Oh and my New subscribers!! heres a shout out for you guys:

Thank you for subscribing to my story:D it makes me really happy when you guys subscribe and comment. this is my FIRST fanfiction (: I love you guys  <3333333333

<3 blackgem

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
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Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
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Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
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