Chapter 14

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

I ran no scratch that i sprinted to EXO's room.

So glad i can sprint fast and long.

Anyways i saw the room and went straight to it.

I opened the door and closed it locking it.

Exo had shocked and confused faces.

"Alex what are you do-"

"Help me" i said panting reallly hard.

"Whats goi-"

"I -huff- said he-huff-lp me!"

"How" Baekhyun said worridly.

"Hide me!!!!" I said searching with franktic eyes looking for a good place since i have like 5 mins now.

"Uh get on the couch and we'll sit there and act like we are fighting for the couch." Luhan said.

"Okay hurry and dont you dare say a word about me" I said glaring at everyone.

They all nodded.

So i hid under the cushion of the couch and i have to say its pretty roomy its like super big man i cab fit my and my brother.


the door swung open.

DA FUG!! i thought i locked it.

hmm oh well bad security not my problem.

"ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sehun and Amber yelled out of breath.

"YAH WHERE ARE YOU!!!" Amber said.

"hey why are you guys yelling? theres no need to yell" Luhan said.

"Cuz that sneaky girl left us and we ran after her throughout the entire SM building! That gurl full on sprinter arond and everywhere around SM!!" Amber said trying to regain her breath back.

ahaha thats what you get when you follow me.

Im evil and i know it.

"Are you serious? Well shes not here" Kris said reading whatever he was reading.

"We know she came in here since the security saw her go in here." Sehun said.

"Oh then i guess we missed her while fighting over this couch."

"Ueah i guess when we were fighting over this couch she went in without us knowing." they said.

"Huh really?" Amber said looking at Kris.

"So gege tell me the truth. We've known eachother for a very long time ever since we were little i know when your lying. AND guess what i can see that your lying to me right now." Amber said with and evil grin.

"you are on evil girl" he replied.

"Yeah yeah yeah i know. NOW where the fluff is meimei" she glared at them.

"Pwahahahahahha did you just say fluff?" baekhyun laughed.

"yeah sooo what? i dont wanna cuss" Amber said.

i giggled.

Fluff aha man

Fluff?? really??

man this chick is funny.

"What was that? I heard someone giggle" Sehun said looking around the room

Oh im screwed !!!


I heard shuffling around the room.

"What are you talking about? I didnt hear anything" Kris said calmly.

"yeah what are you talking about?" Baekhyun went into the conversation.

"I think you guys need to rest or something" Luhan smirked

BAMMMM! the door busted open again.

Who the fawk is it now?

"Uhh hey?" the person said.

"what are you doing here?" D.O asked.

"I wanted to know where Alex-ssi was" the guy said again.

I couldnt recognize the voice. Oh well it dont matter cuz i aint gonna blow my cover.

"Uh we're looking for her at the moment." Amber replied.

"Oh noona your here? Why?" The guy asked.

"Uh i wanted to see kris gege and hang out with Alex-ssi too" She said.

I heard more footstepes shuffling as well.


"Donghae Sunbae?"


"Hyung what are you doing here?"

"Oppa?" everyone asked

"I was looking for Alex-ssi SUJU wanted to hang out with her more." Donghae answered. "What are you too doing here?" he continued eyeing Amber and Taemin.

"Same as you wanted to hnag with Alex-ssi" they both replied.

WTF!!!! i barely talk to them and they want to hang out with mee????


"Hey Exo is" Tiffany and Jessica came walking in slowing down when they saw whoever was there.

"Why does everyone want Alex?????" Kris, Kai, Baekhyun, Luhan, and Chanyeol all said at once.

"jeez no need to yell" Amber sarcastically said as the others snickered around them.

Soon talking and giggling was heard in the hall way it was coming closer.

"heyyyyy EXO!! Okay wheres Alex-ssi everyone knows her- and what are you guys doing here?" One girl said.

"Yah this is our room!" Sehun whined.

"Not you, them" She said pointing to Amber, Taemin, Donghae, Tiffany, and Jessica.

"We are here because each one of us want to hang out with Alex-ssi" Jessica explained.

"well we wanna hang out with her and plus we havent even been introduced properly" another girl said.

"Hyuna, BoA, and others as you can see Alex my sister if you dont know is not here right now and i would like to ask why all of you want to hang out with her on the same day and same time?" Kris asked a little annoyed.

Yeahhhh what are gonna do to me??? Huh? me donghae and taemin??? Amber take me to the rooftop and say nothing?????? Tiffany and Jessica take me back to your room and ask me about my "relationship" and to do stupid stuff? and Hyuna and Boa i dont know who the fawk you guys are.......... i wanted to say soo badly but decided to keep my mouth shut for now till everyone including Sehun left the room.

"Well im gonna go find her since shes not in here" Sehun yelled and walked out.

"same here" the others yelled and went to go find me.

10 Minutes later...........

"Okay Alex Wu you can come out" Kris said and they all got off the couch.

I climbed out and just plopped down on the couch.

"SOOOO glad that was over" I said in my monotone voice.

"yah" kris said.


"You owe me" he said with an evil grin.

"Dont tell me what to do" I said smirking at him.

"Listen to your brother" Luhan said walking out. "By the way you owe every single one of us in this room that just helped you or youve been stuck with them" he continues smirking.

"I can manage all of them. Nothing too bad. I mean I've been through worst" I said nonchalontly.

"Wait?!?!?!?!!?" evryone said turing their heads to me.

Oh what did i just say.

They all came walking over to me.

"what do you mean by that?" baekhyun eyed me.

"yeah what do you mean by worst" kai stated.

"what i mean was i was a Queenka in my old school and everyone wanted to hang out with me it got really crazy" i lied.

"what i never heard of this" kris butted in.

"thats not a shock." I said.

"What do you mean by that?" he said.

"what i mean is that you've only been with me until what the 3rd grade??? the you went to SM. Once middle school happened and you were gone i became Queenka for some unknown reason and it just got worst in HS" I said but i was lying i was homesschooled since training took up most of my life. I've never had friends and if i did i probably forgot them.

"Im sorry" he replied.


Kais POV:

Dang how would this girl get popular? I mean shes mean and cold and likes to beat people up if they touch her.

But when all those other Sm artist came in it seems as if shes already a Queenka here and shes only been here not even a day.

This girl is something and SHE DOESNT EVEN TRY.

"Yah how are you so popular when your so cold and rude and beat people up?" I asked.

she glared at me.

I was a little scared but im a man nothing can scare me especially this brat.

"I dont know go ask everyone! I try my hardest to repel them but they wont leave!" She said.

"Tsk yeah right?" i replied.

"whatever Mr. Sleep deprived looking boy"

"yeah what did you just call me?" I asked getting mad.

"You heard me did i stutter?? Cant hear me? Guess its time for a hearing check up" she smirked.

"i had one last week" i defended.

"oh well looks like someone needs a hearing aid" She said. "tsk."

"How are you likable? Hmm? did you do somethin to them?" I asked trying to annoy her.

"No they just like me. why? Jealous?" she said the word 'jealous' making it seem as if it rolled off her tongue perfectly.

"What?! Of you? pshh please" i said.

She giggled.

"Suit yourself'"she said and left off to somewhere.

her laughed felt like- KAI! SHUT UP YOUR NOT MAKING SENSE!!!

Thanks for catching me i mean i wouldve probably said something i would later regret.......

....But her smile was- Kai you're doing it again.

Okay stop thinking about her you just met her.

Love at first sight isnt real!

Baekhyuns POV:

Woah her smile is like gold!! Rare and can make anyone feel warm on the inside.

Woah what am i sayin?!?!

You just met her yet you're starting to get attracted to her.

Baekhyun she's kris' sister cold, mean, manipulative, sneaky, and evil.

Dont forget popular, somewhat sweet, not crazy, self control, can handle herself, beautiful, a goddess, and rare.

Stop yourself Baekhyun you barly know her. just stop!!!! Its probably a fake crush.

yeah a fake crush im just tired and believing things.

Chens POV:

woah shes something.


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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
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Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
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