Chapter 12

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

Take a deep breath Alex you can do this----

No you know what???


I swear to god if someone calls me cute one more time..... ONE MORE TIME i swear they better sleep with one eye open!

Remind me to get revenge on Sehun!!!!

My kill list is renewed and Sehun is on top!

Kai and everyone else you better thank your friend here becuz you guys are now off the list.

AND Sehun you better thank your BIG FAT MOUTH cuz your soooooo gonna get it later on.

*Sehun opened the door and revealed SUJU*

"SEHUNNNNNNNNN You didnt tell us you had a girlfriend" One said.

"yeah where is she?"

"Im right here" i said leaning on the door frame and walked over to them.

"Lets introduce ourselves before we talk and get to know her." Someone said. I'm guessing thats the leader?

"HELLO WE ARE SUPER JUNIOR" they all said.

"Im the leader Leeteuk"

"Heechul" he said with a sly smile.


"Hi I'm Kangin"

"Wazzup I'm Shindong"

"Yo Sungmin"

"Hey~ Im Donghae" he said with a erted smile earning a slap from that Sungmin guy.




"Yo its Kibum"

"Kyuhyun is the name' he said trying to sound cool. Let me rephrase that. Trying to sound "cool"

"Hi Im Alex Wu. Kris' Little sister and Exo's personal assistant." I introduced myself.

"Well a little over to MY personal assistant" Sehun bragged.

"dont push it" I hissed.

Narrator POV:

Super Junior and the "couple" chatted for a while to get to know eachother better.

Alex on the other hand was about to burst from this cutsy stuff.

"So Alex were you surprised when our little Sehun asked you out? Since you guys have only known eachother for like 3 days?" Siwon asked.

"Yeah i was really surprised. We just became a couple without me even knowing it" Alex said smiling but glaring at Sehun.

Sehun just looked down.

SUJU just gave eachother confused looks.

"Im suspicous about the girl and if they really are a couple or not" Leeteuk thought.

"Hmm Alex seems to glare at Sehun a lot and her answer sound as if this is fake she seems different and odd" Donghae thought.

"This girl seems as if shes just acting right now." Kyuhyun thought.

"So are you guys really a couple?" Siwon said out loud.

This caught Alex and Sehun off guard but Alex soon went back to reality.

"howd you find out?" She asked revealing her real self. The cold side.

With her sudden change of attitude the rest of Super Junior was surprised and shocked.

"So that bubbly and cu-" Leeteuk got cut off.

"Dont say that word"Alex said in a monotone voice.

"And what if we do?" Donghae teased.

"Fine. Say it. I DARE you to" You said with and evil smirk planted on your face.

"Your CUT- oof---" Donghae who was ironically by you got elbowed in the gut hard.

"Told you" Alex said with a smile which faded into a thin line.

"Awwe that hurt!" He said trying to make her feel guilty. But he doesnt know that she has no feeling so it has no affect.

"So?" She shruggged. "what do you want me to do about it?"

The other members just gawked at her bluntness.

"I want you to fix it" he said with a smirk on hi lifting his shirt up.

"Okay fine what do you want me to do?" Alex said. But in her head she had a plan all thought out.

"Rub it til i say it feels better"


Everyone was just staring at you guys with weird looks.

Alex rubbed his stomach twice and then pushed down real hard making him yelp in pain.

"what the heck?!?!" he said flabbergasted.

"You wanna play games? Well next time play it with someone who cant read you like a book. Pfft so predictable." she said and went to sit next Sehun.

"AAAAAAAAANNNNYYWAYSSS........Why did SNSD say you guys were dating?" Siwon said coming back to the previous topic.

"Because this tard thought it would be funny to reveal the truth at the end and capture it on our phones and run to your room but SOMEONE *cough* Sehun *cough* didnt tell them the truth and now were stuck as some couple because of his plan and now i have to act ahh cute and girly and bubbly and so they would think were an uzzlang couple." Alex spilled evrything out.

Your POV:

I spilled the beans and now i can act like .......... ME!!

"Soo your really not all that but your just cold and distant?" Kibum asked.

"yeah shes like a machine" Sehun butted in.

"How so?" Heechul asked.

"She just sits there and calls no one Oppa or Unnie and talks when need with NO emotion and shes like a really good fighter." Sehun spilled evrything out.

"I KNEW SOMETHING WAS ODD ABOUT HER!!" Donghae yelled earning multiple smacks from his hyungs and dongsaengs.

"Shut up!" Yesung said.

"Okay sooo she is something like Kris BUT what about the fighting? Why do you know but your brother doesnt?" Ryeowook asked.

"molla" I shrugged "You ask him"

"Your so blunt" Siwon said.

"Yeah i get that a lot but its just me.. why act when you should get friends that like you for you?"

"She has a good point. you know your really smart and chill" Donghae said.

"Dont tell me what i am" i replied kinda pissed at his yness.

"But it was a compliment" he defended.

"Dont tell me what kind of statement that is" i said ticking him off.

"Whatever" he said and pouted.

"eww omg dont even try " i said and scrunched up my face.

"PWAHAHAHAHA" some of the memebers laughed.

"whats so funny?" i said with a blank expression.

"You! No one has ever trolled Donghae because he was always the one trolling others." Heechul said.

"well then i guess the troll got trolled" I smirked. "Awe poor Donghae-ssi is pouting.. you know you actually look like a troll pouting"

"yah respect your elders!" He yelled. everyone looked at him with a shocked expression.

"Sorry i just lost my cool there." he Apologized.

"You cant lose what you never had" I sang.

"you knw what?!" He said.

"What?" I asked getting into his face.

"Nevermind" he replied and sat back down.

"Yeah thought so" i smirked again.

"dude i like you"

"yeah you arent soo fake like those other girls"

"I prefer this Alex than the cute bubbly typical korean girl"

"Yeah you're easier to talk to and fun"

"Plus the other you doesnt suit you well since you glare at people a lot when your acting" the memebers said.

"You shouldve seen her earlier sh-" Sehun got cut off.

"yeah im not that good of an actor or actress anyway " you said looking at sehun giving him the 'shut-up-you've-done-enough-damage-already' look.

Sehuns POV:

I think we're back to where we started. The beginnning.


I shouldve followed through with my plan.

Maybe she wont be glaring at me as much now.

Guilt is eating me.

Save meeee.

"Ermm Alex?" I asked

"what?" She glared at me.

"do you wanna meet the f(x) members? Now?" I asked kinda scared.

"Sure whatever lets go. Oh and Bye Super junior members we'll hang out some other time neh?" She smiled.

She smiled.

But i could never get her to smile like that.

"Yeahhh sure whenever your free" they replied.

"Okay lets go Sehun-ssi" She said and walked out the door.

-ssi .... wow back to the beginning.

She was just calling me Sehun earlier and JUST Sehun no ssi or anything.

And now i broke our bond. Shes also being colder to me now. Sehun you totally effed up.

we were now walking across the building to go to f(x)'s room.

I ran up to catch up to her.


"What do you want??" she said annoyed.

"Im sorry i made evryone think we're a couple"

"Sorry cant fix much can it"

"I know but i'll make it up to you"


"I'll find away but can we be friends again?"

"I dont know anymore" she sighed

"Pleaseeeee Alex I'll do anything!! But please can we be friends again" I said begging on my knees drawing attention.

"get up your drawing a crowd."

"Noooo until you forgive me and we are friends again" i said and clung onto her leg.

She tried shaking me off. But she failed.

"OKAY OKAY FINE just get off me now your drawing too much people" she hissed.

"Yay!!!" i said and got up and linked arms with her even though she tried pulling away but eventually i won.

She rolled her eyes and just contiued walking while i on the other hand was smiling.

I probably looked like an idiot while Alex look cool as always.

I think im falling deeper and deeper for you Allison Wu.

you may be different but you really are special in everyones eyes. I hope you notice it someday that everyone has already made a special place in their heart just for you.

Allison Wu you really are something like noo other.

Not a one in a million girl but...

A one in a life time kind of girl.

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
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Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
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Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!