Chapter 7

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Kai POV:

Ahhhh Im screwed.. well..... WE"RE ALLL SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kris i s angry hopfully at his sister pleaseeee.

Dear god, Im sorry i was busy with my career and i somewhat forgot you.. BUT PLEASE SAVE MEE!!. Im you love me right??? who cant love this face of mine.... BUT PLEASE SAVVVVEEEE MEEEEEEE!!!!!!


"H-h-h-hyung when did you get here?" I stuttered.

"A long time ago.. remember you called me up here?" he raised his eyebrow.

"O-o-o-oh i did?" i asked trying to make sound like we really didnt call him.

"Yes one of you did... now tell me why i come up here and earn a huge headache?" He asked clearly pissed off.

"Uh...... LOOK ALEX IS SLEEPING IN THE BATHROOM!!!" I screamed changing the topic.

Kris looked at his sister still sleeping so he went in there  to get a bucket and filled it with cold water/

"hyung what are you doing?! You could unleash a beast inside her!" Luhan said scared.

"well we have to wake her up one way or another" Kris said with a smirk.

Rigth when he was about to pour the water on her, she kick the bucket up and the bucket of water went flying in the air and pured right on Kris' head.


"not another word Luhan" Kris interrupted Luhan rising his finger.

Your POV:

"not another word Luhan"My brother told Luhan.

I actually woke up when Tao started singing Respect. AHAHA that boy is funny. Damn. But as soon as Kai was about to turn arond i pretended to sleep again and hhats when my brudddaahh came up.

I heard everything about what kris was about to do. I even peeked and saw him do whatever he was doing. Bwahaha now i Just have to time it perfectly and his plan will back fire.

3....2.....1... BAM!!!!


"Uhhh gege why are you all went??" I asked trying to sound like i just got up from my "sleep".

"Dont ask me such questions... you knew this didnt you?!? I shouldve known damn trained sister." He said and stomped out of the room.

I bursted up laughing when he left while Luhan, Kai, and Tao were confused.

"Dude what just happened?"

"Trained sister? da fuggg"

"She knew?? i thought she was asleep" they all said.

"Actually i woke up and pretended to sleep after seeing Tao preform his little show and my timing was perfect" I said with a huge smile.

"OMG YOUR SMILING!!! HYUNG SHES SMILING!!!!" Luhan called out to Kris.

"You know you look really pretty when you smile" Tao shyly said.

"thanks." I replied back to my pokerface.

Soon everyone left while i was finishing brushing my teeth. But baby faced stayed.


"Yes?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Uh i wanted to know why your brother said trained sister?" he asked boldly.

The nerve of this boy.

"Uh did he say trained sister? No you heard wrong he said try hard sister" you said with a blank face.

"Oh are you sure? I heard him pretty well and clear" he replied getting suspiscious.

"Yeah your prolly just sleepy or something." i said and walked to my room to get changed.

>>>>> AT SM BUILDING>>>>

"DAyum this is huge." I said unamused.

I mean it was nothing special. See now if it was like a beastly amusement park then i would be satisfied. BUT im not.

"Sehun can you show Alex around to everyone and introduce her as our assistant and MY sister please?" Kris asked him.

"Why? shes not working for any of them just us tho.. so why everyone?" Sehun asked trying not to get excited.

"Because if shes lost she can ask for help duhhh no go go go" Kris said while pushing us out.

Sehuns POV:

I think my heart just skipped a beat when we accidentally touched while Kris hyung was oushing us out.

Alex is really pretty and all but i wish she was more warm and friendly..... in other words i wish she was the Alex or "Allison" hyung described her to be.

I saw her this morning with the bathroom incident andshe was really beautiful when she smiled. I wish i can make her smile like that all the time.

But its like her evil plans that make her all cheery and happy but when people pull her out of that world she gets all cold again.

anyways im glad hyung told me to give her a tour. Hehehehe bonding time!!! maybe we can get close or maybe i can get her to call me oppa. I also noticed she doesnt call anyone oppa or unnie. anyways I get to give her a tour~~~~~

"ermmm Mind if i ask you something?" I said to her.

"You already did" she said looking forward.

"i give you props to that...... but i was wondering why you dont call anyone Oppa or Unnie?? Not even your brother." I asked

Your POV:

"i give you props to that...... but i was wondering why you dont call anyone Oppa or Unnie?? Not even your brother."

"uhh....its just that I... umm its because .... welll..." I said not knowing what to say.


"You are going to live a normal life and gain back your human feelings." Taeyang ordered me.

"But i am human.. why do i need feelings?" I asked in a monotone.

"because you've been stabbed and when we treat you feel no pain whatsoever!" He yelled

"pain is for the weak why do i want to be weak when i've worked so hard to get to where i am"

"This is exactly why you are becoming dehumanized!!! If you want to be a better fighter you need to have feelings you need to feel rage because thats when your at your strongest but if you cant feel anything..." he trailed off.

"Then what?" I asked raising my brow.

"Then you only have a limit to how strong you are. You'll become a robot and you'll die without even knowing it. You'll be WEAK!!"


"No buts. You are to do as i say you are going to become human once again." He said while dialing a number.

"Who are you calling?"

"Your brother"

"Oh him........"

"Is there a problem?" he asked

"No sir." I replied. "I'll get my stuff and become human as quick as possible and return stronger."

I was about to leave until i was stopped.

"Wait Allison. Your new name will be Alex so no one will recongnize you and dont call anyone Oppa or Unnie cuz if they find out your real identiy that 'oppa/ Unnie' will also be endanger but if you feel you can also protect him or her then you can call then oppa or unnie the choice is yours." he warned me.

"Thank you i will not fail. Hmm to think about it i"ve never failed you. No because im the best im soo good man my record of defeating 50 guys all by my-" I was interrupted.

"Yah! Stop bragging and get packing to your old house because thats where your brother will pick you up."

"Arraso" i replied.

"And Allison"


"Please try to act like your normal until you are finally humanized and call me when you can feel pain or sadness. CAll me when you cry there we go when you cry is when you call me and i'll help you with your problem and thennn we shall put you back as our secret weapon Araso?" he said.

"Yes sir" I said and went off.

~End of flashback~

"Just spit it out Alex" Sehun said.

"its because Oppa is too mainstream theres a reason i dont call people that along with unnie." I lied.

"And what id your reason?" He asked interested.

"Because one every Girl calls everyone Oppa~ and Unnie~ and sound whiny" I was actually telling the truth "and i only want to make use of the word 'oppa' and 'unnie'. So therefore if you are really important and close to me i'll call you that."

"Why dont you call kris Hyung 'oppa'?"

"Because i call him gege in chinese and gege has like 3 meanings so therefore he wont be in danger if i were to call him gege. But if i call him in oppa he could be in -" I stopped cuz i was giving away too much information and also telling him my real reason why i dont call people oppa or unnie especially  'oppa'.

"Wait danger? What? What are you talkin about?" he asked confused.

"Nothing just drop the topic or i'll punch you to the states." I said.

"I dont care if you punch me to the states or not i want to know. Dont you trust me enough?" he asked.

"No i barley  even know you for 3 days if we get closer i'll maybe tell you but not now just show me around SM okay? I'll tell you when im comfortable okay just drop it for now.' I said getting really cold to him.

"Okay i understand" he sighed.

"Thanks" I mummbled.

"What was that?" he teased bringing up the atomsphere.

" Thanks" i said enough for him to hear.

"What i still cant hear you?" He said again.

"Dont push it" I said in a monotone.

"Okay ahaha" He luaghed and ruffled my hair.

I just flipped my hair and it went back into place.

"Soo where are we going first?" I asked.

"Hmm lets go to SHINee theyre pretty fun. But Alex can you act like the old you? For me?" He said

"How do you know the old me?" I asked creeped out backing away.

"Ahaha no im not a stalker or anything. Your brother talked about you alot to us when we were trainees. He said me and you seemed a lot a like and stuff and said that i was the male version of you." he chuckeled at the thought.

I just nodded.

Gege talked about me? He actually missed me? I didnt even think about him because i wanted to be the best secret weapon. I wanted to be indestructable. Guilt got to me a little but i brushed it off with ease.

"He also said that if you were to come here he let me take care of you cuz he thinks we would get along but you changed.' he said a little sad at the end.

"Sehun i hope we can become close so i would be able to tell you anything. From what you told me about what Kris gege said i think you know how to keep secrets as well right? No matter how bad the secret is right?" I stopped and asked him in a whisper looking in his eyes.

"Yes and sont worry kris said that im really good at keeping secrets since he tells me evrything and nothing has leaked out of my mouth." He said proudly. "I'll try to work on getting closer to you so you will be able to trust me like you trust your brother"

"Wait how to you know i trust my brother soo much?" I asked standing there.

"Well this morning when he said "trained sister" I knew he had a secret that you told him"

"Ohh i see well for now i'll tell you one of my secrets and if you can keep this then i think i can trust you a little bit more." i said

"wait you trust me? already?" he asked surprised.

"Yes just a little" i said. "Okay so you cant tell anyone. If you do I'll break your jaw so you;ll never be able to talk again got it?"

"Yes ma'am " he said a little scared.

"When Kris gege said trained sister he meant by how i can dance and sing and im pretty flexable so i was able to kick the bucket out of hand before he poured it on me and whe you become flexiable you gain a lot of muscle so im pretty strong" i whispered in his ear when no one was around really quiet.

It was true though i can sing and dance and im flexable.

"Wahh really?" he said resuming our walk to SHINee's room. "Your really cool i must admit"

"Yeah i know" I said with a smile.

"Cocky much?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"SO cocky i got my own chicken" I smiled even more " a doodle dooo" I said emphasizing the word ''.

"Omo your really funny. OMO your smiling" he said getting all excited.

"I was just acting so when we meet SHINee i can be 'normal'" I said going back to my blank expression.

"Whatever i know your having fun with me. Hey after this do you wanna go get some chicken?"

"Sure in your dreams buddy. And yeah lets get some CHICKENN!!! I love chicken." I exclaimed.

"Me tooooo! Omo hey after this lets pull a prank on the hyungs tonight when were done touring yeah?" he said with an evil grin.

"Yeee buddy i like the way you think. We're getting a lot closer already cuz yes i am having fun with you. We are the same." i smiled.

Sehuns POV:

Omo shes smiling.

I made her smile i think we got closer already.

If we hang out maybe she'll call me oppa.

I hope we get closer cuz when i look in her eyes they seem lonely.

"Aha come on hurry so after this we can get CHICKEN!" I yelled.

"DID SOMEONE SAY CHICKEN?!?!?!?!" we heard someone yell.

I looked at SHINee's door and saw
















Onew the Chicken King.

Dear Lord, Im too young to go broke buying chicken for him.


Sooo how was this chapter?? Im sorry it wasnt funny enough. But i think the next one will be and sorry if it was bad anny comments???

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
pinkypn #6
Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
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Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!