Chapter 19

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

I woke up earlier than my alarm.


I went to shower and got dressed into this:


And went down stairs to eat.

Hmmmmm what to eat.


NOpe no cereal.

So sad these kids are deprived if cereal.

hmm whats in the refrigerator??

*opens fridge*


*Closes fridge, lowers standards*

*Opens fridge*

Nothing again.

Repeat step 2 again

Repeat step 1

This went on for 30 mintues.


"Shut it stomach im trying to find something decent to eat just wait" i whispered a little too loud.

"Hehehe" i heard someone chuckle.

I looked up and saw Baekhyun.

"whats soo funny?" I asked.

"You" he replied.

"At least my name doesnt sound like bacon" i grumbled.

"I was standing here for like 15 minutes and all you did was open the fridge, sigh, close, and repeat for like 10 minutes straight. Then you talked to yourself, well stomach" He chuckled remembering what happened.

"whatever. You guys have no food whatsoever." i complained.

"Well you know you have to cook it right?" He had a sly smile plastered on his face and walked over to me.

"Buhhh im too lazy'' I pouted.

This guy thinks he is the only evil one?? Hehehe im not the secret weapon for nothing.

Fighting evil with evil.


"Really?" he said coming even closer.

I was walking backwards until my back hit the counter top.

He put both arms arounds around me like i was trapped and he smirked.

"Really can you do it for me oppa?" I asked cutely leaning my head closer to his.

 He did the same until our forheads were touching and we 'gazed' into eachothers eyes.

This fool doesnt know whats coming for him.

I heard faint footsteps coming our way.

Baekhyun.... -sigh- thisss guy!!!! Didnt even notice.

Perfect my plan shall be executed here.

-evil laugh- well iner evil laugh.

Now my timing should the last thing on my list.

"Hmm calling me oppa? Now? Is someone being naughty?" he huskily said in my ear.

"Maybe.. look at you" i giggled. "I guess we're both naughty"

Count down starting now since the footsteps were getting nearer.




"!!!! IM ABOUT TO GET !! AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed on top of my lungs. I could hear everyone now running here to see the commotion.

Baekhyun was too schocked at what i did and didnt move from his postion.

Oh My god this gonna be good.

I havent had this much fun since Mr. 'Lets play a prank on my hyungs' *cough* sehun *cough* *cough* bailed on me.

That rascal.

Just because hes older than me doesn mean he can bail.


Luhan came in soon trailed by 11 others their mouth gawking at our scene.

I looked at Baekhyun and had my evil smile on.

"Gotcha just because you used to train with us doesnt mean you still havent since you dont use it everyday" I whispered low enough for him to hear.


"poor little sister my " kai scoffed.

i glared at him.

"Get. off. her. now." Kris said trying to keep calm.

Baekhyun got off immediatly and lowered his head.

"Mianhae hyung i was just teasing her" he said.

But i could a smile tug at his lips.

"Gege its fine he didnt do anything okay? GO eat breakfast i'll wait in the car." i assured him.

"Did you eat yet?" he asked me.

"Thats none of your buissness if i ate or not. So yes no maybe so byee~" I sang.

Baekhyun followed after me.

As quickly as possible.

As soon as we reached the car, i busted up laughing my head off.

"OMG you shouldve seen the look on your face PWAHAHA priceless!" I laughed crouching over.

"You are an evil sneaky little girl. Im gonna get you back. One day." He said and grinned at me.

"Yeah that day will come in like..." I pretended to think. " NEVER"

"Do you underestimate me?" He teasingly asked me.

"Yes i do" i giggled.

"Whatever" he sighed in defeat.

"Hmm I've been here for like a month and they only thing I've done was get to know SM artist, argue with Kai, and play pranks. Am i normal yet?? I wanna go back before school starts in like 2 weeks. It feels like yesterday was my third day and sehun was draggonh me everywhere to meet the other artist and i was still calling you guys -ssi or ajussi" I sighed remebering how long it has been since i was out on a mission to become 'normal.'

"Yeah time passed by quick" he sighed. "Why do you wanna go back so bad? TO the killing and everything?"

"Because i belong there and they need me. They're like my family over there." I replied.

"waht about us?" He looked at me.

"Ehhh you guys are like my friends probably not so close but enough to call you guys my friends." I said.

"waht about me? We trained together and i saved your life. Besides you owe me." He laughed.

"I guess you are more of a closer friend than anyone here. ANd dont remind me. You still havent answered my question." I pouted.

"Which one?"

"Am i becoming normal??"

"Yes but the process is really slow. But when your around me your more of yourself and with everyone else you're still really distant you still have a machine as your heart but you are slowly coming back to the description that Kris Hyung told us about" He answered.

I nodded my head.

"this feels nice." I blurted out.

we were sitting next to eachother and i felt only he understood me and everything so i was able to let some of me out than let the cold machine like me take over.

I have to say that side of my is very dominating.

It dominates me without me even knowing.

Oh welll.....

"yeah it does" He said and looked at me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder.

He was shocked at first then he adjusted in a way that i was more comfortable.

"I've never been this close or felt so close to anyone but you and Taecyang. You wont leave me or betray me right?" I asked looking up at him.

"I wont and i never will. I will always be behind to catch you.'  he looked down at me and smiled.

I felt protected and safe for the first time i was the one protected not the one protecting.

"thanks please dont let me down its hard for me to trust anyone... I dont even trust Kris gege" I sighed.

Baekhyuns POV:

"I've never been this close or felt so close to anyone but you and Taecyang. You wont leave me or betray me right?" She asked.

Her eyes showed abandonment, broken promises, and most of all it showed that she has alway s been the one to protect herself and she was ALWAYS responsible to protect others while no had protected her.

She was always the one that had to be sacrificed and had to take the bullet. But this time she will be protected by me.

"I wont and i never will. I will always be behind to catch you.'  looked down at her and smiled.

I will never leace your side. Allison Wu I have fell in love with you from the start and I will always be there when you need me. Please dont act so tough its time for you to be the protected one and have fun. rather than you suffer while others showed no care for you. Im sorry i left you but now I will protect you just like i saved your life. I love you Alex. Since the start you have stolen my heart although you were only a human killing machine. You did it without even trying just like how everyone in SM even Kai holds a special place for you in their hearts because you have captured everyones heart without lifting a finger.

"thanks please dont let me down its hard for me to trust anyone... I dont even trust Kris gege" She sighed.

"I will always be here for you no matter what.......because I have always loved you and i always will' I said by whispered the last part softly.

"What did you say at the end?" she asked getting closer to me.

"nothing i said I always got your back as long as you have mine." I lied.

"Of course I'll have your back........ I have everyones back but no one has mine" She whispered the last part but i heard and felt the strings on my heart tug a little.


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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
pinkypn #6
Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
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Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!