Chapter 24

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that


Your POV:

I told Baehyun i was going to sleep so i shut off my light and laid down my back facing the door.

Truth is that my nightmares have stopped... but when they come back its like when i was little all over again. i hated it.

But should i stay??

Taecyang needs me though.

Whatever I'll call him tomorrow during lunch at school.

I soon fell asleep.


Stupid alarm, stupid school, stupid waking up in the early morning to learn things i have already learned.

I should be studying with the seniors... well with my brother too since hes a senior and Luhans a junior.

But nope kris wouldnt let me!! He said i neeed to be normal.

~~~ Flashback~~

"Gege should score a perfect on the entrance test soo i can be in your class?" I asked. Taecyang made me study like a lot!! When i was training with him. He said I should be studying things that are 10x harder for me. I agreed.

Kris knows that i can still have it easy when im in the Senior class keke.

My level is passed a college graduate.

"No!! remeber?? N-O-R-M-A-L!!!!" he said slowly.

"Well its gonna be too easy for me" I bluntly stated.

"Whatever i dont care you need to socialize with people in your group"

"But they arent very smart" I smirked.

"You better miss 80 questions out of 120 so you can be in your grade. Arraso??" he said.

"Fine whatever" I said and went to take the test.

I got my score and i  made sure i missed 80.

"Good job! You actually listened" he said and patted my head.

"..." i gave him a 'shut the up or i'll you up' look.

~~~ End of Flash back~~~

I got ready and changed into the stupid uniform!


this is what it looks like....:

korean-school-uniform6.jpgGross right??

Its stupid and short!! :P


I walked down.... wait no i stomped downstairs.

"Woah someones cranky" kai said looking up from his breakfast.

"Who the wears stupid uniforms now????!?! It the god damn 21st century!! This is like the ancient 15th century!! Im pretty sure we dont live in that ing time." I said and sta down on my chair waiting fot my food.

Baekhyun gave me my food.

"Looks good on you" he smirked knowing i didnt like it.

"Whatever yours looks terrible on you" i smiled a little.

"Ouch that hurts. Im gonna get a heart attack if you keep hurtung me here" he said pointing to his heart.

"Pshhh whatever!" i said and slapped his arm.

"Hurry and eat i need to show you around the school so lets go early.'' Baekhyun smiled.

"I thought Sooman told me to show her around?" kai butted in.

"No he told me" Sehun also came into the kitchen.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"I'll get it" kai said standing up.

"Taemin hyung? What are you doing here?" kai asked confused.

"Uh Sooman told me to show Alex around the school soo i came early to pick her up" taemin beamed.

"Hyung come in" Kai said.

Taemin and Kai walked to the table And everyone stared at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Did you know we are all showing you around school?" Kai said.

"Nooo?" i said raising a brow.

"Well are now" taemin said.

"Okay lets go" I said grabbing my stuff.

"You didnt even touch your food" baekhyun said a little sad.

"im not hunggry but thank you" I said and put my shoes on.

We were approaching the school now and it was pretty big.

A bunch of screaming girls were at the gates waiting for someone.

"Why are they soo annoying and waiting there?" I slipped.

!!! Im soo dead... how did i let that slip??

"Fan girls?? Cuz were Kingkas?" Sehun said eyeing me.

"I knew that i was just kidding hehe.... hehe... i was uh... yeah testing you and you guys passed" I laughed dryly.

"Ok" baekhyun said.

We were walking into the gate... the boys were all around me.

They made a path as if the guys were some kind of god or something.

When they saw me everyone started to whisper.

"IS she the new girl??" "How does she already have them around her?" "what a acting like she owns the school" Shes ugly"  "Wow what a joke" "grrr shes stealing all of our oppassss"

"Dont mind them" taemin whispered in my ear.

I scoffed.

"Why would I? Just a bunch of losers" I smirked.

"Thats my girl" Taemin said and ruffled my hair.

"Who said i was your girl??" I asked.

"Me just now" he beamed.

"Whatever" i replied.

We soon got to the school and they all showed me around and blah blah blahhhhh.

The bell rang signaling for us to go to our separate classes.

But kai here followed me since we have th same class!!!


He walked into class first and bowed to the teacher.

Awweee isnt her niceee???? NOT!!

I walked in and took a seat anywhere since everyone was still in the groups with eachother talking.

The second bell hasnt rang yet soo i just chilled in my seat.

I looked over at Kai and he was with like a group of girls they were trying to flirt with him.

He looked annoyed but still smiled.

When he caught me looking he mouthed 'help me'

I just gave him the finger and smiled.

RING! RING! RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The second bell rang everyone went to their seats.

A shadow casted over me and i saw the girl that was with kai earlier.

"Can i help you?" I asked bluntly.

"You're in a my seat." She said arrogantly.

"Really?" I said annoyed.

"yeah now get out" She said a little louder.

"I would love to if this was really your seat" I smirked.

She was fuming right now.

Puahaha this is getting fun.

"Well its my seat now get the out." She said angry.

"wheres your name? I dont see a name here all is says is that this is school property. You dont own the seat neither its in your poccession" I stood up and smirked in her face.

"Do you know who i am?" She asked.

"No but do you know how i am?" I retorted.

"Ughhh you're a pathetic loser and im the damn queenka! I can make your life into a living hell!" She screamed.

"GO ahead I dare you too" I smirked.

Soon the entire class was whispering.

I cant believe the teacher left when she came up to me.

Stupid teacher.

"Ughhhhh you are soo annoying!" She screamed sitting in the only seat left in the front.

"look whose talking" I laughed.

She remained silent.

Soon the teacher came in.

"Hello class welcome back! We have a new student in our class today" She beamed.

"Please come up and introduce yourself."

Awww !

I went up and put on my best act.

"Hello Im Alex Wu! I hope we can all be friends? And take care of me" I beamed and sat back down.

As I began leaving my post i heard all the guys howl and whistle.

The stuck out her foot for me to trip.... BUT nigga is dumb.

I stepped on top of it and put all my weight on her leg and smiled.

"OWWWW! What the loser!" She screamed.

"Now now Hye Mi you shouldnt be complaining since you purposely put your foot out" The teacher said smiling to me. I smiled back at her.

She cursed silently.

She got on with class.

You know? I never even met the person who sits next to me.

So i looked cuz im curious.

It was this decent looking girl with her head down.

"Yah are you sleeping?" I poked her.

she shook her head and passed me a note.

' you're really brave to do that you know but now you're going to be the target of te entire school! The kingkas are going to gain up on you and you really are gonna live in hell. I've seen it before.'

I replied back.

'Its fine i can manage myself. No biggie. And since you've seen it what have they done?'

' They beat you up everyday after school and try to find ways to humiliate you and you'll be a loner. the Kingkas of all grades will be worse once they find out you're the target"

' Dont worry about it! Btw whats your name?'

' its Minah '

'well you already know me... so lets be friends?'

Why am i being soo nice??

Maybe becasue she looks harrassed by that whose name is Hye Mi.

ewww such an ugly name.

'Sure but please dont pull me in your fights.. i get harrassed by Hye Mi already in this class im glad you took her seat'

I just nodded and soon another note was passed to me.

'Whyd you do that?'

I looked at who it was i turned around and saw a guy telling me to open it up.

'Shes annoying?? Idgaf if shes a queenka or not'

'Niccee dont worry! Since you seem nice I'll tell my friends that are kingkas as well not to bully you so you have to worry about.

By the way in Chunji'

'Okay thanks. Nice to meet you'

'So were chingus now right? (:'


And with that the convo ended.

Class was over i packed up and headed to the door.

"WAIT" I heard to people yell.

I looked back and saw Kai glaring at the guy who became my friend.

whats his name???

"Alex wait for me I'll walk with you." he said hurrying up to catch up with me.

"No im taking her" Kai said and went beside me.

"Okay see yeah then and bye hyung" he said and went off.

"Go away i can handle myself." I sshook his arm off.

"Whatever if you get beaten up dont call for help." he said and went to his locker.

"Like i would need it' I scoffed.

I went and opened my locker to gt my books out.

I closed my locker and saw the there.

"What do you want?" i raised my brow at her.

Im not scared of you !

"We wanna show you a lesson with backing talking to others." She smirked. "Girls get her."

This is gonna be fun.

They tried to pin me and punch me into my locker but i doged them.

I punched one of them in the jaw and broke it.

oops i think a little too much force.

" your soo going to get it!" Another girl said and i kicked her in the stomach and she flew 10 ft away from me.

I was getting a crowd.

the other one ran away. ANd all was left is Hye Mi.

She scoffed.

"You can beat them up but you cant do to me." she smirked and snapped her fingers.

All the Kingas showed up.

They knew about this from her.

I will kill her!!!

"Get her" she pointed at me.

"Puahahaha you think that they are gonna fight me??" I laughed.

"Well they all have been in this for a while. Have you heard the last girl who sassed me? She couldnt take it and she moved across the entire world. You cant stop me when i have them." She smirked.

"Wow you really are a and an annoying, stupid one" I laughed.

The Kingas that knew me which was more than half of them looked at me with wide eye.

"What did you just say?" She was furious i tell her.

She had like smoke coming out of her ears.

"You think that my brother is going to turn against me?? PWahahahaha. Damn go get a life or fight your own fights. And you started one with me. Scared to fight me? Is that why you have to get all these kingkas to do the dirty work for you? You're such a " i rolled my eyes.

"ohohohohohohohhhooooooooo" everyone said.

"Whose your brother?" She asked shocked her plan back fired.

"kris gege" I stated.

"H-h-h-him??" She stuttered.

"Suprised?" I smirked. "Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Byee" I said and walked away.



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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
pinkypn #6
Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
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Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!