Chapter 15

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

I walked out thinking of my evil plan for tonight. I was walking not knowing which way to go but i let my feet walk wherever it wanted to take me.

To the park? The gym? The beach? I dont care.

I needed to be alone.

away from chaos.

"Aish i keep coming up with things that end up hurting them!!' I yelled in fustration.

I looked around and i was at the rooftop.

Eh no one was around.

I walked around and found a room.

It was pretty rusty and its looked like no one new about it since plants practically hid the door.

i opened the door and saw.........

a dance room.

I was really old and dusty.

So i snuck down to the cleaning closet and took all the supplies back up to the rooftop.

I had trouble finding it again.

Since there were soo many plants covering other stuff.

Hmmm where was it again?

Ah found it!

I opened it and the light.

it was dim and only one worked.

Good thing I brought a flash ligth and some new light bulbs.

So once i had the lights up everything seemed to just need a few ficing up here and there and cleaning was needed A LOT!!!

I thought of my evil idea that doesnt hurt ANYONE!! mwahahahahahahhahaaaha.

imma stay up here and not go back cuz this place is sick!!

Its freaking amazing. But gotta clean now!!!

6 hours passed................. 11 p.m.

Whew got it done and it looks AMAZING!!!!


^^ what it looks

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSldxa3anLdgwhfWoH3BMc<< with those curtains

hero_boston.png<<< with that piano inside

gahhhh imma rest i did a lot of work today!!

i layed down on the cool floor.

I got up again and decided to go out on the rooftop with the chairs and enjoy the night.

before i went i looked through the windows to see if anyone was there.

It was hard to see with all the plants in the way.

I just went out seeing it was clear and sat on one of the chairs.

"Ahh this feels nice!! No one here and i can just think." i sighed.

My phone was buzzing like crazy and they were text messages from everyone:

To: Alexxx :D

Yah where are you everyones been looking for you! All day we've checked everywhere!!

Come back :( I miss you

P.s. This is Donghae Oppa~ I got your number from Kris.. well everyone did!! :DDD Now we can text all the time!!

Where are you?!?!

From: Donghae (I put everyones number in my phone when i read it)

To:Lexxxa ;D

YAH!! Where are you!! Your Boyfriend is worried about you!! Tell us where you are!! Are you okay?!?

Come back!! 3

From: Sehun

Pfft we arent even going out dip!

To:Mei mei



From: Brudahh

Nigga i aint scared of you cuss at me all you want you aint getting me! .

To: Mei

hey its Amber! Where are you im so worried about you. You just disappeared!. Come back safe please and dont stress your gege out and just tell us where you are.

From: Amber (A/n: the from part is where you put peoples name they didnt change it for you)

MEI?!?!?! WTF?!?! I barely know her!! This bish pleaseeeeeee!!!!

To: Alex

hey its baekhyun(: where are you?

From: Baekhyun

This guy is normal!! THANK THE LORD!!!!!!!!!

To: Alexie!! :]]]

Hey its Luhan. Where in the world are you?? we've been searching for you for about 5 hours!!!!!! You're gonna be dead with your brother when you come back home.

From: Luhan

WTF!!! is Alexie????? and yes luhan telling me im dead when iget home is soooo gonna make me tell you where i am. YESSS CUZ THATS EXACTLY GONNA BRING ME HOME -______________________________________-

To: Ice princess >:P

yah get home or just stay wherever you are so we can come get you and go home! Damn first insult me now just disappear? You're ing dumb!! What if you get kidnapped? Huh? Pabo!! Where are you?!!!!

P.s. its kai.


Your stupid why dont you loook on the rooftop and if you guys think you know me soo effin well then you would know the damn rooftop tard!!.

Nigga if i get kidnapped?!?!?! IF I GET KIDDNAPPED?!?!? IF I FAWKING GET FAWKING KIDNAPPED?!?!?! then there would a man dead killed by 15 yr old girl on the DAMN news smart one!!!

P.s. its Kai?? dont fluffin 'its kai' me you head!!

the rest was everyone else asking me where i was and all that anyways..... if they havent noticed i am now playing hie and seek:))))

EHEHEHEHEEHEHE im such a beast.


What the holy !!

300 messages in like 10 minutes????!!!!!!

Are they crazy?? to blow up my phone???

Annoying bastards.

Narrators POV:

At the SM building lobby.............

"Yah have you had any luck calling her or texting her??" Kris asked worriedly.

They all shook their heads no.

Amber was about to cry because she still loved you a lot like her own sister.

Taemin, Sehun, Kai, Baekhyun, and Luhan were worried out of their minds.

Alex where could you be?? Please be safe. Wait for me to come. everyone thought.

But no one knew Alex was just above their heads stare gazing.


SUBSCRIBE!!!!! COMMENT!!!! Do something to let me know if im doing a good job or a bad job. Anything?? Hmmmmm how do you guys feel about Kai now entering?? Hmm?? Anything?? I would also like to thank those who have subscribed to my story!! (: And i reallly do appreciate it when you guys comment!! i really do whwen i see you guys comment it makes me happy you guys have no idea. It ALSO motivates me to update A LOT FASTER!! as well so COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!! :DDDD

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
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Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
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