Chapter 1

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

"Sooo your telling me that i have to live with you and those.... how do i say this.. other people you call "friends"???" i asked my brother on the phone.

"yes you do and BE NICE!! Theyre my friends!!" Kris said.

OH MY GAWDDD!!! da fuggg blehhh~

"OH MYYY fine whatever i'll go JUST FOR YOU!! Okay?! you happy bruddahh? well whatever Byeeeee" I said to my brother.

Well lets see I know you guys probably think the way i acted was rude but I think its very acceptable by the fact that i had to live on my own for 4 flippin years :P. Anyways he got his manager to agree on letting me stay with them BUT on one condition I have to be their assitant. Like you know get them waterever they need when we go place.

I accepted the offer because then i wont have to be stuck in their dorm 24/7 so fans dont KILL ME!!

Ahaha i think thats kinda funny because most of my friends call me the Ice princess! Yeah i kind of grown attched to the title so intend on keeping it.

Okay enough about me I GOTTA PACKKK!! Kris is coming in 2 hours

>>> done with the packing and stuff>>>>>


"Comming!! I swear if you ring the doorbell again im gonna eff you up!!!!" I yelled.

I swearrrr doorbells annoy the chizz outta me like dayum you only need to ring it once blehh~

I opened the door and my brother and his friends were at my door. I just glared at Kris because he ESPECIALLY knows i get annoyed of the stupid door bell. I saw him snickering with his friends.

Dammit Kris your soo dead.

"Oh soo your the famous Allison Wu" One dude said with a smirk.

"My names Alex not Allison" i said coldly

"Wait you changed it?" Kris asked shocked.

"Noooooooooo i didnt change it cuz my original name is Allison and now my name is Alex" i said sarcastically. Dude im soo not going to show my soft side to his friends. Kris knows i only show him when were alone.:P Sorry but i dont like looking weak nor feeling weak so im just naturally cold to everyone.

"Geezz kris your sister is not so nice like you explained she seems cold" the one with a baby face said.

Kris scratched his neck. "Well once you get to know her shes nice i guess"

"Whatever so do you guys wanna help me with my stuff? or what?" i said with a blank face on

"Someones got an attitude problem" A guy with huge owl eyes said to me.

"AHA I dont have an attitude problem. yes i have AN attitude that you have a problem with. Thats not my problem" i said with a sly smirk and loaded the rest of my stuff in the trunk.

"ALLISON!! These are my friends!! Show some respect will you?" Kris told me well more like yelled at me.

"No can do AJUSSI!! i dont even know their names." i said and stuck my tongue out at him and ran straight to the car in the very back with a small smile from remembering the time we used to tease eachother. Looking back at it it made me smile a little bit but good thing no one was in the car yet. whew.

soon they all gathered into the car and it was a queit ride to their dorm. it seemed like evryone was thinking about something but im not the type to go into peoples lives so i just kept quiet as well.

>>>> 30 mintues >>>>>>

Waeee is it soo quiet?!?! Wait Alex Wu stop right there----- why are you even complaining?!?! shouldnt you be happy? just continue to look out the window until we arrive.

So i listen to my other side and continue to look out the window but now and then some of the members keep glanceing at me.



Mannnnnn okay calm down...... shieeettt im going crazzzy im even talking to myself.

Dude creepy boy calm yo and stop starring at me!! Yo what if i stared at you all throughout this ride?! hmm?? i bet you feel like how im feeling ... yeah thats rigth look away punk looooooooook aaawwwwwaaaaaayyyyy. Damn.

Kris POV:

Allison has changed soo much she seems unreadable but she was always unreadable. But this time is different. This time i cant even read her. She seems colder and distance....... she seems like a whole different person. What happened these past 4 years while i was gone?? But i know my sister is still there when she teased me. At least she is still here even though she has changed.

Other EXO Thoughts: (since i havent introduced the people yet i'll just tell you their thoughts)

"Dude kris Hyung's sister is really pretty"

"Omg shes gorgous but her personality isnt looks like she changed A LOT from Kris' Hyung description of her"

"Is she really like that? But Kris hyung said she was nice, caring, and could make anyone smile when she smiles. Evrything around her comes alive and back to color when you're with her. But shes the opposite of everything hyung said. Did something happen to her??"

"shes soo mean"

"WTF!!!!! DID SHE JUST- SHE- JUST WHAT?!?!-- OMG she did!!!"

" are you serious?! shes cold and rude and mean! Are you sure shes hyung's sister?"

"She looks familiar for some reason. But what if its her?? No it cant be ughhh i cant stop starung at her. NO it can't can her"


Heyy so this like my first time writting a fanfiction(:

I really dont have everything planned out for this story but i'll try to update a lot since its summer vacation WOOT WOOT!!!

Also this story is just FICTION!! And i like Exo soo if there are some insults by the character towards some memebers REMEBER ITS HER PERSONALITY!! aha

Comment, subscribe, and advice is appreciated(: aha soo just do whatever makes you happy(:

<3 Blackgem

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
pinkypn #6
Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
Hannashh #7
Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!