Chapter 22

My Guardians


“This isn’t right, we all know that. KwangMi isn’t supposed to be Queen.” Sungjong guiltily said.

“But we never got orders from KwangJoo t-” Dongwoo started, but Sunggyu cut him off.

“He died so suddenly, what was he supposed to do Dongwoo? We did the wrong thing.”

“Then why don’t we just tell them?” Woohyun asked.

“Because, KwangMi is queen and she would give up her throne. Then a whole other problem would arise. ” L responded.

“He might convince her not to though.” Sungyeol pointed out. Sungyeol brought up a good point, but the council always over thought things and an argument began. Suho, who was just heading upstairs after his own wild day of pleasing guests, overheard the commotion in the meeting room. He went over there to check out what was going on. He opened the door and the arguing stopped almost immediately.

“What are you all screaming about?” Suho said tiredly. He scanned the room and found that KwangMi wasn’t there.

“You’re not supposed to have a meeting without the Queen. It’s against the law. You all know that.” Suho said sternly.

“Well, this doesn’t concern the Queen.” Sunggyu lied.

Everything involves the Queen. What are you hiding?” Suho asked harshly. The council members refused to answer and looked away. Suho found it the right time to ask them he question that was eating him alive.

“Let me put it more specifically then: What do you know about Lay and KwangMi?” Suho asked a bit annoyed. The council looked at Suho shocked, both at his attitude and his question.

“W-Why would you think we would know something about Lay and KwangMi?” Sungjong stuttered.

“When Kai asked why they were always around each other you looked like you knew something; all of you.”

“Well, it’s been a long day for all of us. We should all get some sleep.” Sunggyu said getting up and leaving quickly. The council followed him out of the room. Suho sighed too tired to go after them or to even stop them from leaving. He walked up to his room, dragging his tired legs across the floor.  His room was dark, but he could see Sehun fast asleep. He finally changed out of the clothes he’d been wearing the whole day. He wore more comfortable clothes and heard a knock on the door. Suho let a small outburst of anger escape from his mouth. Sehun stirred in his sleep causing Suho to stop making noise.

“What?” He tiredly answered the door. Suho saw Sungjong nervously standing before him.

“I need to tell you something.” Sungjong quickly said.

“Okay, go ahead. I’m all ears.” Suho said still uninterested.

“Can I come in? If I get caught by Sunggyu hyung, I would get into a lot of trouble.” Suho quizzically looked at Sungjong, but still gestured for Sungjong to come in.

“We have to be quiet; Sehun is a pretty light sleeper.” Suho said.

“You’re right Lay and KwangMi do have a relationship.” Sungjong alleged.

“Really?!” Suho whispered in surprise. “What kind of relationship?”

“I can’t tell you, but KwangJoo knew and he had to have left something about it. You should check around his room; something has to be there." Sungjong walked towards the door ready to leave.

“Why can't you tell me?” Suho said halting Sungjong from leaving.

“If I got caught somehow, I would be killed for disobeying Kwangjoo.” Sungjong said.

“Wh-” Suho started but Sungjong put his hand up, showing Suho he should stop talking.

“I've already more than I was supposed to I have to go now.” Sungjong said as he opened the door and left the room. Suho made sure the room door was securely closed and headed off to sleep.

‘What are they to each other?’ Suho thought drifting off to sleep.

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love the ff! <3
Chapter 42: Jjang! Hehe, I thought Kai fell inlove with D.O. Hahahahahahaha xD Anyways thus is a great story author-nim! (Y)
Eunki23 #3
Chapter 42: Ahhh...
This story ^^
Thank you for this story
I really love it, i crying in class when read jongin part :'
New reader here!
bombomi #5
Chapter 21: OH! sequel pleaseee
bombomi #6
Chapter 21: love this story so much!!!
Chapter 42: So sweet I love this story
Love kyungsoo and kwangmi
Thank u for great story
Chapter 42: sequel juseyo author-nim??? :))
Chapter 42: This was a great fanfic. Thank you. You should DEFINITELY make a sequal when you have the time to! It ended to soon and abrupt.

Aw, I can't believe it's the end! It was such a good story!!