Lee Sungmin

Rumored Love Story


“Hey Sungmin, would you date me if I didn’t have Pearl?”

“Meaning?” He lets out a soft chuckle.

“Would you let me love you?”

He tapped his lips with his forefinger, and then smiles. “If you’d buy me ice cream every day, probably.” 

“I got the money.”

Sungmin frowns at the latter. “Are you ing joking with me right now? Do you know how much calories I’ve already consumed just in this one ice cream cone?!” He holds up the ice cream cone in front of Kyuhyun’s face for emphasis. “There’s 300 calories in this yummy piece of !”

“Stop cursing, damn.”

“You just cursed!”

Kyuhyun chuckles at him and had said not another word until they had finished eating the ice cream. He takes a glance at the store’s owner, and she smiles at him. She probably can hear him and Kyuhyun bickering so loudly every time they come here. He wouldn’t be surprised if she kicks them out one day.

The lady walks up to them, and pats their shoulders. “You guys make such a good couple.”

“We’re not a couple,” Kyuhyun and Sungmin said in unison.

“Well, then you’ll make such a good couple, how about that?” She said, then smiled at them. “I’m glad that I have cute customers like you two. It’s not every day that I get a pair of friends bickering like there’s no tomorrow.”

“We’re not friends,” Kyuhyun and Sungmin said in unison once again.

“Would you stop copying me?” Sungmin snaps at Kyuhyun.

“I will when you do,” Kyuhyun snaps back. “I’m sorry about my classmate here. He has a lot of problems these days that’s why I’m taking him out for ice cream. I’m glad that your ice cream can make him forget his problems for a little while.” Kyuhyun stands up from his seat, and grabs Sungmin’s wrist. “We’ll be leaving now, thank you.”

Of course, they both didn’t forget to flash the owner a smile before leaving, but Sungmin found it rude for Kyuhyun to pull him out the store like that. It was cold, and he wasn’t done eating his ice cream. Kyuhyun’s grip on his wrist was getting tighter as he lets him pull him to the guy’s car.

“Kyuhyun, it hurts,” he complains with a frown. The guy didn’t respond because he was too busy pulling him. “Kyuhyun, what’s wrong?”

Kyuhyun suddenly stops. He lets go of Sungmin’s wrist, and starts walking, leaving Sungmin behind. Sungmin his head to one side and watches the tall guy walk to his car. He could tell that the guy is thinking deeply about something. He doesn’t really want to know why; he just hopes that it’s not about him again.

He walks closer to Kyuhyun, who was now leaning on his car, and leans as well.

“Is it me again?” Kyuhyun shakes his head. “You’re not feeling well?”

“Sungmin, what would you feel if your mother had left you when you were a child?” Kyuhyun interrogated him.

He somewhat shivered at the question. He thinks about his answer while biting down on the ice cream cone. “I think I’d be sad, I mean, who would want their mother to disappear from their life, right? I would probably look for her, just to see if she wants me back, but then again, she probably won’t since she left me in the first place. Why are you asking me this?”

“Is it fun… having a mother?”

Sungmin giggles. “It’s only me and my mom. She’s the only one I have right now.”

“Where’s your dad?”

“You don’t have to know.” Sungmin pops the last bit of the ice cream cone in his mouth, and then proceeds to open Kyuhyun’s passenger door. “I would like to go home now, please?”

Kyuhyun sighs. “To your house we go.”




The following day wasn’t much of a difference.

He really just wanted to get this week over with. He wished that there was some type of magic that could fast forward to when his baby is already out and that they’re already having a wonderful life together, but it’s impossible.

He walks up to the front desk where his teacher was sitting down, and hands in the test that he had just finished. He went back to his seat and watches as the rest of the class started finishing up. He was always the one who finished first during a test. It wasn’t because he was rushing. He simply just knew every answer for the questions on the top of his head.

Tests are easy once you get the hang of it. He treats tests as if it’s his mortal enemy; no, not like Kyuhyun.

When the bell rang for lunch, he asks Henry to accompany him to the clinic so he could drink his medicine in there.

Instead of finding three nurses in the clinic, he finds three nurses and one student, which of course was Kyuhyun.

“Fancy meeting you here,” Sungmin greeted to Kyuhyun, who in return scoffed at him.

“Oh, Sungmin, I’m so excited for it to come!” Nurse Krystal exclaimed.

“I can tell,” Henry muttered.

Nurse Amber shakes her head while she hands the medicine to Sungmin. “You know, Krystal, it’s not coming until June when we don’t have school.”

“Then that means we’ll be back in the hospital! I might even get to help to bring it out into this world!” Nurse Krystal said, watching Sungmin gulp down the last of his medicines. “Have you been feeling any pain, Sungmin?”

Sungmin shakes his head.

Would pain in the heart be acceptable?

Would the pain of Donghae leaving him count?

Would the pain of the thought that this baby will never get to see the guy who created him count?

“I need to go to the restroom,” Sungmin suddenly said. He dashed out of the clinic, and ran to the nearest restroom. He checked if there was anybody in the stalls, when he found no one, he locked the restroom door. He leans forward on one of the sinks, and started breaking down in tears.

 He was hurt, deeply hurt. He was thinking about Donghae again. He was thinking about the guy who made him happy. He was thinking about the guy who chose to chase after him for almost five years. He was thinking about the guy who gave him love notes. He was thinking about the guy who accepted him for who he was. He was thinking about the guy who made love to him and showed him how much he loved him.

Five years of chasing, a month being in a relationship and this is all he gets? A broken heart?

“Lee Donghae, why couldn’t you have stayed with me?” Sungmin cries. He looks in the mirror and cries even more. He looked absolutely pathetic. He’s crying over a guy that didn’t even care about the poor thing that’s growing in him. He’s crying over a guy who left him when he needed him the most.

When will he stop crying over him? When will he stop crying over Lee Donghae?

“Sungmin?” He turns his head towards the door. “Sungmin?”

It was Kyuhyun’s voice.

Along with the knocks that Kyuhyun made, Sungmin wipes off the tears on his face and decides to open the door. He wasn’t able to look at Kyuhyun at all because the guy had decided to hug him.

Sungmin was both physically and mentally tired already. He didn’t even have the strength to push Kyuhyun away. He just wanted to hold onto something, and that something became Kyuhyun. He wasn’t even able to fight back the tears anymore. He poured out all of his feelings on Kyuhyun’s uniform. He was embarrassed, so embarrassed that he is now crying on Donghae’s bestfriend’s chest. He is crying in front of Kyuhyun, the guy that was against his and Donghae’s relationship from the beginning.

He should’ve listened to his mom.

He should’ve listened to Henry.

He should’ve listened to Kyuhyun.

But no, he was stupid enough not to listen. He was blinded by that stupid thing called love. He was blinded by Donghae’s charms.

“K-Kyuhyun… I-I-I don’t know anymore… I don’t… I’m so t-tired…” he sobbed through Kyuhyun’s soaked shirt. He felt Kyuhyun hug him tighter. He heard Kyuhyun hush him with his soft voice.

“I’m still here, Sungmin. I’m still here,” Kyuhyun told him. “I won’t leave, and I promise you that.”

Sungmin looks up at him. He shakes his head, and then sniffs. “But what if you’re not the one that I want to be here? What if you’re not what I need right now? What if I want Donghae back? What if I want him to be here and be worried for our baby? I want Donghae, Kyuhyun, not you.”

Kyuhyun carefully pushed him away. At the same time, he realized what he had said. He made a mistake.

“Kyuhyun, I didn’t mean it that way…”

Kyuhyun sighs at him with a smile. “Of course you didn’t. I understand what you mean. I’m going to go eat lunch now.”

He made a horrible mistake. He didn’t mean to say that to Kyuhyun. God knows he didn’t. It was the sudden spur of the moment. It was a moment that Donghae had completely taken over his mind.

He walks out of the hallway and finds Heechul staring right at him.

He sniffs one more time, and then smiled at the guy. “Hi, Heechul.”

“You’ve been so strong all these time, Sungmin,” Heechul said, then walked up to him to pat his shoulder. “It’s been a month since Donghae has been gone. You’re doing such a great job.”

Sungmin wasn’t really paying attention to Heechul. He was more preoccupied by the fact that he needs to find Kyuhyun and talk to him right now. “Heechul, did you see Kyuhyun?”

“Why are you looking for Kyuhyun?” Heechul asks him, eyebrows rose in confusion.

“I just said something to him that I wasn’t supposed to say. I’m worried.”

“Oh, something like he shouldn’t be the one that’s taking care of you and your baby? Something like, it should be Donghae?” Heechul questioned with a smirk. “You’ve been hiding something from all of us all this time, Lee Sungmin?”

“Heechul, it’s not what you think—“

“Ah, isn’t that what they all say?”

“Heechul, please—“

Heechul shushes him. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”


“I want to know, Sungmin, if you know how much Kyuhyun cares for you. I want to know why him being by your side is still not enough. I bet you anything you don’t even know what he did just so he can convince me that he has to stay by your side. Oh, how much I wish you’d know. But I won’t tell you, I’ll leave Kyuhyun to that.”

“W-What do you mean?”

Heechul shrugged. “I have to go. I need to find someone and talk to them.”

What did Kyuhyun do for him?

Why does Heechul want Kyuhyun to stay away from him?




“Lee Sungmin?”

He looks up from the bench, and finds it unbelievably weird that he’s seeing Pearl So standing right in front of him with a smirk on her face.

“Yes?” He confusedly asked.

“You’re one lucky piece of .”

“E-Excuse me?”



What did he do now? 





(A/N): Author has school again /sigh/ I was having so much fun during the break. I forgot all about homework lol my classmates and I used "teamwork" to finish all of it during classes today XDDDDD 

Boring chapter, I know. Writer's block? Hmm... eureiwrhwkerjqkrj sorry sorry :\ I'm just glad that I'm not typing Physics formulas in this story lol everything in my head seems to be about school right now. It , but ehhh HWAITINGGGG ^^ 

It's getting colder here. I wish it'd start snowing -___- I also wish for my readers to stay healthy, okay? :D Have an awesome day my loves~~~~ *yawns*

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Pls continue the story
maefrancekim26 #2
wahh still waiting for updates authornim
maefrancekim26 #3
Chapter 21: my fave haeminxkyumin so farrrr daebakkkkk great story and plot
auwchris2775 #4
Chapter 7: Awesome story author nim !!!
Chapter 36: Just found this story, I love it! I can't wait until the next chapter!
QMiniSa #6
Chapter 36: قoh my God
i want this compliteeeeee TT.TT
im sure there must be some perfect kyumins moment in this in future TT.TT
QMiniSa #7
Chapter 10: where was the kiss scene sungmin talked about !?
on the cheeck by kyuhyun
Kateee #8
Chapter 36: OMG You're back, im crying so hard ;;;;;
Chopumpkin #9
Chapter 36: i'm all in to the next update
Chopumpkin #10