Cho Kyuhyun

Rumored Love Story


“I thought he was going out with Pearl?”

“I know right. What is he doing with Sungmin?”

“Is he cheating on Pearl?”

“He should just give Pearl to me if all he’s going to do is be a stupid playboy.”

“But, Kyuhyun is not gay. He can’t possibly cheat on Pearl with Sungmin.”

“You might never know.”

Kyuhyun had enough of the gossiping around him. He glared at every single one of the students in the hallway, and then proceeded to his locker.

Patience, they don’t know anything, he silently thought.

Sungmin, who quietly followed behind him, tapped him on the shoulders, and when he turned around, the small guy smiled at him. “Maybe they’re right. I’ll be fine by my own here in school. You don’t have to accompany me everywhere I go. I’ll be fine.”

“Don’t listen to them, okay? They’re just a bunch of gossipers who doesn’t know anything else but to make stupid rumors about people in this school. They’re the reasons why people in this school break up anyway,” Kyuhyun spat. “Come on, I’ll take you to your class.”


“No buts, Sungmin.” Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s wrist, and led him to his first class which was only down the hallway. “If you need me, don’t hesitate to ask Mr. Choi for a pass to come to my class. I already had a talk with him.”

“You talked to Mr. Choi?! For what?! You didn’t have to do that! I told you, I’ll be fine! Stop treating me like a baby!” Sungmin snaps at him. “You’re not my father to be caring about me this much, okay?! You have a girlfriend that you should be treating like this instead of me!”

“For what?! Of course just in case you faint again! Do you even know how worried I was when Henry ran to my class to tell me that you fainted in Ms. Hwang’s class?! Stop treating you like a baby? Well if you would stop acting like a baby, then I wouldn’t be treating you like one!” Kyuhyun snapped back.

Before Sungmin could yell at him back, Mr. Choi showed up at the door, and cleared his throat. “Don’t you guys think it’s too early in the morning for you guys to be bickering like this in the hallway?”

“Sorry, Mr. Choi,” Sungmin said.

“Me too,” Kyuhyun chimes.

“I’ll let you know if something happens, Mr. Cho,” Mr. Choi told him with a grin.

“Sungmin,” he suddenly called out. The guy stepped out in the hallway once again with a huge frown on his face. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I’m just really worried about you. I hope you understand.”

Sungmin was looking down when he nodded at him, and for a while, he thought he saw a lone tear escape from the corner of Sungmin’s eye. Sungmin didn’t wait for another word for him, and went in his classroom. He wanted to stop him from leaving because he wanted to see if he had made him cry.

Hoping that he didn’t, he started walking towards his classroom.

When he got to his seat, a raging Choi Sooyoung approached him. She slammed her books on his table which made him cringe at the sound.

“So, I’ve been hearing that you’re dating that , Pearl. Is it true?” Sooyoung bellowed.

Kyuhyun looks up at Sooyoung, and then smirks. “It’s none of your business.”

“It is my business; I’m your last girlfriend before you started dating her!”

“Look, Sooyoung, you should’ve asked people about me first before you started dating me. One thing you should know about me is that you should never fall for me. I’m a playboy. It’s my job to please girls. You are new to this school. When I asked you out, only one thing came into my mind, which was to make you popular because you’re dating the number one playboy in this school.” Kyuhyun cleared his throat. “Now, if you don’t mind, get the out of my face before I do it.”

Sooyoung scrambled back to her seat.

Kyuhyun heaves a deep sigh.

He’s stressed out.

 He had to balance schoolwork, Sungmin, and now Pearl together. Screw Heechul for not trusting him in anything he does.

He would just tell Heechul and Hangeng about Sungmin’s situation, but then he needs to ask Sungmin first.

Oh the dilemma!

Kyuhyun buries his head in his hands, and loudly grunts for everyone in the classroom to hear.




“Hey bro!” He looks up and sees Hangeng approaching him with a bottle of orange juice. Hangeng hands him the orange juice, and then smiles. “How are you doing, buddy? You look so stressed.”

“I am, and it’s all because of your wonderful boyfriend,” Kyuhyun said, twisting the cap of the bottle open. “I mean, everything was going right, and then he had to piss me off.”

Hangeng chuckles. “You know that Heechul is only worried about you. Just like how much you’re worried about Sungmin.”

Kyuhyun sighs. “I know that. It’s just…”

“It’s just that you’re helping Sungmin to protect his baby?”

Kyuhyun chokes on his orange juice. He stares at Hangeng with eyes wide open. “I- what?!”

“Oh, you guys can fool anyone in this school, but you can never ever fool me.”

“Please don’t tell anyone, Hangeng! I’m begging you!” Kyuhyun pleaded. “Please!”

“I’m not stupid, Kyuhyun! If Sungmin didn’t want to tell anyone in the first place, why should I, right? Don’t worry, his secret is safe with me. Who else knows by the way?”

Kyuhyun purses his lips. “The soccer team, and Henry.”

“How’s the baby doing lately?” Hangeng asked, face filled with concern.

“As of now, the baby is fine. It’s Sungmin that’s suffering the most because of the baby.” Kyuhyun breathes in, and then breathes out. “I’m really scared. For both of them.”

“You really care about that baby, huh?”

Kyuhyun hesitated to nod. Honestly, he’s not sure if he’s concerned about the baby or Sungmin. “Donghae asked me to take care of them.”

Hangeng shook his head with a smirk on his face. “Are you sure you’re doing this for Donghae?”

Kyuhyun smirks back at him. “ no.”




Sungmin pushes the tray of food back at him the moment he sat down.

“I’m not hungry,” the guy states.

“Stop being so stubborn,” Kyuhyun declared. “You have to eat for you-know-who.”

“Lord Voldemort is dead!”

“Shush! Don’t say his name out loud!” Kyuhyun whispers, going along with Sungmin. “Come on, eat up.”

“But I don’t want to!”

“Lee Sungmin, you’re acting like a baby again. How do you expect me not to worry about you if you act like this?” Kyuhyun said, pinching Sungmin’s nose, and when the latter opened up his mouth, he shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth. “Chew.”

“No!” Sungmin murmured, threatening to spit out the food in his mouth.

“If you spit it out, I will eat the mashed potato, and then transfer it into your mouth, would you like me to do that then?”

Sungmin gulped down the mashed potatoes in his mouth. “Stop teasing me, Cho Kyuhyun!”

“If you be a good boy, then I’d stop.”

Sungmin was already stuffing his mouth with the food in the tray. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile at the way Sungmin was eating. He was completely adorable. He could tell that both Sungmin and the baby are already hungry by the way the Sungmin is eating.

“Should I get you a bottle of water or juice?” He offered.

“Root Beer would be nice,” Sungmin replied, still stuffing his mouth with food.

“No soda for you mister. I’ll get you apple juice then.”

Sungmin scoffs at him, but then returned to eating up. When he stood up from the chair, he found Heechul standing at the door of the cafeteria looking at him with judgmental eyes. The guy didn’t seem mad, but he didn’t seem happy either. He raised his eyebrows up at him, making the guy leave. Seriously, it’s not his fault that Pearl doesn’t eat lunch to keep her wonderful figure. If she passes out, it’s not going to be his problem.

He comes back to his table with Sungmin, and smiles down at the latter for finishing up his food. “See, I knew you were hungry! Here’s your apple juice.”

“Did you eat yet?” Sungmin asks him worriedly.

“Not really, but I’m not hungry.”

“Are you sure?”


“Well anyway—“

“Kyuhyun baby!”

, the devil is here.

“Baby, can you come with me, please?” Pearl asks him.

“Where to, Pearl?” Kyuhyun deadpans.

“Library,” she said, then winked at him. Somehow, he had a feeling that they wouldn’t be in the library to check out books. He sighs.

The life of a playboy sometimes .

Kyuhyun bids Sungmin goodbye, but couldn’t help the sadness that the latter showed him. He had no choice. If he wanted to stay by his side, he has to do this.

This is all for Sungmin anyway.

All for Lee Sungmin.




Kyuhyun waits for Sungmin near the gate.

He had already told Pearl that he won’t be taking her home that day because he had an important thing to go to with Sungmin.

Alas, he found Sungmin walking down the steps of the school with his hands hooked around Henry’s. He waved his hands up in the air in order to catch their attention, and when they did, he motioned his hands for them to walk faster.

“What’s wrong?” Sungmin asks him.

“Should we go get some ice cream?” Kyuhyun suggested.

“With Pearl? No thanks,” Sungmin scoffed at him.

“Do I sense some jealousy? Hmm,” Kyuhyun teased, poking Sungmin’s sides.

Sungmin smacked Kyuhyun’s hands away, and then pulled Henry out of the gate. Kyuhyun pulls on Sungmin’s collar, making the latter almost fall back.

“What the hell is your problem?!” Sungmin yells at him. “Let go of me! I’m going home with Henry!”

“Pearl is not coming to get ice cream. She’s already home. Now, stop struggling and come with me my very jealous patient.”

“For your information, I’m not jealous! I don’t want ice cream!” Sungmin roared.

This time, Kyuhyun turns to Henry, he flashes Henry one of his teasing smirk, which he knows would melt the innocent guy’s heart. “Henry, please tell Sungmin here that I won’t leave this school until he gets in my car.”

“You know,” Henry started. “I would really really REALLY love for you guys to keep me out of the conversation. Sungmin, just go with Kyuhyun, okay? I’m leaving.”

“Henry!” Sungmin called out to his best friend, but Henry only waved at him.

“Let’s go get you that vanilla ice cream.” Kyuhyun beamed at Sungmin. “You can have three today if you want.”

“You do know that ice cream is not healthy, right?”

Kyuhyun gasped. “Who told you that?! Ice cream is very much healthy! Milk is the major ingredient used to make ice cream; milk is good for your body!”

Sungmin pushed him harshly on the chest making him stumble back, and then ran in his car.

He chuckles at the adorable guy. He could definitely live with this.

He could definitely live with Sungmin’s antics.

He could definitely live with Sungmin’s temper tantrums.

He could definitely live with Sungmin’s smile.

He could definitely live with Sungmin as his source of energy.

He could definitely live with just Sungmin being by his side. 




“Hey Sungmin, would you date me if I wasn't going out with Pearl?”


“Would you let me love you?”

“If you’d buy me ice cream every day... probably.” 





(A/N): I know a lot of people hate this story now because of Pearl. Seriously, the door is always open for you to leave. Btw, I got Pearl So from SuPearls omg they're so good in singing. So, Pearl is actually not much of an OC character. Pearl is not gonna last long either, I mean come on, I got rid of Sooyoung, right? Trust me on this one. ^^ I just really needed to remind everyone that Kyu's personality is still the same old bastard that he is. :D 

Quote: “I won’t kiss you. It might get to be a habit and I can’t get rid of habits.”

― F. Scott FitzgeraldFlappers and Philosophers

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Pls continue the story
maefrancekim26 #2
wahh still waiting for updates authornim
maefrancekim26 #3
Chapter 21: my fave haeminxkyumin so farrrr daebakkkkk great story and plot
auwchris2775 #4
Chapter 7: Awesome story author nim !!!
Chapter 36: Just found this story, I love it! I can't wait until the next chapter!
QMiniSa #6
Chapter 36: قoh my God
i want this compliteeeeee TT.TT
im sure there must be some perfect kyumins moment in this in future TT.TT
QMiniSa #7
Chapter 10: where was the kiss scene sungmin talked about !?
on the cheeck by kyuhyun
Kateee #8
Chapter 36: OMG You're back, im crying so hard ;;;;;
Chopumpkin #9
Chapter 36: i'm all in to the next update
Chopumpkin #10