Chapter 4

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love


Kyuhyun, finally awake from his nap, scanned the classroom, only to realize it was empty without a soul in sight.

"Aish, that stupid bunny left me. He's going to pay for leaving me here!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice scared the living daylights out of him and snapped him out his thoughts.

"KYUHYUN!" the voice shouted. Kyuhyun jumped from his seat, slipped from his chair, and landed flatly on his . As he was groaning in pain from the sudden attack, he glanced around, trying to locate where the voice came from. Behind the desk where he once sat in, a petite boy was sitting there as if nothing happened. 

He was small with a baby-like face, but adorable dimples when smiling. His hair was beautifully parted to the side a bit, though some strands continuously fell into his eyes. He wore a white V-neck with his black blazer and casual skinny jeans. Recognizing who the said guy was, Kyuhyun grumbled his name.

"Ryeowook?" Kyuhyun asked. 

"YAH! That's hyung for you, babo!" Ryeowook shouted in response. 

"Who are you calling babo?!" Kyuhyun replied.

"Who else?" Ryeowook responded, sticking his tongue out, then smiling afterwards. They've known each other since...well since ever. Their parents were business partners and the two of them met one day when Kyuhyun's parents visited his home. He remembered it vaguely.


"Wookie, Umma and I are going to talk to Kyuhyun's parents for a while, okay? You stay out here and play with Kyuhyun, neh?" 

"Neh, Appa!"

With that, the petite male skipped gleefully to the younger and shook his hand.

"Annyeong-haseyo! I'm Kim Ryeowook. Are you Kyuhyun?" 

"Mhmm. I'm Cho Kyuhyun." the younger replied without looking up. 

"Eh?" Ryeowook was curious as to what the other one was doing. Being the sneaky one he was, he snuck around Kyuhyun and peeked over his shoulder only to find the younger boy playing a game. 

Trying to act as cute as he could, Ryeowook pleaded, "Kyu-ah~ whatcha doing? Come play games with me!" 

Finally, Kyuhyun looked up from his DS and saw the pout and puppy face the older one was making. 

"Psh. Who does he think I am? I'm Cho Kyuhyun. I can do whatever I want."

"No." he replied coldly. However, Ryeowook wouldn't just give up then and there, and decided to think of another solution. Eventually, an idea popped into his mind, and he smirked. 

"Fine, then I won't give you my PSP that I don't use anymore." Feeling victorious, he marched off, only to hide behind a tree. He stared at the younger with eyes full of fascination. Kyuhyun was, to be honest, handsome, even for his age. At that moment, Kyuhyun looked up from his DS he was currently playing and saw Ryeowook standing behind the tree. Carefully, placing his DS on the porch steps, he walked towards the other. When he finally reached the tree, an evil idea came to his mind. 

"Wookie-ah. Come on let's go play that game, neh? And if I win you'll give me your PSP...unless you want something more afterwards," Kyuhyun announced seductively with a wink. Suddenly, Ryeowook's face because as red as a tomato. He tried to smack Kyuhyun who was laughing from amusement at how quickly the other one was responding. 


"Haha...I missed those days, Kyuhyun...I miss how close we were. "

Ryeowook was remembering how one day, a boy in elementary school had and Kyuhyun was there to support him. Also, another time, Kyuhyun found Ryeowook crying because his crush didn't like him back and comforted the younger. 

"Kyuhyun...I don't know why I'm having these feelings. I know this is wrong, but it's hard to get over them. However, I know you'll never feel the same way towards me. I know the way you look at him. The way you smile when you're with him. The way your eyes sparkle like the stars when you're with him. But, what if he already has someone? What I had a chance?" 

Smiling sadly, Ryeowook finally came back to reality. The reality where it was only him and Kyuhyun in this empty classroom of theirs. 

"Oh Kyuhyun, look at that paper I gave you. I-I have to go n-now..." 

With that, Ryeowook ran off, leaving a befuddled fox behind.

"Paper? What paper?"

Kyuhyun searched around for the said paper and found it on the floor. He opened it up and found himself face-to-face with a picture he didn't want to see. 

"Ryeowook, what are you trying to tell me..."

Pained, hurt, and sad, Kyuhyun left the classroom, searching for Ryeowook, but little did he know, he left something behind.






I'm sorry it had to turn out this way.



I know you love him but...what I saw is clear enough that he doesn't feel the same way about you.






- Ryeowook

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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces