Chapter 23

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

Kyuhyun stirred slightly in his sleep. He was having a dream, but because of his memory loss, he can't remember anything from the past. He tried so hard, yet his plan was futile. His eyes were closed as his face was covered in sweat. He was panting hard while his breaths were uneasy. His head pounded as he tried to recall anything from his past. 


A petite boy wearing a pink v-neck and white pants came bounding up to him. He was smiling cheerfully at the other, but of course, how could Kyuhyun remember who this was? 

"Who are you?"

The bunny-like boy pouted and crossed his arms, showing the latter that he wasn't playing along with his tricks. 

"Kyu, stop that!"

Kyuhyun began to study the other's face. Those big, doe-like eyes that were shining so brightly, the milky white skin which seemed so soft, the cute little nose which was scrunched up at the moment, the pink M-shaped lips that looked so kissable and addicting. However, what made Kyuhyun more interested in the smaller male was how fast his expressions changed. The pout was altered into a smile while the once crossed arms were now hugging his waist. His face was hidden into the younger's shirt, but Kyuhyun could hear the racing heart that came from the latter. Somehow, this person's presence seemed familiar to him.


Unable to move or do anything, he had no other choice but to listen to the other. 

"I know you don't remember me." 

Kyuhyun was immobilized and he became stiff at the last sentence. He looked down at the smaller male as his face was still hidden in his own shirt. He kept silent as the latter continued. 

"Kyu~ This might be the last time I actually get to talk to you."

The bunny looked up and was now gazing intently into the other's eyes. 

"We've been through so much together. I can't believe that our relationship has to end this way. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me being so reckless and stupid, you wouldn't be in this kind of situation. You would have your memory and you wouldn't be at the risk of dying. I never wanted any of this. This is my decision, and I hope you'll live happily, Kyuhyun-ah. You mean so much to me. From the time I walked up to you and wiped away your tears, I knew we had some kind of connection. The way you looked at me after that day always made my heart flutter. I really loved your smile. No, that doesn't even explain everything. Kyuhyun, I love your eyes, your voice, your warmth, your evilness, your smirk, your smile, even your teasing. I came to love everything about you. You made me realize what real love is. Thank you for always being there for me, protecting me, staying by my side, and most importantly, for loving me even though we never had a chance to show each other. You mean so much to me. Don't worry, your eyesight will come back soon. I think fate was playing with us ever since we met. We were so happy, yet everything changed so quickly. I didn't like it. I want to go back to the times when we just laughed and talked, spending time, just the two of us."

The older was hugging onto Kyuhyun tightly as his tears fell. He continued to cry and weep as the younger stood there, unable to comprehend anything. He wiped away his tears and gave a shaky laugh. 

"I guess this is really the end. I hope someday, your memory will return to you." 

He stood on his tiptoes as he gave Kyuhyun a wet kiss on the cheek. He turned around and began to walk away while Kyuhyun stood there, dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. 


The latter turned around once last time, a big smile plastered on his face. 

"Sa-rang-hae."  He said, sounding out all the syllables. 

For some reason, Kyuhyun felt his vision blur as he reached up to touch his face with his hands. He felt the tears falling, the saltiness touching his lips. He grasped his chest as it ached in pain. His heart was breaking into a million pieces and he didn't know why. He eventually collapsed on the floor, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. It was then, a voice spoke, terminating Kyuhyun's cries.













"We were given two hands to hold."

Kyuhyun felt a warm feeling coming from his hand as if someone was holding onto it tightly. 













"Two legs to walk." 

He felt himself running, hand in hand with someone. 












"Two eyes to see." 

He watched as someone excitedly ran around, taking pictures of everything in sight, including himself.













"Two ears to listen." 

He heard a beautiful voice, as it was serenading someone. A voice that expressed so much happiness and joy. 













"But why only one heart?" 

This time, Kyuhyun felt all the warmth from the hand, the voice, the adrenaline, everything, vanish. He stood there as his heart ached and turned cold. He felt his tears starting to fall again. 













"Because the other was given to someone else." 

Kyuhyun gazed off into nothingness as he noticed a shadow of a figure, walking, no running up to him. He sensed the warmth of the presence as he felt his heart melt. His tears ceased and he felt himself being hugged tightly by someone.












"For us to find."

Suddenly, the white room he was just in flushed in color. The sky was a beautiful blue, the sun was shining brightly, the white, puffy clouds were gliding along with the breeze, the aroma of flowers filled his nostrils, and the air around him tasted sweet. He inhaled once, only to smell, not flowers, but a sweet smell of strawberry. He looked down and found the person who was embracing him so  firmly. The petite male giggled cutely before letting go. 






"I love you, Cho Kyuhyun."






"Never forget that." 






Before he could respond, however, his dream dissolved. 

Kyuhyun awoke to the shouts and screams that came from around him. He groaned irritably from his dream and his inability to see. 

Who was that...

He frowned sadly as he called out for someone, only to find that he was alone. He didn't understand why his heart hurt so much, but he knew it had something to do with the person in his dreams. He sat there, contemplating on his thoughts.

"Sungmin are you sure about this? You're not in any condition to..." 

"It's okay, Dr. Kim. If Kyuhyun has his operation, then..." Sungmin cut off, unable to finish his words. 

Kibum looked at his patient sadly before nodding in understanding. 

"I got it. I won't tell him anything." 

With that, Kibum walked off, only to turn around again to watch the fragile Sungmin smile happily. He walked off to join his friends to tell them about his decision. 

Sungmin...I hope this is what you want...


Donghae, Hyukjae, Ryeowook, Yesung, Henry, and Zhou Mi were stunned with the news Sungmin had just informed them about. 


Sungmin looked at Donghae sadly before simply saying, "It hurts to see him...Every time I try to talk to him, he seems so distant from me. He doesn't remember who I am anymore." 



Henry immediately shouted and pounced onto his brother, crying heavily into the latter's shirt. He looked at Henry sadly and began crying with him too. He gave his brother a memorable hug and broke away. 

"I'm sorry...I love you, Henry." 

"Zhou Mi, please take care of him while I'm away. He tends to be very reckless at times." 

Zhou Mi nodded his head in understanding as his tears began to fall. He yanked Henry off Sungmin, allowing the older to regain his composure. Henry began to sob into his lover's arms. 

"Hyukjae, I swear, if you hurt Donghae, I will kill you." 

Sungmin glared at the younger, but nonetheless smiled. Hyukjae held back his tears and held onto his fishy's hand. 

"Hae...please be strong. Come by and tell me anytime if Hyukjae ever hurts you or leaves you. I'll make sure he gets it." 

Unable to respond, Donghae tackled Sungmin to the ground, holding him in a tight embrace. Hyukjae had difficulty making the fishy release his hold onto the older, but was soon successful and carried him over to the corner, allowing him to cry. Finally, Sungmin faced Yesung and Ryeowook. His eyes softened. 

"You two...thank you so much for everything. Take care of Kyuhyun, neh? You two make a really adorable couple, by the way." 

All Yesung and Ryeowook could do was cry and hug Sungmin.

In the end, they had one great group hug with everyone crying and saying their goodbyes to Sungmin. He walked away, though his tears continued to fall. 

Kyuhyun...I know this is for the better.

This is my decision that I made. 

It'll make the both of us happy, right? 

Maybe someday, you'll remember me. 

I'll always remember you.




In my heart. 

"Kyuhyun, great news!" 

Kyuhyun turned his head in the direction the voice came from. 

"We're able to give you an operation so that you can see again." 

Instantly, Kyuhyun beamed and felt relieved that he wouldn't be blind for the rest of his life. He quickly thanked the doctor and decided to sleep, enjoying the news. Kibum exited the room silently and he looked down at his clipboard. He frowned sorrowfully as he remembered Sungmin's words.

Sungmin, I made you a promise. 

I will keep it. 

Kibum looked back at the now sleeping figure of Kyuhyun and sighed. this really what your heart says? 

A/N: I do not own the quote. It's by 'Unknown' so I give credit to them. 

Thank you to my subscribers and commenters (:

Saranghae~ <3

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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces