Chapter 24

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

Today is the day.

Sungmin contemplated in his mind. Today was the day of Kyuhyun's operation. The day where he would bid farewell to the one he loves. He sighed and scanned the room around him. He was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital after returning from his walk back home to say goodbye to Kyumin and arrange some important matters. There, he had met with Henry, Zhou Mi, Yesung, Ryeowook, Donghae, and Hyukjae who would help in the preparations for what he had planned. He smiled sadly as he held onto a new, silver bracelet attached to his wrist. He played with it in his fingers before returning to his room, awaiting the moment when the eye operation would begin for his loved one. He wanted to--. No, Sungmin needed to see Kyuhyun for one last time. Slowly, dragging his feet, Sungmin walked back up the stairs, heading towards his room. He opened the door, only to find it vacant. He limped the rest of the way to his bed and collapsed into the mattress. He decided to sleep for a while and let his mind wander off into his dreamland. 



Sungmin opened his eyes, but immediately squinted at the bright light that was emitting from the room he was in, or so he thought. As soon as his eyes adjusted, however, he realized, he wasn't in a room. Instead, wherever he was, it was outside in what seemed to be a meadow. The sun was shining brightly as birds flew around, chirping happily. The flowers were blooming in every color possible, filling the air with a pleasant aroma. Sungmin beamed at his environment and started to run around, only to stop once he heard a soft chuckle. 

"Ah, Minnie~ You're still so childish." 

Sungmin whirled around only to face his parents who were hovering in the air, their pure, white wings outstretched and their white robes dangling from their bodies. He instantly ran towards them, as they touched the ground, embracing his parents tightly. 


"Sungmin, we know what you're up to. Are you sure you want to do this?" 

Sungmin gazed straight into his mother's eyes, and for once, he nodded confidently with a determined look on his face. 

"Umma, I finally realized how much I love him. I mean before, yes I did love him already, but this time, I know how much. I couldn't stand seeing him blind and feeling so useless. It pained my heart. It doesn't matter anyway. He doesn't remember me...Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if we never met." Sungmin stated sadly. 

"Don't think that way, Min. If you were never meant to meet, then I don't think you would have ever learned how to love, how to overcome the sorrow you felt after your mom and I passed away. Kyuhyun is your one and only true love, don't forget that. You two were destined to meet, were destined to fall in love, and were destined to have these hardships. Fate was on your side sometimes, but other times, it wasn't. Don't think that fate is being unfair, Sungmin. Fate is just showing you how strong the love between you two is. Maybe, one day, Kyumin will finally be able to live happily ever after..." 

Sungmin stared at his father and a huge smile began to form on his face. He really did wish that too. 

"Maybe, if I keep loving Kyuhyun, just maybe, there will be a happy ending for us..."

"Sungminnie, don't forget about your plan. It might just be the thing that can turn fate in your favor. We love you, pumpkin. And, we wish the best to you and Kyuhyun." 

His parents expanded their wings and started to flap them, producing a lift strong enough to allow them to fly in the air. They glided gracefully in the air, turning around to wave goodbye. Sungmin waved back as tears escaped his eyes. These weren't tears of sadness, however. These were tears of joy. 

I know this is the right choice.

This is what my heart tells me. 

And my heart will always beat for you. 

Only you. 


Sungmin woke up from his nap just as Kibum walked through the door. 

"Ah, Sungmin, if you're ready..." 

He nodded his head in understanding and was about to exit when someone grabbed his wrist. He peered over his shoulder to see Kibum staring at him, clearly concerned. 

"A-are you sure about this?" 

"This is the only thing I've been so sure about in my life." Sungmin announced confidently. Kibum gave Sungmin one last look before releasing his hold on the younger and allowing him to wander up the stairs to his room. 

You love him that much? 

To give up everything for him? 

To sacrifice your life for him? 

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Play while reading this part) 

Kyuhyun was sleeping soundlessly on his bed, oblivious to the person who quietly walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He advanced towards the prince and took a seat beside him. Sungmin revealed a silver bracelet, similar to the one on his wrist, from his pockets and attached it to the younger's wrist. He gazed at the beautiful sleeping figure and began to talk to no one in particular, though his words were meant for the person fast asleep. 

"Kyu~ These past few years with you have meant so much to me. It's sad how fast the days flew by, and look at us now, seniors in high school ready to graduate. Well, maybe not me, but you. Ever since we met, my heart has always uncontrollably raced for you. I could never calm it down. Your voice, your eyes, your smile, your smirk, your everything, always put a smile on my face. I have to admit though, on the day you woke up after the accident and claimed that you had no idea who I was, it really did shatter my heart. I was so heartbroken, but I knew my feelings for you would never change even if I tried. I always have and I always will love you. Every day without you always made me sad for some reason. I didn't know it back then, but I do now. It was because I never wanted to leave your side. I wanted to stand by you no matter what."

"I tried hiding my feelings from you before. I tried erasing all the memories we shared together, but my plan was futile. Our relationship had its ups and downs, especially when I was with Yesung and you were with Ryeowook. It hurt so bad to see you so happy with him, while I was silently crying out for you, waiting for any sign that you loved me." 

"Now, you don't remember me. Kyuhyun, my world changed after you came in. Now, it changed because you left. I lost you. I lost my everything. I can't turn back time to erase the painful memories, though I wanted to so many times. Deep inside my heart, there will always be a place for you. Even if I tried to forget, my heart only remembers you. I never regretted meeting you. I never regretted being with you. I never regretted falling in love with you. I love you, Cho Kyuhyun, with all my heart. I hope you remember me someday. And until that day comes, protect my eyes for me, they're fragile. I know somewhere deep within your heart, you still remember the little bunny who you always loved to tease, to mess around with, but in the end, love. These feelings for you will never change. I'll be waiting for you, my prince. I promise we will meet again one day." 

Sungmin held Kyuhyun's hand and leaned down, closing the distance between them. The kiss was gentle and sweet.








My kiss will always be for you. 








My heart was meant only for you.









My love was made especially for you. 








My one kiss.







My one heart. 








My one love. 








Last kiss.








Last heart. 








Last love. 


Sungmin stood up from his sitting position and stared at Kyuhyun's sleeping figure once more. Tears were streaming down his face, but he smiled nonetheless. He smiled, only for his love. He walked towards the exit before turning around once more, and bidding farewell to Kyuhyun. 






Goodbye, Kyuhyun. 





My love...






My one love...






My last love...


Sungmin left the room crying for the person he loved most. However, he was unaware of the figure who stirred slightly in his sleep, a single tear trickling down the side of his face, and a single whisper leaving his mouth.



The operation started. Sungmin closed his eyes one last time, the tears rapidly falling now. He held onto his bracelet tightly as he cried for the one he will always love. Sungmin whispered his last words, hoping that somehow, it would reach his prince. 





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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces