Chapter 22

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

After waking up and discovering that Kyuhyun had no memories of him, Sungmin cried himself to sleep in Henry's embrace. The younger tucked his older brother in and pulled the bed sheets up, keeping Sungmin warm and cozy. He placed a small kiss on his forehead and slowly walked back outside to the waiting room where everyone else was. No one paid any attention to Kyuhyun after what happened, but the prince didn't mind. He liked being left alone, mostly because he couldn't see. He spent every day sleeping and lying in bed when he was awake. What else was there to do when you were practically blind? Once Henry stepped into the waiting room, he limped towards his boyfriend and collapsed into his strong arms. He was indeed tired after having to watch over his hyung, but he didn't mind. Sungmin needed him and he was happy to have been there for the older. In the corner of the room, Yesung and Ryeowook were fast asleep on a couch in the other's embrace, while the Eunhae couple was on the floor, Donghae's head in his lover's lap. Hyukjae's head was drooping downwards as he held onto the fishy's hand. 

Henry looked up at Zhou Mi who looked just as exhausted as he was. However, he didn't want to sleep yet. 

"Mimi, they're going to be okay, right?"

"I-I don't know Mochi...I wish I could say yes, but with Kyuhyun not being able to see or remember Sungmin, I really don't know."

Henry bowed his head down as he felt the tears building up in his eyes again. His lover's explanation was more than true since he also knew it. He just didn't want to believe it. Even Sungmin was in critical condition since he's already lost so much blood. Who knows if anything bad could happen to his hyung. He pushed the dreadful thought out of his head as he glanced back up at Zhou Mi. He placed a good night's kiss on his sweet lips and let sleep overcome him. Zhou Mi sighed as he held onto the fragile boy in his arms and placed him gently onto the chair. He wanted to take a walk alone to contemplate on his thoughts. He grabbed his jacket and quietly left the room, heading outside. The night's cold breeze engulfed his body, sending chills up his spine and causing him to shiver a bit. He ignored the thought as he began his stroll in the moonlight.

Sungmin...stay strong. Don't give up. 

Back inside the emergency room, an angel was sleeping soundlessly, occasional snores here and there, however. He was having a nightmare. Sungmin was reliving the accident that placed the two of them in the hospital and caused Kyuhyun's memory loss and blindness. He was at fault and blamed himself for everything.

If he wasn't so stupid the both of them could happily be together.

If wasn't so reckless, Kyuhyun wouldn't have lost his eyesight.

If he wasn't so careless, Kyuhyun would still remember him.

If he wasn't so rash, he wouldn't have to go through the pain he was feeling at the moment. 

But, he was stupid. 

He was reckless.

He was careless.

And, he was rash. 

In his nightmare, the world he was currently in was pitch black. He was all alone with no one there. Sungmin was left only with guilt, sadness, and heartbreak. He didn't want to live anymore. If he couldn't even be with Kyuhyun, there was no point. Even though he still loved his evil, gaming, and irascible fox, how could he ever make Kyuhyun love him back? He couldn't. His love already said the words that crushed his heart, so why try? 

As he was pondering his thoughts, however, a bright, white light penetrated the darkness, and soon enough, the dark world in which Sungmin was just recently in, turned into a white room. He felt all of his pain disappearing and his worries vanishing. He didn't know where he was. He began to panic because he was still alone, but rather than being able to hide in the darkness, he was being exposed. Sungmin was still panicking, but he began to frantically search for an escape as he noticed two figures approaching him. He wanted to run, hide. However, there was no such place, so all he could do was anxiously sit there like a lost puppy and wait for the two people to reach their destination. 

The shadows eventually dissolved as they were hovering over Sungmin. Yes, hovering. Sungmin looked up, only to see two angels. No, not just any angels. His mom and dad. He began to break down and cry as he embraced his parents after losing them for such a long time. He missed their warmth, their comfort, their love. All he wanted was to just stay here forever. He didn't want to wake up. This wasn't a nightmare anymore, it was a beautiful dream that he didn't want to end. 


His parents smiled at each other as they looked down at their son who was sobbing loudly into their white robes. They landed on the floor silently and tightly hugged Sungmin. 

"'s going to be okay." His mother cooed. She began rubbing his back to calm his cries down. Eventually, Sungmin's cries withered down to whimpers and hiccups here and there. She let go and allowed her husband to wipe away their son's tears. 

"Sungmin-ah~ stop crying." 

Sungmin looked up at his parents who were smiling sadly at them. He let the last of his tears dry up and took in a couple of breaths to regain his composure. 

"I missed you..."

"We missed you too, pumpkin."

"You left me and Henry all alone..."

"Did we really?"

He stared at his parents who were patiently waiting for his answer.


"Sungmin, we've been watching you, and we know for a fact that we didn't leave you alone. Did you really think we would leave our precious Minnie all alone? Sungmin, you were never alone. You had your friends. Donghae, Hyukjae, Ryeowook, Zhou Mi, even Henry. For a while you even had Yesung who watched over you. He cared for you, protected you, and loved you exactly how we did." 

Sungmin began to silently tear up again, but he continued to listen to his parents' words. 

"True, Yesung loved you and protected you. However, it seems there was one person who loved you, protected you, and cared for you since you two first met. I have to say, he is quite handsome. Sungmin, he cared for you, whether it was nurturing you back to health whenever you got sick, waiting for you so that the two of you could walk to school together, or even tutoring you when you had difficulty with math, he was there for you. He protected you from everything. He jumped straight in front of a car to make sure you wouldn't get critically injured. Even when the two of you weren't together, wasn't it him who always stood up to people who made fun of you? Most importantly Sungmin, he loved you with all his heart. From the moment you two first met, it was a difficult time for him since his heart was weak. However, you taught him how to love again. You showed him what real love is. You gave him a new beginning. He fell for you Sungmin. He was just too shy to tell you. Sungmin, why do you think he was never happy with Ryeowook? Why do you think he never kissed anyone? Why do you think he was always with you, waiting for you, caring for you, protecting you, loving you, whether it was from afar or up close. You two became the best of friends and after your mother's death, you two grew apart. But, your hearts only beat for the other. All of the tears the two of you shed were always for each other. Together, the both of you were always happy, smiling. Away, you two would never stop thinking about the other. The love you two share is one of a kind, so cherish it. Sungmin, even if all of your friends left you. You would have never been alone. Kyuhyun was always there for you and would always be there for you no matter what. He loved you more than you could imagine. He risked his life for you and even though he doesn't remember, Kyuhyun is always with you, waiting for you."

At this point, Sungmin was no longer tearing up. He was crying his heart out for Kyuhyun. The person's love, who up until now, he was oblivious to. He wanted to hug him, kiss him, feel his warmth. On the day they met, Sungmin was the one who saved Kyuhyun from a dark world. This time, he needed Kyuhyun to rescue him. He was scared, yes, but it was his fault Kyuhyun is the way he is now. He stared into his parents' eyes and wiped his tears away with his hand. 

"Thank you, Umma, Appa. I hope we see each other soon, neh?" Sungmin smiled brilliantly and closed his eyes once more. The image slowly withered away and the light was growing dimmer. He awoke from his slumber and encountered a dark room. He guessed that it was late into the night and everyone was fast asleep. He glanced over at the person who was sleeping on the bed next to his and reached for his hand. Sungmin grabbed it and held it, adoring the warmth he felt from it. He smiled sadly as he let Kyuhyun's hand go, causing it to droop off the side of the bed. He gazed at the ceiling and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome him once again. 

I know what I need to do. 

With that, Sungmin drifted off to sleep wearing a smile, a single tear, silently streaming down the side of his face. 

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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces