Chapter 14

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

No One's POV

The bell rang, indicating the end of class.

"Remember class, finals start tomorrow! Study hard and good luck!" 

All the students groaned as they would be sitting in a classroom in complete silence for the rest of the week. However, two students were still fast asleep, not hearing a word the professor just said. Yesung and Ryeowook went to their lover and gently shook them awake. Sungmin slowly aroused, rubbing his eyes cutely and yawning. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, grunted and pushed off his lover. Ryeowook pouted. It seems as though Kyuhyun was rubbing off on him because the next thing you know, Kyuhyun was wide awake. 


The once sleeping prince was now soaked in water with a water bottle lying on the ground. The other three who were in the classroom erupted in laughter. Kyuhyun turned to the three of them and glared, only to stop when he saw Sungmin's laughing face. He loved seeing Sungmin smile....a real smile. However, when he realized what he was doing, Sungmin immediately stopped his laughter and resumed to walk to the canteen. Yesung had stopped laughing as well. He eyed Ryeowook and left, following after his bunny. Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun who was now sulking, sighed, and pulled him out of the classroom. He followed Yesung and when he found the Yemin couple seated at a table in the far corner, he threw Kyuhyun down on the seat and took a seat beside him. 

"Ugh, I don't want to take finals tomorrow. I know! I'll go get some food, okay? Yesung, let's go!"

Ryeowook hastily grabbed Yesung by the arm, not waiting for an answer, and pulled him over to the lunch line, leaving a stunned Sungmin and dumbfounded Kyuhyun at the table.

Aish, this is so awkward...

Kyuhyun was eyeing the bunny in front of him. His beautiful, jet black hair, his lips, but he stopped. He had reached Sungmin's neck and what he saw surprised him. Around Sungmin's neck was a necklace chain, similar to the one he was wearing. 

C-could it be? 

Kyuhyun reached for his necklace and secretly took it out so he could look at it. On the front, "Min" was engraved onto it. He had engraved it himself and he took great pride in wearing it. When he noticed Sungmin was wearing a necklace, however, he couldn't believe it. It was impossible. He had lost it after Sungmin's mother passed away. He shook the unrealistic thought out of his head when Ryeowook and Yesung came back with their food. He looked at Yesung's neck and saw a necklace hanging around him.

I knew it...

Tears began forming in Kyuhyun's eyes, but he held them in. He didn't want to cry in front of everyone, especially Sungmin. Instead, he quietly ate his food while everyone was talking. Even Sungmin joined in the conversation from time to time. Just then, a fish jumped onto Sungmin.


Sungmin's POV


This fish. I'm going to cook him and eat him one day. I turned around to see Donghae hugging my neck and jumping excitedly. 

What's gotten into him?

Before I could say anything, someone had released Donghae's hold on me. What I saw next was very much unexpected. Hyukjae was hugging Donghae around the waist and was now caressing his lover. 


I noticed him blush and push Eunhyuk away gently, but nonetheless, they still held hands and took a seat at our table. Hyukjae was now leaning his head on Donghae's shoulder which, in my opinion, made the fish turn even more red, if that was possible. 

"Hi, Sungmin hyung! How have you been?"

No way. The school bad boy was actually smiling and being formal? That wasn't possible. This had to be a dream. If Hyukjae was actually being respectful, then bunnies could fly. 

"Um, great I guess. two. You know?"

I motioned towards their hands and both of them blushed. I'll take that as a yes. It seems Donghae was the first to recover from my question and nodded his head slowly. I smiled and the other three at the table congratulated them. 

Aw~ Donghae found his lover. I hope his love story will be romantic. 

However, once that thought crossed my mind, my expression completely changed. When will my begin? Has it already begun with Yesung? Will it end this way? Will something happen in between? Who will my last love be? 

These questions attacked my head. I peeked over at Kyuhyun and found him looking at me. I looked away and found my face becoming warm. 

Will...I ever have a love story with him? 

I wonder. If we did, what would it be like? What COULD it have been like if on that very night, Kyuhyun was there, waiting for me. What would I have responded? 

"Sungmin! Guess what? The Eunhae couple are joining us on our hangout day over the break!" 

I was brought back to reality by the sound of Ryeowook's voice. I gave him a small smile and nod and continued eating. However, I realized something.

"Eunhae hm?" I asked teasingly at the now, tomato-faced couple.

"H-hush up hyung..."

Haha, the little fishy is embarassed.

Kyuhyun was looking at me again and this time, I didn't look away. I didn't notice how sad his eyes looked until now. Also, the light in the canteen made his face shine, revealing tear streaks. 

Was he crying before?

The question made my heart ache. I didn't like the thought of Kyuhyun crying. It was too much. But, if he was crying, what was the reason? It seems as though I lost my appetite and I stood up. I excused myself from the table, gathered my belongings, and left. 

I headed towards the one place where I could be myself, the photography classroom. Once inside, I closed the door and grabbed my camera out of my bag. I turned it on and immediately, the room was full of light. I was looking through the pictures, some of buildings, others of people. I noticed there was a picture of Yesung and I, but, a few of the pictures shocked me.

One was when Kyuhyun had given me the pink roses, and there was one where he was holding my hand.  Another was of me, alone, in the park the night of my mother's death.

Who took these pictures? 

I stopped at one of the pictures. It was of me and Kyuhyun, sitting on the park bench. The necklaces were clearly visible in Kyuhyun's hands. I was smiling while looking dreamily at Kyuhyun. Our backs were turned and only the shadow of us could be seen. The sun was setting, reflecting off a beautiful sight. The lake was shimmering. Everything looked perfect. No, it was perfect.

I broke down, crying me eyes out once again. My cries could be heard, but the room kept it in. Tears fell onto my camera, but it didn't matter. I continued to cry until, eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

Kyuhyun's POV

I was watching Sungmin leave and was about to follow him, but I didn't want to act suspicious. I looked over to Yesung and noticed that his face showed worriness. In fact, I was concerned about Sungmin as well. I decided that I should at least see if Sungmin was all right, so I excused myself from the table and went searching for the bunny. I looked through the hallways, in classrooms, but I couldn't seem to find him. However, that was when I heard a cry. I tried to detect where it was coming from and followed. It lead to the photography room. I didn't open the door. Instead, I looked through the window and found Sungmin sitting there, crying. I didn't understand why he was crying until I saw it. In his hand, was a picture of us. A perfect picture. Tears began falling from my eyes as I looked at it. However, the picture wasn't what kept me crying. Sungmin's painful screams could be heard. It broke my heart. I thought back to that night...the night.








No One's POV

Kyuhyun had left before Sungmin and was now walking through the park they were in just a few hours ago. He looked at everything and he began crying. Today was the day everything was supposed to change for them, in a good way. However, it all went downhill. He sat on the bench and pulled out the necklace. He looked at the one engraved with "Min" on it, oblivious of the fact that the other necklace fell out of his pocket and was now lying on the ground. Tears began to fall on the broken heart. He put it around his neck and soon, left the park. However, he turned around just in time to see a figure walking towards the bench he was just sitting on. He recognized the sulking figure immediately. It was Sungmin.

He hid behind a tree and watched Sungmin. The bunny sat on the bench and looked around at his surrounding. Kyuhyun saw how Sungmin picked something off the floor, but didn't know what it was. Instead, he did it. He put his plan into action although he wasn't there with the other, he still wanted to show Sungmin how much he loves him. 

With that, he lit the lanterns and let them fly, he the lights for the pathway and the ones in the tree. He lit up the words that danced in the lake. He did everything for the one person he loves even if he couldn't be there with him. He watched from behind the tree as Sungmin collapsed on his knees and began crying. He too, was already weeping and slowly, slid down the trunk of the tree and buried his face within his knees. 

For both of them that night, it was the most heartbreaking, painful, and miserable night of their lives. They cried, longing for the other, unknown to them that the one they longed for was only a few feet away from them. 





Kyuhyun's POV

Tears fell faster as I remembered that night, and instead of opening the door, I went to an empty classroom, locked the door, and cried my eyes out until no more tears came

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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces