Part 2 of Kyuhyun's Memory Hunt

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

Kyuhyun arrived in front of the address that was written on the piece of parchment. He took deep breaths and exhaled, calming down his nerves. Questions bombarded his mind as he slowly advanced towards the front door.

Will I finally be able to meet the person who's been waiting for me?

Who is this person exactly?

Will my memories return to me?

What is the reason for all of this?

He couldn't comprehend as to why someone couldn't just tell him what had happened to him. All he knew was that he was involved in a large car accident, but for some reason, he can't remember how. Kyuhyun attempted with all his might to remember the past, but he couldn't. Those memories felt as though they would never return. Not to mention, his good for nothing friends haven't explained a single thing to him. All they've been doing is sending him around in circles all day.

Kyuhyun, after what felt like hours, stood before the front door. He placed his hand on the door knob and shivered at its cold touch. He cautiously turned it, discovering it was unlocked, and allowed the door to swing open on its own. Kyuhyun stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. Taking in all of his surroundings, he felt...a somewhat familiar feeling here; it felt warm, but also cold. Suddenly, his knees gave out as he clenched onto his head, falling to the floor, the painstaking headache returning.

Kyuhyun watched himself as he was cuddling with Ryeowook in the same house. Outside, the sun had set and the moon and stars revealed themselves, brightening the dark, night sky. The window was slightly open, letting in the cold air, though the warmth of the smaller boy beside him was comforting. However, he wasn't concentrated on the latter. His eyes were focused on the couple that sat on the couch opposite them. One of them was Yesung, but he couldn't recall the other boy's name. Nonetheless, his features were most definitely familiar. The familiar smile, eyes, milky white skin, perfect M-shaped lips, luscious eyelashes, and angelic voice. The two of them were laughing, holding one another's hands, as the smaller of the two nestled further into the other's embrace.

"Are you cold?" Yesung asked. 

"Mhmm..." The other shivered.

Yesung tightened his hold on the pink bunny. Kyuhyun felt his chest ache in pain as he watched the scene before him. His insides grew warmer, and if looks could kill, Yesung would be on the floor, dead, by now. He felt movement underneath his arms, causing him to glance down, facing Ryeowook.

"Kyu, are you okay?"


'Why does that sound...different?' Kyuhyun thought to himself. If he was with Ryeowook, wouldn't his heart flutter by the sound of his name being sung by his lover? This didn't make any sense to him. He should be happy right now, but why was he feeling...angry? No, that wasn't the word. He stared into Ryeowook's eyes as he realized the latter was still waiting for his answer.

Putting on a small smile, Kyuhyun tenderly whispered into the other's ear, "Of course I am, Wookie. Why wouldn't I be?"

"B-Because you keep glaring at Yesung hyung...It's kind of scary..." Ryeowook disclosed.

He was? He didn't even know that. His gaze shifted back to the other two and immediately, his smile faded. The petite boy was now sitting on Yesung's lap as he rested his head against the other's chest. He closed his eyes while Yesung protectively embraced the smaller. He kissed the younger's forehead, then his cheek, and was about to kiss his lips when Kyuhyun's voice broke the silence, and the kiss.

"Well! I think it's time for me to take Wookie home. Good-bye you two!" By now, the small boy in Yesung's lap awoke from his short slumber and was glaring at Kyuhyun with a look of disgust on his face. He buried his face in Yesung's shirt, once more, to conceal himself from the other couple. Kyuhyun's expression instantly altered into a sad frown. He stood up from the couch, intertwining his hand with Ryeowook's, and strode to the door. With one last look at the happy couple on the couch, he opened the door and exited the house with his lover in his hand. He continued to gently pull the other down the street, a single tear escaping his eye, rolling down his cheek, and falling to the floor silently in the moonlight.

Unknown to Kyuhyun, back within the house, a similar scene occurred as the male, who was supposedly asleep in Yesung's embrace, permitted a tear to trickle down his face.

"I love you, Kyuhyun."

These four words echoed in Kyuhyun's mind as he returned to reality.

"What the heck! What's with these stupid hallucinations?!" He bellowed, to no one in particular, into the desolate household.

'No, they're not hallucinations, are they?' Kyuhyun thought to himself. 'They're my memories. But, how could these be my memories if I can't even remember everything? I don't remember this happening at all! Maybe that's why it's called memory loss...'

Feeling utterly stupid, Kyuhyun smacked himself on the head and continued his search through the house. He felt like a robber, shuffling through another's belongings, especially since he doesn't even know whose house this is. Just then, a question crossed his mind.

What if this is all a trick made up by Eunhae, Zhoury, and Yewook?

Kyuhyun was irritated. He couldn't find anything in this house. It was no use. He sighed and concluded to going home and resting. He had enough of this.

I just wasn't meant to be.

Fate really is playing with me.

However, Kyuhyun discontinued his movements as he passed a staircase, feeling an invisible, magnetic pull coming from upstairs. He observed the level above and the room that was visible from where he was standing. He didn't know if he should risk ruffling through more of this stranger's home. Sighing for the umpteenth time that day, he slowly ascended up the staircase until he was facing a light pink door. Carefully, he turned the door knob, opening the door widely, revealing a room covered in one color, pink. Kyuhyun awed at the many pink things in the room from the bed, to the bed sheets, the pillow covers, the walls, the desk, the chairs, and even the stuffed animals.

Unconsciously, he stepped further into the room and scanned the walls. He found multiple pictures tacked or taped against the wall. Taking a closer look, Kyuhyun staggered backwards and gasped. They were all pictures of the same boy; the same boy from his dreams and his recent, realistic memory illusions. He intently studied each picture. Each one contained a picture of the boy with either friends or family. Kyuhyun had to admit, the boy was very cute and adorable. He had the brightest smile Kyuhyun had ever seen on anyone. One picture, in particular, captured his attention.

There, on the bedside table, was a picture placed inside a picture frame neatly. In the picture was of the same boy, but this time, Kyuhyun was with him, the brightest smiles plastered on their faces. He restored the frame back on the bedside table as he slowly sat on the side of the pink bed, his attention elsewhere. His eyes were fixed on the pink book that was lying on top of the blankets. He picked it up and placed it on his lap. Kyuhyun read the front, wondering if this was the answer to all of his questions.

My Memories with Kyuhyun

Opening the front cover, the first picture Kyuhyun saw made his eyes watery. The image portrayed Kyuhyun with the familiar boy smiling and staring dreamily at each other. Their lips were only a few inches apart and their eyes sparkled as they looked at each other full of love. Kyuhyun stifled a cry as he his tears began streaming down his face. His heart was telling him this person was the answer. Whoever it was, Kyuhyun had to find out. He continued flipping through the pages. Page after page, images were displayed of the couple; happy, sweet, loving memories. These images brought Kyuhyun to tears. He could hardly contain himself anymore. He hated not knowing who the person beside him in every picture was.

One picture was of the two, holding hands, while walking together. The smaller held a bouquet of pink roses in his free hand while Kyuhyun's other hand was in his pockets. This particular photo tormented his head. He could feel the pain returning. Kyuhyun could feel his memories returning to him slowly, but they weren't important. None of them were helping Kyuhyun figure out who the mysterious person in the photos is. The clouds and fog within his mind dissolved quicker, the further Kyuhyun advanced within the scrapbook.

Finally, he reached the last page of the scrapbook. Kyuhyun erupted out into tears as all of his memories flashed through his head. The memories that were happy, yet sad and frustrating. He remembered the accident; how his body protected the smaller boy beneath him in a protective embrace; how their bodies were lying in their own pool of blood; how their white suits were stained a crimson red; how their lives changed forever. He knew who the person was. He remembered. He finally remembered.


Sungmin. Sungmin. Sungmin. Afraid he would somehow forget it again, Kyuhyun repeated the name over and over in his head. He didn't want to forget again. He couldn't believe he forgot the most important person in his life.

The most important person.

The person who supported him.

The person who held his head.

The person who comforted him.

The person who saved him.

Most importantly, the person he loves.

The person who is his world.

The person who means everything to him.

The person who is his everything.

Lee Sungmin.

He looked at the picture again. Kyuhyun was lying on the bed, his eyes bandaged, most likely from the accident. It seems as though he was asleep. Sungmin had entwined their hands and was holding onto it tightly, afraid of letting go. He didn't want to let go. He never did. Sungmin was leaning over the side of the bed so his head was hovering over Kyuhyun's sleeping visage. They were kissing. Sungmin was kissing Kyuhyun full on the lips; their first kiss. Kyuhyun cried even more, unaware that the book had fallen to the floor as he was attempting to suppress his sobs. Suddenly, a paper slid out from the book. Noticing this, Kyuhyun removed his hands from his face and lifted the paper from the ground. His eyes widened as he recognized the handwriting. It was Sungmin's. He read the contents:




Please, take good care of my eyes. I know they're sensitive, but now, you'll always have a piece of me with you. I'll be the one who will guide you when you're lost. I'll be the light when you're lost in the dark. I'll always be there, beside you, holding your hand when you're at your lowest. So don't be scared because I will never leave you; you'll never be alone. You are the most important person to me. You're my everything. My heart, my love, my soul.

Do you remember the first time we met? I found you on the park bench crying. You were sad because the girl you liked didn't have the same feelings for you. But now, you reject every girl who confesses to you. I always wondered why you did that. To tell you the truth, I was jealous every time I saw you with a girl; it hurt me. But, in the end, you always came back to me. You were always there for me; protecting me; caring for me. I didn't know it back then, but I realized you loved me back then, didn't you? Since the first day we met, I fell in love with you at first sight. You were the perfect prince any guy, or girl, could ever ask for. You could be a tease at times, but that's who you are, and I love you the way you are.

After I discovered that your dad killed my mother in that car accident, I couldn't control myself. I blamed everything on you and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I shouldn't have let out all of my anger on you. It was my mistake. Because of my mistake, both of us had to pay for it. We became fate's pawns. I became a couple with Yesung while you were with Ryeowook. I loved Yesung, but it wasn't the same. It just wasn't you. I became so attached to everything about you I couldn't force myself to love someone I didn't. I loved you Kyuhyun. I always did and always will. It hurt me so much seeing you with Ryeowook. You guys looked like the perfect couple. Sometimes, my heart would tell me to confess to you. It told me I was stupid and wrong. And, it was right. Whenever I did plan on confessing to you, I always hesitated. I became scared; scared of rejection. Scared that our friendship would cease to exist. I didn't want that. I needed you in my life. I couldn't imagine it without you.

My appa was right. We were destined to meet. Fate brought us together for a reason. I'm glad it did. I have no regrets meeting you. It wouldn't have been the same without you. You became my world. All that mattered to me was you; if you were happy, if you were smiling, if you were alive. I felt that it was my purpose in life to be there for you. Kyuhyun, like I said before, we were meant to find our other half. I found mine. My other half is you. It's always been you. I'm sorry our time together was short. Fate really is unfair isn't it? If it wasn't for fate, maybe, none of this would have happened. We could be together; we could be happily holding each other. But, now that I think about it, maybe, if it wasn't for fate, I would have never encountered you on that day. I'll cherish our love forever because it was the best thing that ever happened. I'll cherish our memories, our laughs, our smiles, our moments that we shared together. I love you more than you could ever imagine.


You are my first and last kiss.

My first and last heart.

My first and last love.



I promise to always be with you until the end of time.

I will wait for you.

Lee Sungmin will forever love Cho Kyuhyun.

Forever and always.

Kyu, there's one last thing I want you to know. 

Throughout the years, our hearts have been connected, whether we knew it or not.

They always beat in harmony.

They always loved each other like we loved one another.

My heart always and will always beat for you.

In the end, I'm glad.

Our hearts are finally united as one.

One heart beating together.

Just like us.

Saranghae, Kyuhyun.

I hope that one day, you'll be able to remember me.

Remember the person who adored the color pink.

Remember the person who you always loved to tease.

Remember the person who you love.

The person who loves you.

Even if our love ends here, maybe one day, new love will blossom again.



Kyuhyun's tears stained the piece of paper. The room was full of his cries and sobs for the person who he longed for. He wanted to see his Sungmin; he needed to. He looked for any hints as to where he could find the said boy, but to no avail. He skimmed through the scrapbook once more for any sign. He flipped to the last page and that's where he saw it. In small letters, the words were there. 


Although it wasn't what he was looking for, it made Kyuhyun cry even harder, if that was possible. His tears fell faster and in greater amounts. He couldn't cease his cries as everything in the room reminded him of Sungmin. Sungmin, his love, his heart, his world, his everything. They even kissed and Kyuhyun couldn't even remember it. He wasn't there to feel the sensation of Sungmin's soft lips against his own. What more, he hated himself. The last words he said to Sungmin replayed in his mind over and over.

'Why would I love you?'

'I would never love you.'

'I don't even know who you are.'

'Just stay away from me.'

'I hate you.'

How could he say those things to his Minnie. Sungmin gave up everything for him. He gave Kyuhyun his eyesight, those eyes that Kyuhyun had always drowned in. He always loved the way the same eyes sparkled whenever he showed excitement or happiness. And he hated when those eyes would shed tears, just like what was happening now. Sungmin always loved taking pictures with his adorable pink camera, but that wasn't possible anymore; Kyuhyun had destroyed it.

Sungmin, why did you give up everything for me.

I was so cruel to you.


Where are you?

That was the question Kyuhyun wanted the answer to the most. He wiped away his tears harshly with the back of his hand and sniffled, searching around Sungmin's room for any address, signs, hints, anything, that would tell him of his lover's location. Finally, he discovered a rather peculiar object; there, on the pink desk, sat a box.

Tentatively, Kyuhyun inched towards the box, his arm outstretched as to pick it up. He removed the lid and his eyes widened instantly at the contents within. With his tears threatening to fall once again, he picked up one of the items inside and immediately distinguished it as Sungmin's necklace; the other half of Kyuhyun's; the other half of his heart. Holding onto it by the chain, Kyuhyun allowed the charm to dangle freely and move as it wished. The sun that penetrated the room reflected off the half-heart, causing it to sparkle beautifully. The engraving was still evidently there, shimmering along with the heart itself. Kyuhyun removed his own necklace and held it beside Sungmin's. Instantly, the two pieces magnetized and clicked together, forming a perfect heart. The engravings were now complete as the necklaces, brought together, created the word, "Kyumin." Tears silently flowed out of Kyuhyun's eyes as he remembered the day he wanted to give this to Sungmin. It also happened to be the day he was planning on asking the latter out. Unfortunately, it was also the day of his father's death, as well as Sungmin's mother's death. Reminiscing on the past was weakening him as he was beginning to feel weary, but he couldn't collapse now; Kyuhyun needed to find his lover beyond anything. With that, he slung both necklaces, still connected, over his neck and let them dangle freely on his chest. He proceeded in finding out what other treasures the box held.

The next item Kyuhyun lifted out of the box was a bracelet. It was a simple silver bracelet, only one engraving was visible as far as Kyuhyun could see; an engraving of a heart; that was all there was to it. Suddenly, Kyuhyun recognized this bracelet as well. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing an identical bracelet on his wrist. He attached Sungmin's bracelet on his opposite wrist and placed them next to each other, adoring them.

Sungmin, when did you get me this?

He rubbed each of the bracelets, closing his eyes, feeling them as though he was feeling Sungmin's hands against him. He missed his bunny; he missed his warm touch; his hugs; his laugh; his smile; everything. Sighing, Kyuhyun opened his eyes, hoping for a miracle that when he did, Sungmin would appear in front of him and they could be together again. However, his hopes were too high as they were crushed; Sungmin was nowhere in sight other than in the pictures hung around the room. Kyuhyun wondered what the last item was. Anxiously, he reached out for the box and seized the last of the items.

It was a ring.

Checking to see if there was anything else, Kyuhyun picked up the small box and held it upside down, shaking out any other contents. Thankfully, a slip of paper flew out of the box, landing carefully onto the table. He lifted the paper off the table and proceeded in reading its contents:


Dear Kyuhyun,

I''ve been writing you a lot of notes/letters recently. I hope you're not annoyed by all of this.

Don't worry, this one will be a short one. I only have a few words left in me anyways.

I'm guessing by now you've found the ring? 

I know this is rather sudden and I'm sorry I can't say this to you in person.

But, you're probably wondering why I did all of this.

Why did I give up my eyesight for you.

Why did I go through so much just for you.

It was all because of you. I love you, Kyuhyun.

Never, ever, ever, forget that.

No matter what.

It really was hard for me to say good-bye.

I never wanted to.

"Meeting you was fate. 

Becoming your friend was a choice.

But, I had no control over falling in love with you."

You could say our love really was true love wasn't it?

True love.

Love at first sight.


Kyuhyun, will you be my boyfriend forever?

I know we never really had a proper date.

And I never really confessed to you.

We never had any real special moments.

But, I feel like this is a need. You have your ring while I have mine.

I will always wear it and never take it off. I hope you do the same.

I love you, Kyuhyun. Please tell me your answer.

If you want to find me, I have a hunch you'll know exactly where to go.

I'll be waiting.



Kyuhyun was a mess as he reread the letter again; his tears wouldn't stop streaming down his face and his cries wouldn't silence.

Sungmin, what do you mean?

I have no idea where you would be.


'That has to be the place Sungmin is talking about.' Kyuhyun thought to himself. Slipping on the ring, given to him by Sungmin, on his ring finger on his right hand, he scanned the room for any more clues before running out of the room, down the stairs, and out the house. He continued running and running, never stopping for even just a second to catch his breath. He only had one destination, one person, in his mind, motivating him to continue his steps.

I need you, Sungmin.

Wait for me.

Because, right now, at this moment,















My eyes can only see you.


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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces