Chapter 15

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

No One's POV

The week went by fast and before anyone knew it, the bell rang and school was out. It was time for winter break! All the students eagerly left their classrooms, found their friends, and made plans for the break. They were talking amongst themselves until an unfamiliar face caught their attention.

"Aigoo! He's so cute!"

"Is he new here? I want him to be my boyfriend!"

"Eep! He smiled at me!"

The mysterious person smirked as he heard these comments. However, he was only looking for one person and as soon as he turned the corner of the hallway, he found him. 



The said person turned around only to be knocked to the floor in a tight bear hug. The other three who were watching were stunned, and were now studying the new person carefully. He had brownish hair, milky white skin, and big, cute cheeks. They were confused to who this person was and how he knew Sungmin since they've never seen him around before. However, it seems as though Sungmin knew exactly who it was after he picked himself up from the ground and recognized the face of his brother.


Sungmin hugged his younger brother tightly. He hasn't seen him in almost a year because his brother went to study abroad for a while. He was so happy Henry was back and now it seems as though he wasn't alone anymore. Although his parents were gone, he was glad he still had his brother whom he forgot about for a while due to the shock of losing his mother. Sungmin pouted because Henry never called or contacted him ever since he left.

"Ah, mianhe Minnie. I was busy and when I found out mom had died I really did want to come and visit, but school is always in the way." Henry gave an apologetic smile and Sungmin could never be mad at his brother. He loved him to death and wondered why he was here now.

"You don't miss me?" Henry pouted.

"No! It's not that. It's just...aren't you busy?"

"Nah, it's break hyung!" 

Henry and Sungmin continued to talk until someone coughed, allowing them to notice that they were not alone in the hallway. Sungmin turned around to face the other three and blushed, remembering that they were still there. 

"Oh, Henry, these are my friends. Friends, Henry!" 

"Nice to meet you! I'm Sungmin's younger brother, Henry." 

One by one, they introduced themselves to him. Yesung gave a smile and shook Henry's hand. Ryeowook was smiling brightly and gave Henry a hug. However, when it came to Kyuhyun, everyone stiffened and the atmosphere became tense. Sungmin was looking anywhere but at the scene in front of him. But, what Henry said next surprised him a bit.

"Kyuhyun, right?"

"Y-yeah. H-how did you know?"

"Lucky guess."

Henry shrugged his shoulders and turned back to face Sungmin.

"Let's go home and catch up, okay?" 

"I'm sorry, Henry. I'm actually hanging out with my friends today."

"No worries, he can join." 

It was Yesung. He was smiling and was okay with Henry joining them for the night, even if he'll be a One, two, three...seventh wheel. Before Sungmin could interject, Henry smiled.

"I would love to! I'll just call someone first."

With that, the five of them walked to the school gates and bid their goodbyes. Henry was happily skipping along with Sungmin following. He was so happy his brother was back and the house wouldn't be as lonely as before. They reached their home and Sungmin unlocked the door, revealing the interior. It was nothing to be amazed at, but Henry thought otherwise.

"It hasn't changed a bit!" 

Instantly, he ran up the stairs, and Sungmin guessed, to his former room. The older walked up the stairs, opened the door to his own room, placed his stuff down, and walked down the hallway. He was correct, Henry was jumping up and down on the bed and Sungmin couldn't believe how childish he still was. He gave a soft chuckle and sat down on the floor. 

Henry's room was simple. Light blue walls, a single bed with stuffed animals all over, a desk with neatly organized books placed on top, a window with light blue curtains that matched the walls, and white carpet. Henry finally calmed down and took a seat beside his brother. They sat in silence until Henry left the room to make a phonecall. Sungmin sadly smiled as he remembered their hangout later that day. He would have to be with Kyuhyun for the night and that didn't make his situation any better. He had to stay away from the younger before he did something rash. 

"Okay I called my friend," Henry happily announced.

He was now grabbing clothes from his closet and was eyeing Sungmin strangely. 

"Um, hyung? Shouldn't you get ready too?"

Sungmin was confused. He still had a couple of hours didn't he? He looked at his phone. Wrong. He had about thirty minutes before the group came to his house. He rushed to his room quickly and immediately ran to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and got dressed. They weren't going out, so he decided to wear something casual. Sungmin was wearing a white v-neck and jeans. Nothing too fancy. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. He ran down the stairs to open the door, but before he could, Henry jumped on Sungmin and opened the door. 



Sungmin, with his face on the floor, was bewildered. Who was Mimi? He looked up and saw a tall male. He had black hair and looked as though he wasn't Korean. Once, Sungmin heard him talk, he knew this Mimi person wasn't Korean.

"Hello, nice to meet you!"

He talked in heavy accented Korean and it sounded like Chinese. 

"Sungmin, this is my boyfriend, Zhou Mi! He's from China, but moved here about a year ago." 

Ah, so Sungmin was right. Zhou Mi was Chinese and is Henry's boyfriend. He nodded in understanding until it hit him. 


He pulled Henry away from Zhou Mi and was eyeing the newcomer in a scary manner. 

"H-hyung...quit're scaring him!"

Henry struggled free from Sungmin's grasp and went to his lover's side to protect him. Sungmin sighed. However, before he could apologize, voices interrupted and people shuffled into his house. 


"We did." 

Hyukjae teasingly replied to Sungmin's question, closed the door, and smiled at Donghae who rolled his eyes. Everyone was here, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Yesung, Donghae, and Hyukjae. Along with Henry and Zhou Mi. Sungmin was smiling until he realized Kyuhyun was staring at him again. He blushed and walked off, only to be hugged by his lover. 

"Minnie~ What are we eating tonight?" 

Sungmin looked at Yesung and smiled. He had prepared dinner the day before and took it out of the refrigerator and heated it up. They happily ate their dinner while watching Finding Nemo. Donghae wouldn't stop whining until they decided to watch the said movie. Finally, after getting tired of Donghae's complaints, they put in Finding Nemo and were now watching it. Donghae was watching the TV intently while Eunhyuk smiled happily at his lover's cuteness. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and Ryeowook was just like Donghae, watching the movie with interest. Yesung was holding Sungmin's hand, only interested in the parts where turtles came in. Henry and Zhou Mi were cuddling, not paying any attention to the movie in front of them. Sungmin got up and went to the kitchen to bring in the desserts. 

He walked into the kitchen and found his cookies. He brought the plate out and immediately, everyone raided the plate in Sungmin's hands. Soon enough, there were no more cookies and Sungmin only groaned since he wasn't able to have any of his delicious cookies. 

"What do we do now?"

Ryeowook was still eating the cookies, but asked after he finished chewing. Henry had run off to go get something from upstairs, but came down just in time to hear the question. He smirked and hid the item he had behind him. 

"How about we play a game?" 

"What game?"

Everyone eyed him oddly, but he replied with a bright smile.

"Truth or dare."

A/N: So, Henry is Sungmin's brother! Haha, what do you have planned Henry? (; Anyway, thank you to all of my commenters and subscribers! You guys are amazing! I hope you enjoy the story! :3 

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Saranghae~ <3

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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces