Part 1 of Kyuhyun's Memory Hunt

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

Kyuhyun stood in front of the entrance to the amusement park, dressed in his white tuxedo with a beautiful pink rose sticking out of his front pocket. He took in a deep breath before his legs moved, bringing him into the amusement park where rollercoasters were tumbling down their tracks, kids were screaming and running around, and parents were having fun watching their little ones. Kyuhyun smiled and started walking around, taking in his surroundings. Just then, he remembered he was supposed to meet someone here. He scanned around, unable to find anyone that seemed to be waiting for him. He concluded that he would walk around the park for a while until the person who pulled him here decided to show his/her face. But, before he could take off, he found a note.

Meet me at Love's Fall.

He was walking around observing all the rides and activities that were set up all over the park. Suddenly, a certain rollercoaster caught his attention, causing him to wander towards the ride unconsciously. The sign read, "Love's Fall." 

Why does this seem familiar? 

He was surveying the environment he was currently in, trying to find anyone who seemed to catch his eye. He sighed once more when his plan failed. Just then, Kyuhyun felt a sudden pain in his head. He was clenching onto his head, stumbling around, trying to find something to sit down on or to hold onto. Luckily, a bench was set up outside, allowing Kyuhyun to collapse freely onto it. 


"Kyu! Let's ride this one!" 

A petite male was holding his hand, though their fingers weren't intertwined, using his finger to point up at the sign that read "Love's Fall." Somehow, Kyuhyun felt happy and warm out of nowhere. He smiled unknowingly at the person before him who was jumping up and down in excitement. 

"Neh! And quit jumping around! It makes you look more like a bunny." The younger teased. 

Intentionally, the older puffed out his cheeks and formed a pout with his lips, causing the latter to chuckle and pull him towards the line. They had pointless conversations with each other while waiting for their turn. However, they enjoyed spending time with one another, overlooking the random talks now and then. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the two were seated in the ride and were ready to take off. 

"Kyu~ When we get to the top, let's put our hands up in the air and shout the first thing that comes to our mind, okay?" 

Kyuhyun looked at the person's brilliant smile and blushed. He nodded his head in understanding and prepared for what he was going to say. With that, the ride took off, slowly inching up the tracks to build up the suspense and excitement for the riders. Eventually, they made it to the top, the couple's arms high up in the air waiting for the coaster to plummet down its tracks. The roller coaster seemed to begin moving once again, and before anyone knew it, it plunged down the tracks causing everyone to scream. 

Unknown to each other due to their excitement, they shouted something that wasn't meant to be said. 


"Saranghae, Kyuhyun!" 



"What the heck." Kyuhyun's head was buried within his lap as the pain in his head finally subsided. His hands were still trembling a bit, but as far as he knew, everything was back to the way it's supposed to be. For now, at least. 

I know for a fact that the person I just saw wasn't a girl. 

So my princess is a guy? 

B-but who? 

Aish! Why did whatever I saw have to cut off there?

Kyuhyun halted his thinking as he stared up at the roller coaster before him. 

I think I just found my answer. 

He stood up from the bench and made his way towards the line. He waited for his turn patiently while trying to recall the name of the person in his...what would you call it? Hallucination? Illusion? No, it felt too real. It was too real to be anything other than a memory. 

That was it. 

These must be my lost memories. 

Kyuhyun was now on the ride, front row seat. No one was beside him as they were all in couples and pairs, most likely to appreciate the ride's name. However, for Kyuhyun his other half was missing. He was hoping by being seated according to his faint memory, this would help him to remember the person. Soon enough, the ride took off, and similar to his memories, the ride slowly crept up the tracks, making its way to the top. Behind him, Kyuhyun could hear the murmurs and shouts of fear. However, he wasn't scared. The carts reached the top and sat there. 

This was it. 

As Kyuhyun anticipated the ride's fall, he failed to notice a presence beside him that's unseen to the human eye. The presence created a warm aura surrounding all of the carts, causing all the screams to hush down into calm whispers between the couples. It gazed at Kyuhyun's figure and giggled cutely. Immediately, Kyuhyun whirled his head around and started to search for the source that created the sound. He whipped his head from side to side, but discovered no one. He sighed and looked down at his feet as the ride was about to continue. Almost instinctively, however, his hands flung into the air as the ride came crashing down its tracks. 

Kyuhyun wasn't screaming in delight, though. Before the ride had commenced, he felt his world stop, everything slowly moving. Then, he heard it. The most beautiful, pure, angelic voice he's ever heard. 









Saranghae, Kyuhyun. 









The ride ended and Kyuhyun followed the crowd to the exit. He was about to leave when a nicely pink wrapped box caught his eye, similar to the one Hyukjae and Donghae had given him that same morning. Kyuhyun approached the bench that he was sitting on earlier and placed the package on his lap. He slowly opened this one, anxious of what was within the box. Just like before, the pink wrapping revealed another simple brown box. He took off the lid and placed it beside him, anticipating the contents. 

Suddenly, his tears fell once he laid eyes on what was inside. 

W-what the heck.

Why am I crying?

These eyes are too sensitive. 

Inside, was a necklace. Hanging off of it was a charm. To be specific, half of a heart. The engraving on it read, "Kyu." Kyuhyun toyed with the necklace in his hands as his tears silently streamed down his face. He decided to wear it around his neck and look at what else was in the box. However, he was disappointed as only another note was left. He picked it up, only to cry even harder. 



We were given two hands to hold.


Two legs to walk.


Two eyes to see. 


Two ears to listen. 


But why only one heart?


Because the other was given to someone.


For us to find. 


I hope this address will help you find my heart, your half. 


The heart that was and will always be meant for you.


The heart that always raced whenever I was with you.


The heart that only beat for you. 


The heart that I gave to you. 


I don't need you to give me your heart in return. 


I just hope you protect my heart forever. 


Moreover, my love. 


So until then, I'll be waiting. 


Saranghae, Kyuhyun. 


I'm hoping, when this is all over, you'll finally remember me. 


Kyuhyun couldn't stop himself from crying. His tears poured out like a waterfall, his cries being muffled by his arm. He sat there and cried. Cried for the person who he's supposed to be with right now. For the person he forgot. He looked at the paper again, teardrops evident on the parchment, and stood up from the bench and hurriedly left the amusement park, heading straight for the address on the paper. 


I don't know who you are. 


I don't know why my eyes are reacting this way.


I don't know why my heart hurts so much right now.


But, I have a feeling, I'm about to find out.


Wait for me, whoever you are.


I just hope, I'm not too late.  


Kyuhyun ran as fast as he could, passed the crowds of people and avoiding the traffic all around him, while his pendant dangled freely in the air, glimmering in the sun's rays. 







A/N: I hope you're enjoying the story, though I'm sad to say, it's almost about to end 3: I won't be updating for a while because I'm going on vacation so yeah...I apologize! I'll update as soon as I get back, so anticipate it! (: 

Happy reading everyone~ 

Thank you to all of my commenters and subscribers!


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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces