Chapter 1

Last Kiss, Last Heart, Last Love

No One's POV

Lee Sungmin is an average eighteen-year old in his last year of high school. He loves the color pink and bunnies. He also LOVES food, especially bubble tea. Although he tries hard in school, Math is not his forte. Sungmin believes his last year in high school will be perfect. Nothing could go wrong and he would spend his last, but best year with his best friend, Cho Kyuhyun. Yes, secretly, Sungmin has a crush on his best friend. However, being the shy kid since they were small, he would always try his best to hide his feelings whenever he was with Kyuhyun. Though, he wasn't afraid of hinting to Kyuhyun that he does care for the younger with all his heart and would always try to protect him from any danger. Little did Sungmin know, his last year in high school would be hectic, not just from all the school work and working at a part-time job, but a blast from the past. The past when Kyuhyun wasn't in the picture. 

Sungmin's POV

Argghh...stupid alarm...just shush up already -____-

I flipped my pillow over to turn off the alarm I had set on my phone the night before. As I groggily sat up on my beautiful, pink covered bed, I glanced at my Hello Kitty clock on my table. 

5:40...why in the world is it so early? Oh, right. School means torture and torture means sleep deprivation. 

I walked, well, more like stumbled, into my bathroom to wash up and change into my school uniform. I was brushing my teeth with my bunny toothbrush (don't judge) and when I was finished, rinsed out my mouth. Afterwards, I threw my towel on my bed and started to change into my school uniform. 

Hmm...too simple. I think it needs more pink!

There! I looked at myself in my mirror. White dress shirt with a black blazer and black slacks. Oh, and of course my pink bowtie! I whipped my head around as I lost track of the time. My clock read 6:40. 

Oh no! It's so late! Kyu's going to kill me!

Aish. I gathered up everything and ran out the door without breakfast.

"Kyu-ah!" I hollered after seeing Kyuhyun waiting for me across the street. 

"Minnie, you're late...again," Kyu teased. He smirked as I crossed the street and started strolling with him to school. 

"Mianhe Kyu..." I replied with a pout. 

"Ah, it's okay Min. Come on before we're late for our first day of school," Kyuhyun said. Wow, I'm so lucky to have an amazing best friend like him. He didn't even get mad that I made him wait. Well, that's the power of Minnie aegyo! No one can resist me! But wow. Kyuhyun looks so...gorgeous today. He's wearing the exact same thing as me but why does he look more handsome than me? Wahhh. Kyu...maybe you're the reason I feel like're the reason I---

"OW!" I screamed as I felt a sudden pain. I looked down at my hand as a red, whip-like welt was beginning to form on my hand. It wasn't bad but gosh did that hurt. As I glanced around looking for the culprit, I noticed Kyu snickering. 


I saw the rubber band right next to me and the next thing that came to my mind was just plain genius. 

You are so going to regret shooting me with that rubber band, Cho Kyuhyun. 

Taking aim, I let the rubber band fly and as I knew it would, it hit my target perfectly. 

"YAH! LEE SUNGMIN." Kyu screamed out in pain. Eh, so maybe it was a bit devious too, but what the heck, it was worth it. There was an evident red mark similar to mine on his forehead. I laughed out loud and started to run away but before I could do that Kyuhyun caught me with a backhug that made me blush a bit. However, no words could describe what I felt after I heard what he said.

"You're going to pay for that later Bunny," Kyu whispered seductively in my ear. Omg. My heart feels as though it's about to explode, my face feels like a furnace, and I bet if I tried to walk, I would eat the cement. The bad thing is, Kyuhyun let go of me and as predicted, I fell straight on the cement. I picked myself up and faced a laughing, crazy fox. 

"Kyu, stop being so mean!" I whined while pouting. Aish. This crazy fox is really getting on my nerves. -sigh.- Well, he isn't my best friend for nothing, right? 

"Sorry, Minnie..." the younger replied while trying to pull his best aegyo face, but his smirk was evident behind those puppy eyes. He put the rubber band, which he was using just a while ago to hurt me with, away in his pockets. 

"Nya, I'll forgive you this time!" I really can't resist Kyu no matter how hard I try. It's not that I love him, it's just that...well how do I put this...okay so maybe I do LIKE him a bit, but it's probably just brotherly love, right? Besides, he would never feel the same way about me...

Putting that aside, I grabbed Kyu's arm and dragged him with me. I gleefully skipped to school, though it was a bit difficult considering that fact that SOMEONE was half asleep. Wasn't he laughing like a hysterical hyena just a while ago? Seriously sometimes I wonder where he would be without me. As soon as we reached the school gates, Kyuhyun finally decided to wake up, probably from all of the screaming fanboys/fangirls. I smiled and looked over to the fox and saw him smirking.

Of course...why do you never show me your---

What in rabbit's name am I saying...I'm going crazy. Great. This fox is rubbing off on me!

I shook myself out of my thoughts and literally dragged Kyu away from his little paparazzi to our lockers. Yes, our lockers because they were right next to each other. I smiled as I saw a picture of us when we were smaller in his locker. 

Aigoo~ so cute!

Suddenly, the bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I saw that Kyuhyun was also stunned. Gosh. This must be a really off day for him. I guess I'm doing everything for him again. With that being said I grabbed his arm, but my hand slipped and instead, grabbed his hand....


I could feel my cheeks turning red, so I looked down and hurriedly dragged Kyu to our classroom. 

I wonder what he's feeling while we're holding hands...

"Uh, Minnie? Are you okay? Our classroom is back there," Kyuhyun spoke as he pointed behind him. 

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah..." I muttered while stopping, letting go of his hand, and walking to our correct class. I felt the warmth of his hand leave mine making me sad. As I opened the door to our classroom, students were already in their seats talking amongst themselves. I scurried to my seat in the far back by the window. I glanced over and saw Kyuhyun already in his seat talking to uh...what was his name? Ryeowook was it? Something like that...

I know I shouldn't feel this way, nor do I have anything against Ryeowook, but Kyuhyun looks so close to him. He's always laughing and smiling whenever he's with Ryeowook. Whenever he's with me, Kyu would always tease and make fun of me. It makes me sad and angry at the same time. To avoid the scene before me, I tried to look for something else to do but at that moment, our professor came in. 

"Okay class settle down!" the professor announced, catching the class's attention. The room hushed immediately. "We have a new student today," she spoke once again, "please treat him well!"

Ah, so it's a guy. Well, here comes all of the "OMG HE'S SO HOT." or "AHHHHHH!" or even "I wonder if he'll be my boyfriend!" -sigh.- This was like a daily routine every time a new student enters our class. Apathetic, I stared out of the window to look at the beautiful view. 

"Annyeong-haseyo. I'm Kim Jongwoon but please call me---" 


Upon hearing my name I looked up at the new student for the first time. Immediately, my eyes widened, my mouth dropped, and who knows what my heart felt at that moment. All I know was...

That hair...those eyes...that can't be...


No. No. NO. It can't be him. Not now...not when...

"Please continue Jongwoon-ah," the professor stated. He was staring at me. I was staring back. Some may think this is awkward and I agree on that completely, but something made me continue to look at him. The look in his eyes...I couldn't exactly tell what it was. Hurt? Pain? Sadness? Maybe even all three? Before I had a chance to sort out my thoughts, Yesung continued.

"Ah, I apologize. As I was saying before, I'm Kim Jongwoon but please call me Yesung." Yesung announced. I could hear girls squealing about how handsome he was. Those words kind of made me feel...jealous? No. It can't be. It just can't. I mean didn't I feel this a little while ago with Kyuhyun? So I can't be feeling jealously towards two people. But, Yesung did look dreamy and no. Sungmin stop that. I stole a glance towards Kyuhyun and he was looking at me. I gave him a nervous, but small smile to show that I was okay, even though I was being ripped to pieces inside but he didn't need to know that part. 

"Thank you, Yesung. You will be sitting next to Sungmin towards the back, and I believe you two already know each other so it will be easy for you to feel comfortable here." the professor replied with a smile.

WHAT? No. Comfortable? I hope she meant inept, uncomfortable, and just plain awkward. Ugh. What did I do wrong to deserve this? 


Well, here's the first chapter! (: Sorry if it repeats the foreword but please do enjoy the story~ I hope it's not that bad though it might be a bit boring...saranghae<3 

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Chapter 29: My heart is ache *seriously*
I'm cryin a lot ~~~
I don't my reaction for nxt chpter!!!
Btw can't wait for nxt chpter
So sad! ㅠ____ㅠ
I can't stop from crying!! TT^TT
PaboForSJ #4
I cried. T^T I really cried. I love your story! I hope Minnie will be able to come back. Update soon~
Poor Minnie I cried
Omg noooooooooo come Backkkk
Silver-Soul #8
Hmm... It just bothers me that he had to die to donate his cornea... But I like the story nonetheless... ^-^

Oh! And the "I hope to see everyone soon." sounded so.. morbid! It's like.. he wants them to die soon! Hehe... *has a twisted mind* ^-^
you know how good this story is........ its a over board of goodness to make someone cry and their heart break in pieces