Didn't Hurt

And You Thought One Lie Couldn't Hurt

 Chapter Twenty Three

..::Yoobin's POV::..

"Taecyeon!" My voice was hoarse and dry, something that sounded unpleasant.

"Yoobin..." Taecyeon stared in confusion as he opened the door. "Look, this situation-"

"Don't say anything yet." I ran inside and watches as he closed the door and walked over, sitting down on the couch uncomfortably. 

"What do you have to tell me now?" He looked stressed out and his body lost it's glow.

"Look Taecyeon," My face showed him I wasn't kidding around. "...First I want to know something."

"What do you want to know?"

What do humans want to know about each other?

I have a lot of things I want to know, answers to my questions.

Why do people go around spreading rumors about each other? What's the point of making fun of each other's flaws if all it does is hurt everybody? Why is everything so...


"Jaebum's your best friend..." Saying his name made me feel reassured everything will be okay. "I'm your best friend and used to be girlfriend..."

Taecyeon looked away from me when I added the last part.

"So what made you not believe us?"

"What are you talking about? Jay has nothing to do with-"

"He does." I defended firmly. "He backed me up when I told you Jessica Jung isn't your 'best friend'."

"What is with you guys?!" He stood up and covered his face with his hand, showing the other half of his face full of pain, maybe sorrow. "Is this what you guys were? Just liars that-"

"We're liars?!" I started to lose it and forget my purpose for coming here.

"You're a smart girl Yoobin, figure it out." Jaebum's voices boomed inside my head and I tried to recompose my self.

"What's it going to take to make you believe?" I whimpered and felt useless tears gushing out of my eyes.

"Don't cry dam.n it..." Taecyeon leaned against the wall and covered his face with his shoulders. "I really want to believe you but Jessica's my friend too..."

"But I love you."

He flinched a little and turned around with a sad look on his face. "I don't want to hurt you, trust me..."

"You're stupid! To be a good detective, you don't need a hat or a magnifying glass!" 

"Then what do you need?"

"You just need a voice and evidence!"

Jaebum would always tell me all you needed was a voice and evidence, maybe a little bit of hope too. 

"You just need a voice and evidence..." I whispered and burned a hole into Taecyeon's eyes with my eyes. Look at me...

"What?" He turned around and questioned.

Then the phone rung and Taecyeon sighed. He walked over to answer it and heard him talking to his mom. 

"Voice and evidence..." I took out my cell phone and stared at it carefully. I opened it to find a picture of Jay, Taecyeon and me, all smiling after graduating our first year of high school.

"My mom's going to be here soon, I suggest we talk about this-"

I put up my fingers to my lips to motion him to be quiet as I dialed the number. I put it on speaker phone and set it down on the table.

Ring. Ring.

I felt my heart beat faster and felt adrenaline rushing through my veins. So close to have Taecyeon by my side, the way it's supposed to be.

"Yoobin, what-"

"Hello?" She picked up and I covered Taecyeon's mouth with my hand. I pushed back my hair and felt my whole face covered in sweat.

"Hello? If this is some prank call, I have caller ID Yoobin."

My breathing slowed down and I calmed my self down. "Jessica, what are you going to do?" 

Taecyeon looked confused and I looked over and smiled a little, hoping this works.

There was maniacal laughter on the line. "Oh please, you don't even have Taecyeon anymore. He'll be mine soon, you just wait. You actually thought you could have him...So I guess I'm done with you. You should be happy!" 

Taecyeon's hand gripped onto mine tightly and I saw him slowly starting to hyperventilate. He was about to say something but I stopped him. 

"You know what one of the girls told me?"

"Oh let me guess, Yuri?" She scoffed over the phone. "She's such a bitc.h, always putting her nose in other people's business."

"Yuri told me there are no seniors you know from another school. When you spread that rumor about me being a whor.e, were there even seniors from another school you know? The one's I supposedly slept with?" My voice trembled in excitement ad Jessica's image slowly broke down.

"Wow, if you believed that lie, you're obviously stupid."

"I guess I am a little stupid..." I hung up the phone and watched Taecyeon staring off into space and smiling a little.

That was my response too. Too much in shock to say or do anything.


"So all this time..."

"It's hard to believe, but it's true." 

He looked over with pleading eyes and saw tears fall down his face. He slowly tried to wrap his arms around me, almost as if he was unsure I could be a liar too. Happily, I pushed myself towards him and embraced him, soon feeling him hug me back.

"I'm so sorry..." His voice muffled as he buried his face in my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry too." 

"What are you sorry for? I made the mistake..."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, we both were tricked."

"Yoobin...!" He gripped onto my arms tightly and heard him growl lightly. "Please forgive me..."

I sat there dazed and saw the world as a brighter place. My whole body shined and smiled. "Should I?"

His grip didn't loosen and felt his determination. "I understand if you don't want to but-"

"You silly goose!" I laughed and held his face up. "Of course I forgive you!"

His eyes shined brightly as his mouth slowly pulled back into a grin. "I love you!"

I chuckled lightly and watched as he held me against his chest. "I love you too Taecyeon."

"But," He pulled back and his face was filled with remorse. "Jaebum..."

Once again I laughed at Taecyeon's foolishness. "Just call him, you guys can't last 2 days without talking to each other anyway."

"But still, what if he doesn't accept my apology...?"

"Then too bad I guess." I teased and he just stuck his tongue out like a little boy.

I watched him pick up his phone and dial Jay's number. He paused and looked over to me. "You do it, I'm scared!" 

"You act like you're confessing or something..." I laughed and dialed in Jaebum's number quickly. The phone started to ring and Taecyeon pressed his ear against the phone. 

"Hello?" Immediately, I pressed the phone against Taecyeon's ear. He mouthed 'NO!' and scooted away but I caught him by the arm before he could escape.

"Hello?" Jaebum repeated on the phone. 

"You do it!" Taecyeon whispered and I shook my head. 

"Face it like a man!" I hissed back.

"Yoobin? Face what like a man?"

"Oh, hey Jaebum!" 

"Uhm...Hey? You okay?"

"Uhhh...Yeah..." I punched Taecyeon lightly and he just sat there pouting. "Oh, and Taecyeon wants to say a word or two." I threw the phone towards Taecyeon and I ran away. 

"Hey!" Taecyeon shouted for me to come back and chased after me but I kept running around the house.

Once I heard Taecyeon's foot steps stop, I tip toed over to the living room again and saw him smiling lightly. I guess things went well then?

"Yeah man, exactly what I'm saying!"

When it comes to talking on the phone, they sound exactly like girls...

"You know it bro!" He squirmed on the couch as I sighed in relief. 

"Taecyeon?" I heard a women's voice from behind me and turned around to see Taecyeon's mom smiling. "You must be Yoobin!"

"Hello Mrs. Ok!" I exclaimed and smiled nervously. Oh my god, I'm meeting his parents for the first time...

"Just call me mom in law!" She smiled and I blushed a little at her bluntness. 

"You know, Taecyeon talks about you all the time..." She dragged me away before Taecyeon could see.

She told me to sit down and got me a drink. "Let's start from freshmen year...Oh that's right! He always came home and told me about how he talked to you that day or how you guys sat next to each other for five minuets!"

The whole night, she told me stories while Taecyeon screamed into the phone and laughed with Jaebum. 

Thanks Jessica.

That one lie really didn't hurt.


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Chapter 24: i know this story has ended for a while but i couldn't reasist commenting oh god it is sooooooo good. Its a masterpice
i felt sorry for jaebom but yoobin gat her happy ending. Thanks for this wonderful story autorinim ^_^
aww jay!!!
love this...
anniekhun #4
OMG. I read this story again -2nd time- and it's still SOOOO GOOD. <br />
I guess the story wouldn't be as good if yoobin ended up with jay, BUT THEY WERE SO LOVELY TOGETHER!<br />
You seriously are a talented writer, I'm so pissed up right now how this story couldn't get featured. This story could easily win those soppy/ ones.<br />
I REAALLY LOVE THIS STORY. thank you so much :DD
black_jazz #5
I LOVE this story. It's so heartbreaking, I'm even crying now. :')<br />
You're so talented in writing, and this story just tortured me, and you must know all the readers want in the ending of this fic *a happy jaebumxyoobin* >.<<br />
Thank you for making such tearing and heartbreaking stories! Just what I needed XDD
anniekhun #6
i really loved this fanfic. it was the first fanfic i read after my friend recommended it to me and it was so great. ahhh, i've always wanted jay to be with her but i guess she's happy and all.<br />
thank you for this lovely fanfic (:
Kodaeme #7
AWE~~~poor Jay :(
omg... I just found this story and the foreword is so sad