99% Sure?

And You Thought One Lie Couldn't Hurt

 Chapter Ten

..::Yoobin's POV::..

The desire to vanish into thin air increased as Tiffany walked closer and closer to me. Her eyes were sharp and pierced right through me. Suddenly, my back collided into the wall and she stopped right in front of me. OH MY GOD, is this some part of Jessica's sick plan?!

Then all the sudden, Tiffany smiled "...Are you scared?"

What the hell?! Of course I'm scared women! First you act like a gang member and now you're smiling!

"What do you want?!" She looked surprise and laughed. This isn't the time to laugh!

"Calm down Yoobin, I just need to talk to you about Jessica."

Oh great, that freak...

"I know what she is Yoobin, don't worry, and I know that you know too." Those words didn't process in my head since I've never heard them in the same sentence before. When I figured it out, I smiled. Finally, someone to talk to....

"Look Yoobin, I'm 99% sure they're not in love. Jay never even liked Jessica!" She yelled and rolled her eyes "She's probably paying him or something."

"For...For real?!" If Tiffany didn't tell me this, I would have walked back into the cafeteria and tried to talk to Jay. He would have probably ignored me and I would have caused a big commotion. Wait a second...

"But that doesn't explain why he isn't talking to me." My eyebrows crinkled up together and I realized this doesn't make any sense. "No, there's a part missing, Jay wouldn't go out with someone he doesn't even like."

"That's what confuses me." Tiffany looked into the mirror and fixed her hair up a little. Tiffany was pretty, but not a plastic pretty. She was natural and I didn't understand why guys didn't pay more attention to her. 

"Don't worry Yoobin, I'm on your side. Jessica's been getting on my nerves lately. And I saw what happened to you and Jessica on home coming night. You didn't even hit her, she looked so...Just looking at her made me embarrassed for her."

Finding some hope now made me wish I talked to Tiffany a long time ago. "Then...What should I do?"

"First things first, you should probably try to talk to Jay." She smiled and elbowed me lightly "And I know you still have the hots for Taec." My face burned up and I pouted, smiling after when Tiffany winked.

"And besides, Jay HAS to talk to you one day, you guys were the closest friends I've ever seen!"

"Yeah, I guess so..." I smiled lightly and she patted my back. "Come on, from now on, we're best friends." My smile grew more enthusiastic and I linked onto her arm.


"How about these?" I said, coming out of the dressing room in an outfit I put together from the pile of clothes Tiffany picked out for me. I saw Jessica roll her eyes secretly and the other girls encouraging me to buy it.

"Girl, I'll buy it FOR you!" Soo Young exclaimed and I smiled widely. The worker came over and told me I could just buy it without taking it off. I thanked her and paid for my things when the guys walked in.

"Oh my jesus lord..." Taecyeon stopped in front of me and his jaw dropped "Don't you look pretty..."

"Thanks." I smiled brightly and saw Jessica all over Jaebum. But doesn't Jessica like Taecyeon...? 

"Look, I'm telling you, it's the legs! THE LEGS!" Wooyoung hit Junho continuously out of frustration as Junho just gave me a 'TAKE IT OFF' look. And no, he doesn't want me to strip, he wants to cover up my legs.

"It's a gene, I swear, the Kim gene." Wooyoung just went on and on.

"Oppa, guys always buy their girlfriends outfits!" Jessica whined and everybody just aw-ed at the sight. Everybody except me and Tiffany.

"Okay, okay." He gave in and followed Jessica around the store. You know what Jay? Whatever, if you don't want to be in my life, I won't force you, but I'll miss you.

"Yoobin." Taecyeon shoved a bunch of clothes into my hands and I gave him a confused look. "What should...I do with these?"

"Go try them on! I'll buy you something too!" He smiled and I was ready to cry. Ok Taecyeon, I adore you. How could anybody hate you? Even people like Jessica like you! But then they decide to go out with different people, that makes sense...

I tried to forget that my brain is in deep confusion and went inside the dressing room to try the clothes on. Then I heard someone go into the dressing room next to mine. It was Jessica, only she can walk in 5 inch heels...

"Jay, can you zip me up?" Jessica said in a disgusting, supposed to be seductive tone and the boys cheered him on. 

"Oooo, already that close, huh?" I could recognize Wooyoung's erted voice anywhere.

"Can't you get one of the girls to do it?" He shouted back meekly.

"You're my boyfriend!" She shouted back and I thought I was going to barf. I took off my shirt before ruining it and saw my reflection. Maybe I should buy a bra too...

"Jessica-" In the mirror, I saw Jaebum frozen, and I was too. He just stood there with his hand on the door handle and his mouth slightly open. 

"You ert!" I threw the shirt in my hand at him and he just stumbled back. 

"Wrong door?!" Taeyeon peeked into my dressing room before I shut it and she screamed "It was the wrong one!" Everybody burst into laughter and I couldn't help but laugh too. I quickly got dressed and heard Jaebum go into the right dressing room, zipping up Jessica's dress.

"I don't know what to do, this zipper isn't working!" I heard Jay complain in the dressing room next to mine and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Girlfriends over friends, I guess.

"It has to fit, it's a size 1!" 

"WELL MAYBE YOU GAINED A SIZE!" He screamed and I couldn't help but crack up silently. So Jay, you're not on her side?

"Park Jaebum! Don't you talk to your girlfriend like that!" 

"I'M SORRY BUT IT'S NOT WORKING! How do you want me to fix a zipper?! GOD!" The door slammed open and I peeked out to see Jaebum fuming and Jessica with an ped dress on. 

"I am SO mad at you!" She screamed and threw a bitc.h fit as the others just watched with mouths and eyes wide open. Jessica looked over to me for a second and smiled "Kiss me Jay."

"What?!" He turned around and gave her a scared expression. 

"Kiss me, NOW. Then I'll forgive you." She smiled and the crowd cheered them on.

Kiss her and then I'll know the answer to my question. 

He hesitated and leaned in slowly and Jessica forced his head into hers. It looked like she was his face off...And he didn't stop her.

"Bye Jaebum..." I whispered to my self and shut the door. I slid down slowly and sobbed quietly. 

I lied, I wasn't going to give up that easily.

Park Jaebum, I'll fight for you. I'm not going to give up.

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Chapter 24: i know this story has ended for a while but i couldn't reasist commenting oh god it is sooooooo good. Its a masterpice
i felt sorry for jaebom but yoobin gat her happy ending. Thanks for this wonderful story autorinim ^_^
aww jay!!!
love this...
anniekhun #4
OMG. I read this story again -2nd time- and it's still SOOOO GOOD. <br />
I guess the story wouldn't be as good if yoobin ended up with jay, BUT THEY WERE SO LOVELY TOGETHER!<br />
You seriously are a talented writer, I'm so pissed up right now how this story couldn't get featured. This story could easily win those soppy/ ones.<br />
I REAALLY LOVE THIS STORY. thank you so much :DD
black_jazz #5
I LOVE this story. It's so heartbreaking, I'm even crying now. :')<br />
You're so talented in writing, and this story just tortured me, and you must know all the readers want in the ending of this fic *a happy jaebumxyoobin* >.<<br />
Thank you for making such tearing and heartbreaking stories! Just what I needed XDD
anniekhun #6
i really loved this fanfic. it was the first fanfic i read after my friend recommended it to me and it was so great. ahhh, i've always wanted jay to be with her but i guess she's happy and all.<br />
thank you for this lovely fanfic (:
Kodaeme #7
AWE~~~poor Jay :(
omg... I just found this story and the foreword is so sad