“Yah, just talk to him like you talk to us!”

Die of Embarrassment

“So erm, should we start again?”

Mona froze. Sweat trickled down her neck and her knees buckled. That’s not him right? That couldn't be him. Why would he follow her out? Slowly, she was almost afraid to look; she turned around and breathed a sigh of relief. Right, it would be crazy for him to follow her. Why would he? She wanted to yell at the couple standing by the wall for scaring her, but decided not to. They might think her crazy or something, and that was the last thing she wanted anyone to think of her.

She paused before entering study hall. To go or not to go? That was the question. To go meant that she would have to see him and embarrass herself even more. She shook her head. Definitely not an option! Instead, she made her way to the dance studio, deep in thought.

“Well well well, look who’s here.” Someone said when she entered.

Mona looked up and raised her eyebrow at him. “What are you guys doing here?”

“What are YOU doing here?”

“You guys have study session right now.”

“So do you.”

Mona sank to the ground and curled up on the floor, furiously shaking her head. “I can’t go back in there...” She mumbled over and over again.

Daniel smirked at Youngwon before focusing his eyes back on their very distraught friend. “We heard what happened...”

“Ugh!” Mona groaned as if someone had punched her. “Don't! I swear if you say anything, I’ll personally come over to your place tonight and kill you.”

“Youngwon sshi, you look kinda red, are you feeling hot?” Daniel said in a high pitch voice, obviously deaf to her threat, as he imitated the nightmare she experienced earlier.

“No! You’re hot!” Youngwon exclaimed before bursting into laughter, sinking to the ground next to Mona. “Yah, you’ve really done it this time. Why would you say something like that?”

“Please... kill me. Please.” Mona pleaded, trembling from head to toe. “Did Jeesu say anything about Simon?”

“No. Apparently, he acted like nothing happened. Maybe he didn't hear you.” Youngwon shrugged.

“Mona, you know we love you right?” Daniel said, suddenly taking pity on her.

“But you seriously need to get over this shyness that you have.” Youngwon added.

“I can’t! I just can’t. It follows me everywhere!”

“Ok, why don’t we practice talking? Imagine I’m Simon.” Daniel offered his help. He felt sorry for her. He knew how much she liked him, but like every other guy she used to like, she can never speak properly to any of them. 99% of the time, the conversation would always end up in disaster.

Mona sat up and stared intently at her friend. Then she shook her head. “I can’t. I can speak to you just fine. You’re not Simon...”

“Hence the word imagine...” Daniel pointed out the obvious.

“I can’t! It’s different! Just leave me alone! I’ll figure something out myself!” Mona said, exasperated.

“Ok, hey... I was just trying to help.” Daniel said, defending himself.

“Why don’t we go for lunch? Intae hyung is already there. He saved us seats.” Youngwon chirped in, trying to ease the tension.

They made their way to the cafeteria and saw Intae busy helping himself to some food. Mona shook her head at him. “Wow, another lazybum...”

“Hey, study session is waste of time.” Intae replied, his mouth filled with food. Then he smiled knowingly at her. “So erm Mona sshi, your cheeks are red, are you hot?”

“Noooo!” Mona buried her face in the palms of her hands. “Not you too! No, you know what? Fine, make fun of me all you want, I don’t care.”

“Uh-huh, and we’re about to make fun of you some more.” Daniel said, his voice gleeful as he turned his head towards the entrance where the twins and Jeesu, followed closely by Simon were making their way towards them.

Mona turned to look at the same time and stood up. “Ok, I’m leaving. See you guys later!”

“Sit!” Intae said, holding tightly to her wrist. “You just came! And you haven’t eaten yet!”

“Oppa, let me go! I’m not hungry!” Mona struggled, trying desperately to release his hold on her.

“Hyung! Hold on to her! I’ll go get something to eat!” Youngwon said before running towards the lunch lady.

“Why must he sit with us?” Mona asked, almost bursting into tears. “Can’t he sit alone?”

“Do you want him to sit alone? He’ll be surrounded by all these girls in no time.” Intae replied.

Mona clammed up. No, she definitely didn't want that. She knew what the whole female population at the university was thinking. There was a new prey in town and there was no way they were going to let him go, like piranhas hungry for blood.  

 “Hey guys! Hey Mona, you missed study session.” Jeesu said with a playful smirk.

She wanted to slap him, slap him until his cheeks were the colour of Intae’s red sweater. Can she? She smiled meekly at him, keeping her temper in check. “Huh... yeah.”

“Hey, what happened? Why did you storm out like that? Are you ok?” Simon asked, genuinely concerned.

The whole table became silent and all eyes turned to her, waiting with bated breath for her reply. It was so quiet she could hear the blood rushing to her ears. She cleared , aware that they were all watching her. What is this? Some show for their entertainment?

“Here you go!” Youngwon appeared, breaking the silence that Mona felt lasted a lifetime. Why couldn't she just say ‘I’m fine’? Why was it so hard to talk to him? Why?

“Yah, just talk to him like you talk to us!” Intae whispered once they were all seated.

Mona let out a frustrated sigh. She could see Simon looking at her every now and then and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She wished she never knew he existed. He was making it hard for her to lead a normal boring life!

“Hey guys, there’ll be a party at my house this weekend.” Intae said, looking around the table before stopping on Simon. “And yes, Simon, you are definitely invited.”

“Cool, I’ll be there.” Simon nodded his head, flashing a smile that caught Mona’s eyes.

“Yah, you ok?” EunJi asked from beside her.

“Huh?” Mona said, dazed.

“You just sighed really loudly.”

“What? No, I didn't.” Mona denied. “I didn't right?” She mouthed to Daniel who was sitting opposite her.

He smirked before sighing, imitating her once again, his most favourite activity. Mona shook her head in horror and groaned inwardly. She was going to die. There was no doubt about it. Cause of death, embarrassment.

“Will you be able to make it?” Intae poked her side.

“Huh? We have a test this Friday.” Mona replied, keeping her head down.

“The party’s on Friday night.” Intae pointed out.

“I don’t know. I don’t have a ride...”

“Oh, I can drive you there.” Simon interrupted.

Once again, the whole table fell into complete silent, their focus alternating between her and Simon. She could see how much Daniel wanted to laugh and narrowed her eyes at him as a sign of warning.

“Erm, Jeesu, can’t you drive me?” Mona asked.

“Sorry! I’m banned from your house remember?”

“What? Since when? I... huh?”

“Since... today. And so are Youngwon and Daniel. You’re gonna have to go with Simon.” Jeesu quickly said, lying blatantly to her face.

She bit her lip, trying hard to prevent herself from bursting into tears. She couldn't go with him! What would they talk about in the car? The weather? No, considering what happened today, she probably wouldn’t even be able to greet him!

“Erm... I’m going to go to library and study for a while. I’ll see you guys later.” Mona said before standing up.

She was about to walk away when his voice stopped her.

“Can I come?”

Chapter Posted on: Jun. 3. 2012

Yay! Thanks so much for subscribing! Simon is awesome! Lol... please enjoy! don't forget to comment ok? Thanks! ^^ Btw, if you guys are wondering if it's possible for someone to be this shy, yes it is! haha ^^ 

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JulesinfiniteL #1
Chapter 30: Love! :D That's all I have to say! :)
JulesinfiniteL #2
Chapter 1: bahahahahaha, this sounds scarily familiar to me... :P
This was actually a brilliant story! I stayed up all night to read this and I regret nothing!c:< I loved every single character in this fic!:'D. Aghdkahdskahfdsll! weldone!<3
Chapter 30: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH found this and read and ahh SIMON omg my bias! btw DMTN comeback!
I've been looking for a good Simon fic for awhile! Noy many people here write on Dalmatian so I was glad when I found this story yesterday (and just finished reading this morning). :)

Seriously there's some cring worthy embarrassing things there and I know they're really possible too.
Well, I've enjoyed your story so thanks for sharing the Simon Park love :)
simon_x #6
THIS FIC. is so beautiful ;~; simon feels ;~; i think i like it like 1000000 times more because simon is my absolute bias.. and because your writing is amazing :o keep up the good work <3
asdfghjkl;' Poor Dari...I'm glad he turned out with a happy ending though (:
This story was just adorable <3
Why did it have to end?? I'm so happy that things worked out for everyone in the end. And Dari finally met someone and gave Simon and Mona his blessing. ^-^
omg, yay Dari gave his blessing, met Gina. :D
and Simon and Mona are happy together. <3
can't believe it ended, but i totally enjoy every chapter and moment!!
wil ldefinitely check out the new story. :D
b2utyforever #10
OMG!! It ended too quickly! T.T
Please please pleaaaaaaaaase make a sequel of this!!
This was the best Simon fanfic i could find!!
Sequel pleaseeeee~