“Put your mouth over mine.”

Die of Embarrassment


“Hey guys! Guess what? I volunteered us for something!” EunJi said before sitting herself next to Jeesu and Daniel.

Intae and Mona simultaneously groaned at the piece of information. “You’re kidding right? We just finished that stupid project! Now you’re volunteering us for something else?”

“Hey! It’s not that hard. The nearby orphanage is coming over to our college for a visit. All we have to do is demonstrate CPR to those kids.” EunJi explained.

Mona stopped tugging her hair and stared at her friend. “CPR? Did you say CPR?”

EunJi nodded her head. “Yeah. CPR. Why? Don't tell me you don’t know how to do CPR.”

Mona scoffed nonchalantly. “O-of course I know how to do CPR. Alright, when?”

“This Saturday.” EunJi replied before Mona nodded her head in comprehension.

Simon leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You don’t know how to do CPR do you?”

“Oh... please. I’ve mastered CPR in sem 1.” Mona said, trying to brush off his question. She was freaking out. She had absolutely no idea how to do CPR. Yes, she had done it in sem 1, but that was a long time ago and she had forgotten the steps completely. But she wasn’t going to tell him that. He had already called her dense once, and she wasn’t about to give him any reason to call her anything else.

“Alright. Prove it. What’s the first thing we should do?” Simon asked, challenging her.

“Ohh... umm... I know it! It’s err... uhh...” Mona stuttered, turning her gaze away from him. Her eyes landed on Daniel who was watching them with interest, and she pleaded with him silently to help her out. He grinned and shook his head, mouthing the words ‘you’re on your own’.

Good load of friends you have there, her inner voice spoke up. She couldn't agree more. They were set on screwing her, and she had no idea why. It wasn’t only them; she was set on screwing herself as well... She sighed. Life was not looking good for her right now...

“If you stutter like that when the patient is in serious need of CPR, they’ll die.” Simon pointed out. His smirk was extremely y. If all drivers were female, he can cause traffic by just standing there on the sidewalk, smirking. But as of that moment, she wanted so badly to wipe it off his face. She was embarrassed enough as it was.

“Oh c’mon Mona. It’s basic CPR. Don’t tell me you really don’t know.” Jeesu said.

“Jeesu, lay off her. Even I don’t know it.” Intae replied, shoving another spoonful of rice into his mouth.

“Hyung! To be honest, I really don’t know what you’re doing here. You don’t come to class, you don’t really do projects. I can quite honestly say that I’m baffled as to why you are even here.” Jeesu said.

“That’s easy. I’m only here because of the experience.” Intae uttered after swallowing his food.

Simon tugged a strand of Mona’s hair, trying to catch her attention. “Since you obviously don’t know what CPR is, shall we practice later?”

“Me?”Intae asked, surprised. He didn't see that Simon was not directing his question at him, absorbed as he was with his food and assumed that Simon was talking to him.

“What? No, eww. God no! Hyung, I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Mona.” He said before turning his eyes back to Mona. “What do you say?”

“Ohh... erm, yeah. Sure.” Mona said, suddenly distracted by his lips. She was going to touch those lips tonight... with her very own. She wondered how it would taste like. Embarrassed with her trail of thoughts, she quickly shook her head to get the image out of her head. She was going to die tonight...

“Hey guys. Blood donation week is back!” JiEun said loudly before plopping herself down on the nearest chair.

“Please... don’t sound so excited.” Mona rolled her eyes. “It’s not like they’re giving out free ice-creams for you to get excited.”

“Mona, you’ll donate this time right? It’s for a good cause!”

Mona smiled in frustration. Why were her friends asking her to do so many things today? Why did they have to be things that she cannot do?!

“You’ve never donate before?” Simon asked, surprised. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of blood because that is just ridiculous.”

“No! No... Psshh... I’m not scared of anything.” Mona scoffed. If only she had voodoo dolls right now, she would poke all of them in the eye... because every single one of them deserved it... save Simon of course...

“C’mon Mona, we all know you’re scared of the needle.” Daniel said gleefully. He just loved teasing her. He liked seeing her reaction. She was funny when she was flustered.

Mona banged her head against the table repeatedly, cursing everyone under her breath. “Intae oppa, kill me now.”

“Oh no... I wouldn’t want to get your blood on my hands.” Intae teased.

“Ugh! You people are unbelievable. I’m going home.” Mona said and grabbed her bag. Simon stood up as well, and she turned to look at him. “What are you doing? There’s one more class left.”

“But you’re not going.” Simon said simply. “If you’re not going, I won’t go either.”

The rest of her friends wolf-whistled at his statement. Intae slapped Simon’s back, shouting ‘you’re the man’ to him, his mouth still chockfull of rice. Mona stood rooted, her face flushed crimson at his blatant honesty. “O-oppa, don’t be silly. You like going to class. You go to class. I’ll go home. And then I’ll see you later.”

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Since you’re not going to class, I thought maybe we can get started on the CPR practice.”

“Right now? I thought later tonight!” Mona exclaimed.

“But you don’t have anything to do right now.”

“I do actually. I was planning on sleeping the afternoon away.” Mona replied.

“You can sleep later. Maybe...” His voice dropped to a whisper and he leaned in closer to her, a small smile on his lips. “Maybe we can sleep together again later...”

“Whoa whoa whoa! This conversation is getting way too rated for these kids right here!” Intae protested, gesturing to the others who were staring wide-mouth at them, the expression on their faces priceless. She would’ve laughed loudly if the situation was different.

“Take your elsewhere and leave us in peace!” Intae instructed before returning to his plate of food.

Mona, feeling bewildered, dragged her feet slowly out of the cafeteria, Simon in tow. She wasn’t sure how to feel. Giddy? Embarrassed? All she felt at the moment was... lost. Yup, she felt lost. She didn't know what to do and what to think. And Simon... Simon was not helping. Now, she felt as if it was the other way around, as if Simon was the one who was crushing on her big time. Was that true? If that was true, she couldn't be any happier...

“Mona, you ok? You’ve been so quiet in the car.” Simon asked when they reached her house later.

“Huh? Oh erm, I’m fine.” Mona said as she waved her hand. She threw her bag on the floor and sat herself on the couch, Simon mimicking her action.

“So, shall we get started?”

“On what?” Mona asked in a daze. It had become so... awkward with him. After the hug and the slight grazing of his lips against her cheek nights ago, she couldn't think of anything else but that incident. She rarely embarrassed herself even, so lost was she in her continuous thoughts of him.

He followed her... everywhere she goes. If she went to the restroom, he would wait outside the door, holding her bag for her. She had never met anyone so sweet before. Sometimes, he would hold her hand, at other times he would drape his arm over her shoulder. He would flirt too, like he normally did... She was going crazy, she just knew it. How could someone as hot as he like someone like her? She wasn’t the brightest, nor was she the prettiest. She was being insecure, but she couldn't ignore that annoying little voice in her head.

“Hey...” He said softly, reaching out to caress her face. “What are you thinking about? You seem very lost lately...”

“Huh? Oh erm, nothing.” Mona shook her head.

“Are you sure? You know you can talk to me.” He said again.

Mona flashed him a smile and stood up from the couch. “I’m fine. Shall we practice the CPR now?”

Mona watched in slow motion, as he ran his thumb across his lips, before it with his tongue. She gulped and gulped. She tried gasping for breath without making it too obvious that she was in serious need of air. She felt her face burning and she quickly looked away, screaming in her head, telling herself to calm down. Oh goodness, she hasn’t even put her lips on him yet and she was already freaking out! Will she faint if she does the CPR on him?

“Ok first, you gotta make sure the airway is opened.” Simon told her as he lay on his back on the living room floor. “Lift my chin up with one hand and tilt my head up with the other by pressing on my forehead.”

“Uhh... ok.” Mona did as she was told. Her hands were trembling like crazy but she had to keep her cool! It wouldn’t do if he knew how nervous she was!

“Alright. Now you have to check if the person is breathing. If they’re not, you have to give rescue breathing.” Simon said, a smile slowly forming on his lips. He knew what was coming next. What would her reaction be?

Mona furrowed her brow in confusion. “Rescue breathing?”

Simon smirked. “Pinch my nose.”

“Pinch your nose?”

Simon grabbed her hand and helped her pinch his nose. “Ok, make sure you keep the other hand on my chin. Inhale normally and... put your mouth over mine and give me 2 full breaths. Make sure that there’s no escape of air. You have to form an air tight seal over my lips.”

He had lost her as soon as he said ‘put your mouth over mine’. She blinked rapidly. She felt as if her heart was about to break through her ribcage with all the furious beating. Could she do it without passing out?

“Mona... are you listening to me?”

“Huh? Oh yeah...”

“Put your mouth over mine.”

Mona widened her eyes and took a deep breath, staring at his lips... his full, perfectly shaped lips. She set her own lips in a straight line, and cleared . was suddenly so dry, and she was beginning to sweat everywhere. Luckily, she was sitting down. If not, she would’ve fallen over. She wanted to fan herself, she wanted to run upstairs and hide her room. She wanted to do anything else BUT put over his. Ok, granted that it wasn’t going to be a kiss, it was still a physical contact... And physical contact with Simon was dangerous... to her heart.

He sat up half-way, supporting his body with his elbows, enjoying the emotions that were fleeting across her face. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Can we... err... not do this?” Mona asked hesitantly.

Simon chuckled. “Why? I thought we were practising.”


“Are you scared to put your lips over mine? Mona, it’s not like we’re going to kiss.”

“Of course not!” Mona said horrified.

“Unless... if you want to. I mean, I... don’t mind at all.” Simon said with the return of his smirk.

Mona bit her bottom lip and before she could comprehend what was happening, before she could think of anything, he sat up completely and placed his lips over hers in a swift kiss. He pulled away just seconds later and beamed at her. “That wasn’t so bad was it?”

“Whoa! What is going on here?”


Chapter Posted on: Jun. 14. 2012

Hey hey! Update is up! So sorry it's one day late! I just finished writing 'Encounters'. Please check that out if you haven't! It stars Simon as well! Hahahaha... So in this chapter, i actually did some research on CPR... hahaha... I like writing this chapter! And simon is just getting cheekier and cheekier! Hahah ^^ Please enjoy! Don't forget to leave comments as usual! =D and sorry! i love cliffhangers!!! ^^

P.S: Here's 2 photos of simon smirking. because i always say he smirks in here... haha... http://i.imgur.com/ptKvn.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/CYBQK.jpg

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JulesinfiniteL #1
Chapter 30: Love! :D That's all I have to say! :)
JulesinfiniteL #2
Chapter 1: bahahahahaha, this sounds scarily familiar to me... :P
This was actually a brilliant story! I stayed up all night to read this and I regret nothing!c:< I loved every single character in this fic!:'D. Aghdkahdskahfdsll! weldone!<3
Chapter 30: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH found this and read and ahh SIMON omg my bias! btw DMTN comeback!
I've been looking for a good Simon fic for awhile! Noy many people here write on Dalmatian so I was glad when I found this story yesterday (and just finished reading this morning). :)

Seriously there's some cring worthy embarrassing things there and I know they're really possible too.
Well, I've enjoyed your story so thanks for sharing the Simon Park love :)
simon_x #6
THIS FIC. is so beautiful ;~; simon feels ;~; i think i like it like 1000000 times more because simon is my absolute bias.. and because your writing is amazing :o keep up the good work <3
asdfghjkl;' Poor Dari...I'm glad he turned out with a happy ending though (:
This story was just adorable <3
Why did it have to end?? I'm so happy that things worked out for everyone in the end. And Dari finally met someone and gave Simon and Mona his blessing. ^-^
omg, yay Dari gave his blessing, met Gina. :D
and Simon and Mona are happy together. <3
can't believe it ended, but i totally enjoy every chapter and moment!!
wil ldefinitely check out the new story. :D
b2utyforever #10
OMG!! It ended too quickly! T.T
Please please pleaaaaaaaaase make a sequel of this!!
This was the best Simon fanfic i could find!!
Sequel pleaseeeee~