“Yah! Did you guys sleep together?”

Die of Embarrassment


The morning light penetrated her closed lids, too bright for her to continue sleeping. She groaned. Her back was numb and her arms felt sore. She felt as if she had been sprawling on the rock and not on her bed. Her forehead creased with confusion. Wait a minute, if she was lying on her bed, why did her body feel so sore? She was lying on something warm and alive and she smiled, thinking that it was her cat. She reached over, expecting to feel her soft fur, but found none. Since when was her cat furless?

Ever so slowly, she opened her eyes, squinting to prevent the sunlight from blinding her. She lifted her head and looked at her surroundings, surprised to find herself in the living room. What happened last night? She placed her head back on the warm, breathing thing underneath her and smiled. Her body was sore, but it was still comfortable.


The thing she was lying on rumbled and she hurriedly sat up. She looked over her shoulder and let out a surprised gasp before focusing her eyes on something else, the blush creeping up her cheeks. It was ok that she fell asleep, but she was sleeping... with Simon?

“Nice hair.”

Her hand flew to her hair and she squealed, knowing that it resembled a bush on top of her head. She ran up the stairs and into the bathroom for a quick shower, her heartbeat at the speed of light. It was just as she imagined him to be in that split second that she had looked at him. The crumpled shirt, the sleepy eyes, the tousled hair... She clutched her chest. He was the epitome of a y beast. It was so hard to think about anything else when he was beside her...

Once she was done with her shower, she tiptoed her way over to her room, clad only in a towel, thinking that he wouldn’t dare come upstairs. She didn't know how wrong she was... There he was, lounging lazily on her bed, playing with the teddy bear that... Dari had given her. Ok, she shouldn’t tell him that...

 “Oppa!” She squeaked, her hand instantly reaching for the towel knot, aware that she was exposing a lot of skin. She watched as he looked at her from the feet up before finally meeting her eyes. Right, it was his turn to openly check her out now... He smirked and advanced towards her.

“Last night was amazing.” He said, running his finger down her jaw-line, teasing her.

Her lower lip trembled at the touch. “L-last... night?”

“Mmm.” He said, nodding his head slightly. “You were... so good.”

Her breath hitched. What was he talking about? Last night? What happened last night? She remembered he hugged her and he sort of kissed her, but that was it... Nothing after that. She fell asleep right? They... didn't do anything right?

Simon laughed at the expression on her face and pinched her cheek. “Babo yah. We just met. How can you possibly think about stuff like that?”

Mona averted her gaze and looked down in embarrassment. Right, how could she be so stupid? He was obviously just playing with her... “Oppa, what happened after I fell asleep?”

Simon shrugged, taking off the hoodie he was wearing. “I fell asleep too... And then when I woke up, we were both on the floor.”

Mona’s jaw dropped in comprehension, forming a perfect ‘o’.

“I’m gonna go take a shower, pass me a towel later?” Simon smiled before making his way out of her room.

She nodded her head and exhaled loudly once she heard the water running. That was... literally heart stopping. Well, at least he didn't make any comment about her dressed in towel. That would’ve embarrassing... She hung a towel on the bathroom doorknob and quickly dressed herself in a navy blue hoodie and a pair of jeans. She was too lazy to dress up today...

“What are you wearing?” Simon frowned when he emerged from the bathroom a while later.

Mona turned her head in his direction, glad to find that he was fully dressed, before looking down at her top. “It’s a hoodie.”

“I can see that.” Simon replied through gritted teeth, trying his best to keep his temper in check.

Mona furrowed her brow in confusion. “Oppa, I don’t understand...”

“Who’s is it?” He cut in sharply.

“Erm... it’s mine. Oppa, what are you talking about?” Mona asked, getting more confused by the minute.

“Really? Then why does it say ‘Dari’ on the back?”

“Oh.” Mona said, finally understanding where he was coming from. “I can explain. This is...”

“Take it off.”

“But it’s cold today!” Mona pouted.

Simon picked up his jacket from her bed and threw it at her. “Wear mine.”


“You are so dense you know that?” He said, shaking his head as he made his way downstairs.

Mona grinned to herself as she slipped on his jacket. It was big on her, but it was comfortable and it smelled of him. She inhaled deeply thinking that she could get used to the smell... She thought of him as she combed her hair. Yup, he was jealous alright. She had never had this before with any of her crushes. The farthest she ever been with any of them was a conversation, and that was it. Her shyness knew no limit... It was definitely different with Simon. Maybe the fact that he was... returning her feelings helped... Yup, that is positively it.

“Shall we go?” Mona asked once she made her way downstairs, fixing the hoodie under his gaze.

He made a ‘hmph’ noise, sounding obviously pleased that she was wearing his jacket. He was about to make his way to the door when he stopped, staring at the picture frame on the table by the wall. “Is that you?” He asked, sounding fascinated.

She looked at the picture and made a face, running over to flip the frame down. “Ahh... uh... it’s not...m-me.”

He snatched the frame from her grasp and grinned. “It’s you alright... in a swimming suit with a missing tooth. You look cute.”

“Oppa, let’s just go.” Mona said, trying to push him out the door. “We’re going to be late.”

They were 15 minutes late when they finally arrived at their university. Mona wanted to skip class altogether but Simon wouldn’t let her. He pushed the door to the lecture hall opened, dragging Mona behind him. He smiled at the lecturer before making his way to their seats.

“Sorry we’re late sir.” Mona mumbled, trying to hide her face from everyone else in the room and running to her seat, putting her hood up.

“Yah...” EunJi whispered from behind. “Why were you late? And why did you come with Simon?”

Simon overheard the question, and turned to look at her, anticipating the answer as much as the twins.

“I was uhh... we... were...”

“Hyung! Why are you wearing yesterday’s shirt?” Jeesu whispered from the front.

“Mona, why are you wearing Simon hyung’s jacket?” Daniel questioned, wriggling his eyebrow almost knowingly at her.

“Shut up.” She said to the front. “Shut up.” She said to the back. “Just, shut up.”

“Mona, are you telling me to shut up?” The lecturer said suddenly.

“No!” Mona said quickly while her friends laughed. She stared down at her notes until the lecturer walked away. She huffed in annoyance. “Thanks a lot guys!” She whispered furiously.

Simon snickered as Youngwon leaned in to talk. “Well, next time, keep your voice down.”

She spent the rest of the hour being annoyed, her mind rolling at a speed of its own. She couldn't care less that she wasn’t paying attention; she just needed to get out of here. Simon tried to get her attention, but she ignored him... something that was extremely difficult to do. She doodled on her notes until the class finally ended. Once the lecturer left, she groaned loudly, placing her head on the table wearily.

“Hey... what’s wrong?” Simon said softly, his palm on the small of her back.

“Nothing.” Mona mumbled, still keeping her head on the table.

“Do you know you snore at night?” Simon asked. The rest of their friends leaned in, interested with their conversation.

Mona’s head immediately shot up and she stared wide eyed at Simon. “I do not!”

“You do.”

“Hyung! How’d you know she snores?” Daniel asked, grinning from ear to ear.

“How did you know she snores?” Simon asked back.

“Oh, she snores like the earthquake.” JiEun chirped in.

“Hey guys!” Intae suddenly said, waving as he made his way towards them. “Sorry I’m late. I overslept.”


“Hey what’s up? Mona, why do you look like you’re ready to kill someone? And why are you wearing Simon’s jacket?” Intae asked, scratching his head in confusion.

“Hyung, did you know they came to class together?”

“And Simon hyung was wearing yesterday’s shirt.” Daniel nodded his head, adding fuel to the already blazing fire.

“What?” Intae said, bewildered. “Yah! Did you guys sleep together?”

“Oh my God! I am so out of here!” Mona said, throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation. There was no winning with these guys! And how can Intae oppa say that so bluntly? She had never felt more embarrassed! They didn't sleep together! Or well... they slept, but normal sleep and nothing else! Oh goodness, things were getting way out of hand... They obviously love exaggeration!

“Hey hey... where are you going?” Simon said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to a stop.

Mona stared at his hold and a smile formed on her lips. “You followed me...”

Simon furrowed his brow. “Of course. You seemed... distressed.

Mona recalled the first day she was introduced to him. She had run out of lecture hall in much the same way, except he didn't follow her then. He followed her now... a definite improvement in their... relationship? Were they heading down that path? Wasn’t it too fast? They just knew each other since last week!

“They are so annoying.” Mona uttered finally.

Simon laughed. “They’re your friends. What do you expect?”

“How can Intae oppa say... that so blatantly?” Mona asked, horrified.

“Hey, you can’t blame the guy for thinking that. Besides, you thought the same thing this morning.” Simon smirked.

He watched as her cheeks slowly turned red. He liked the colour on her. Hell, he liked everything on her, about her... He was falling for the girl... fast and hard. There was only one problem. Dari. He wasn’t quite sure who Dari is to her. Yes, she had mentioned countless times that he wasn’t her boyfriend but someone special. What does someone special even mean? How can a guy be someone special to a girl without being their boyfriend? His jealousy was strong, and if he was going to have her, he needed to keep it in check.

“Do I really snore?” Mona asked timidly after she had gotten over her embarrassment.

“You do. But it’s cute. So don’t worry.” He said, lightly tapping her nose. “You look good in my jacket. Next time, if you want to borrow clothes, borrow mine, not Dari’s.”

Mona giggled, touched that he was jealous. Wow, he already wanted to give his clothes to her. On the relationship ladder, she should’ve been very close to the top by now. She tried to explain. “Oppa, that hoodie really was mine. Dari oppa borrowed it, and he must’ve asked someone to sew his name on it.”

“Hmph...” Simon replied, not sounding very pleased to Mona’s ears.

“Oppa, I swear...”

“Ok, ok. I believe you. Shall we work on the project tonight?”

“Mmm... ok.” Mona replied as they slowly made their way to lunch, Simon’s arm lazily draped over her shoulder. She noticed the girls giving her glares, and she smirked, matching his infamous one. Take that ladies! Simon was hers and hers only! There ain’t no way she was going to share him with anybody... 


Chapter Posted on: Jun. 12. 2012

Posted up another chapter!!! Wheehoooooooo!!! Hahaha... Did anyone watch dalmatian TV yesterday? they looked soo good! i didn't understand anything that they said besides some of daniel's english but it was still funny! hahaha... although, i hated simon's shirt. looks like a grandpa shirt. BUT, he's still cute! hahahaha... ^^ Anyways, enjoy the story!!! Hope you like this update! =D Thank you to everyone who commented and subscribed! I reply all the comments! =D

P.S: I will be writing a one-shot starring Simon, of course! Haha... Sorry, i have too many ideas in my head right now! ^^

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JulesinfiniteL #1
Chapter 30: Love! :D That's all I have to say! :)
JulesinfiniteL #2
Chapter 1: bahahahahaha, this sounds scarily familiar to me... :P
This was actually a brilliant story! I stayed up all night to read this and I regret nothing!c:< I loved every single character in this fic!:'D. Aghdkahdskahfdsll! weldone!<3
Chapter 30: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH found this and read and ahh SIMON omg my bias! btw DMTN comeback!
I've been looking for a good Simon fic for awhile! Noy many people here write on Dalmatian so I was glad when I found this story yesterday (and just finished reading this morning). :)

Seriously there's some cring worthy embarrassing things there and I know they're really possible too.
Well, I've enjoyed your story so thanks for sharing the Simon Park love :)
simon_x #6
THIS FIC. is so beautiful ;~; simon feels ;~; i think i like it like 1000000 times more because simon is my absolute bias.. and because your writing is amazing :o keep up the good work <3
asdfghjkl;' Poor Dari...I'm glad he turned out with a happy ending though (:
This story was just adorable <3
Why did it have to end?? I'm so happy that things worked out for everyone in the end. And Dari finally met someone and gave Simon and Mona his blessing. ^-^
omg, yay Dari gave his blessing, met Gina. :D
and Simon and Mona are happy together. <3
can't believe it ended, but i totally enjoy every chapter and moment!!
wil ldefinitely check out the new story. :D
b2utyforever #10
OMG!! It ended too quickly! T.T
Please please pleaaaaaaaaase make a sequel of this!!
This was the best Simon fanfic i could find!!
Sequel pleaseeeee~