Chapter 8

Accidentally in Love
Chapter8 :You!
Ah Ri's POV

Kyaaaaaaa >< That Kris is really really... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Okay, seriously, I'm falling for him, eottokee!! I threw myself to my bed, hugged myself, squealed. I'm fangirling over Kris?

What's his real name?
Wu Yi Fan?
I ran to my desk, opened my laptop and surfed the internet. Omg, what am I doin' now? I'm searching all about this Kris God.


I found his twitter account, okay followed.

Kris, sorry for being a creeper.

Oh, look look look, his avatar, he wore tux? O_______O <<< me right now

I save his avatar to my laptop. I stared at 'him' for a while. Is he even a human? I doubt it, he is too perfect. I sighed but after that I ran to picked my sketchbook in my bag.

I sat again and begin drawing his face... 

Chanyeol's POV

It's weekend, and I woke up earlier, I look at the clock and it's still 8am. I dragged myself to the bathroom and washed my face. After that I rushed downstairs to have my breakfast.

"Waaa, look who's up earlier this morning." said my mom, felt my presence. I smirked at her and walked to the fridge.

Before I can open the fridge, my mom grab my arms. "No, no, I made Kimchi fried rice. No cereal for today, okay." She pushed me to my seat.

I saw dad read newspaper while sipping his coffee. "You want coffee too?" asked my mom. I nodded and smiled. "Ne, umma."

After breakfast I went back to my room. It's still early to go somewhere, it's still 9 am. I sat at my bed and opened my phone. 3 messages.

from : Sehun
message : practice today?


from : Baekhyun
message : Yo man, practice?


Why they sent the same messages. Such a couple.

'No, I have something to do' I replied.

I looked again for the last message.

from : Jihyun
message : Chanyeol-ah~~ don't forget ne? ^^


Jihyun-ah... Why are you making me confused like this... I sighed and threw my phone to the bed.

I took a bath, after that I put colognes and wore my clothes. Wth, why I'm preparing so much for today? Double checked my hair. Yes, I double checked, wow. What happened to me?

I looked at my watch,  9:30 am.

Why I prepared this early -___-

I sat at my bed and took my phone. I opened and begin to type. 'Ne, I didn't forget'


Why I replied that?!!! O god, I mean, that's not even a message that have to be replied......

My phone rang. Message. From Jihyun. 

from : Jihyun
message : ok :D


Why she even replied my message, I sighed and threw myself to the couch, I wore my headphone, and shuffled my iPod.

I don't know how and why, but I fell asleep for an hour and when I woke up. I ran downstairs and  found my mom cooking something in large amount.

"Where are you going?" she asked me, still cooking tho.

"Band practice." I lied to her. I don't want her to know that I'm meeting Jihyun. She knew her, she knew about me and her.

"Oh okay, come home before 10 pm, okay."

I nodded and went outside.

To our cafe.

Ah Ri's POV

"Lee Ah Ri! Wake up!" yelled someone to my ear. I turned to the other side of my bed, covered my ears with pillow. "10 minutes more please...." I whispered to... I don't know to whom. Maybe myself.

"Yah, okay. No breakfast for you."

I woke up and stood up. Food. I need them.

My mom smiled and went outside my room. Aish... Using food for a reason...

I stretched my body and went to wash my face. After that, I came to the kitchen and sat nicely. "Food." I said.

"Tsk, wait." my mom sighed and put some foods to my plate.  Ayyyyy, food! I love them! I eat, eat, and eat.

"Slow down." my mom patted my back.

I choked after that, but still, I continue eating.

"After this, take a bath and get dress nicely okay. You're going with me."


"To my high school reunion at my friend's house."

"Aish, andwe. It's going to be a bunch of old people."

"But she is a good cook. There gonna be a lot of foods."

"oh? Okay."

I agreed.


They have foods! 

Chanyeol's POV

So here am I, sitting in this cafe, our cafe, in our usual seat. How I miss this... It was like 1 year? 2 years? Yeah, almost 2 years huh...

"I'd like an americano." I said to the waitress. She looked so young, same-aged with me, maybe?

"Hot or cold?"

"Mmhh.. Hot, please." I smiled to her and she nodded.

She was about to leave, but I called her again.

"Yes, may I help you, again?"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'd like to order banana smoothie too." I smiled to her and she wrote my order. She repeated my order and left after that.

Banana smoothie... Her favorite...

I waited Jihyun for 10 minutes, she waved her hands when she saw me. She walked to our seat.

"Waaaaa, mianhe Yeol, mianhe I'm late." she bite her lips and sat.

"Ani, I'm just too early." I smiled at her.

Right in time, the waitress brought my orders.

"One hot americano, and one banana smoothie."

"Gamsahamnida." I said.

"Ah, wait." she said to the waitress. "I'd like to order."

Order? But I already.. Ah whatever.

She said her order to the waitress. Guess what? She ordered Green Tea. Oh, so not like her.

I sipped my americano and stared blankly to the banana smoothie. She changed, huh?

"Yah, you are so quiet!" she patted my arms, and rest her hand there. I kinda like it, but in the other side it felt so wrong. I pulled my hand, making move that look like checking my watch.

"Hahaha." I laugh half-heartly.

It was awkward, okay.

"You didn't wear glass anymore. Waaaa, and you're freakin skinny! Yah, bring back my chubby Yeol!" she pouted at me. So cute.

"But you're still Miss grumpy but pretty, as usual." I ruffled her hair.

"And you're still the gigantic Chanyeol, with gigantic ears." Both of us laughed.

We're kinda flashback for about 15 minutes, when I remember what and why I actually I was here.


"Hmm?" she sipped her tea.

"What favor? Why you need my favor?"

She stopped sipping her tea, and cleared .

"I broke up with Daehyun oppa."


Who is Daehyun?

I thought she still with Minhyuk. Oh yes, that was 2 years ago.

"Daehyun?" Iasked her.

She nodded and continue talking. Or, I could say that she told me everything, about her and this Daehyun.

Ah Ri's POV

"Aish.. What are you searching for? We have to go now!" yelled my mom to, I ran to my room, I need to bring my precious. My precious, hehe. "Wait!" I yelled from my room, hoping that my mom will hear me.

"Here you are." I stuff my little bag with 'my precious' sketchbook and ran downstair.

"Mianhe, umma!!!" I wore my converse and clung to her. "Let's go~" I said to her.

"Aigoo... Why are you not wearing something more like flowery dress, or something beautiful." she stared at me, eugh, to my clothes. Okay.. I wore pastel coloured loose tee and pants, with my white converse.

"It's comfy, I like to wear this." I pointed my tee.

"Aish... I'm raising a boy." she cried and ruffled my hair.

"A good one, oh a cute one." I stuck out my tongue at my mom.

"We're not taking a bus?" I asked her, cause we're obviously not going to a bus stop.

"No, actually, her house isn't so far from our house. 10 minutes? I guess, 15 minutes."

"Woa. Umma. Not far? Are you kidding me." I sighed and scrated my head.

"Yeah I know, but we can't take a bus."

Euuughhh, why I accepted my mom offer to go with her.

Oh, okay.


After 15 minutes of walking, we arrived at my mom's friend. It's look like so freakin crowded. With old people, everywhere. Huh, foods. I have to remember why I'm here. Foods. I sighed and followed my mom to the front door.

She hugged this woman, I believed she is the host? Just maybe.

"Aigoooo, Kyungmi-ah." said my mom while hugging her.

"Wuah, Chaeri, you bring your dauhter?" asked the woman, my mom released the hug and pulled me closer to her.

"Ah-h, annyeonghaseyo." I gave her a bow.

"Kyungmi-ah, this is my daughter, Ah Ri. Ah Ri, this is Mrs. Park, my high school friend."

"Nice to meet you, Ah Ri." she hugged me and this is so awkward, I don't really like to hug people. I don't like skinship.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Park." I released form her hug and smiled at her.

"Aigoo, so pretty. How old are you Ah Ri?" asked her.

"I'm seventeen."

"Ah, you're in high school now right?" she asked and I nodded as a reply to her.

After a lil' chit chat. Mrs. Park and my mom went inside the house, and I followed them.What the heck, so many old people here. Aish, I mean not so old, but 40s are old right? Compared to me, hehe.

It's look like Mrs. Park noticed that I'll get bored if I join the oldies. She asked me to stay at the kitchen, if I don't mind. I obviously said yes to her. Me + kitchen? It's heaven okay. Oh, and Mrs. Park made so many foods.

"You can pick whatever you want, Ah Ri." she said and smiled to me, and after that she left me alone in the kitchen.

"Whatever hah?" I talked to myself, and walked to the buffet. I picked as much as I want, hoho.  Let's just say that as much as foods that I ate, I never gained weight. Seriously. God love me.

My mom didn't lie to me, Mrs. Park is a freakin good cook. Omg, her foods are asgdajwnerne delicious.

After eating, I took out my sketchbook and dropped it at the table. I drank my water and opened my book.

Uhm.. Okay, 2 last pages of my drawings, I drew Kris. It's just, I can't help myself not to draw him, he is such a perfect human being. Someone should make him a statue, his statue.

I chuckled to myself, and stared at my drawing.

cr to the owner

He is not a human right? I'm asking myself again. I mean, he is too perfect to be a human.

I sighed and turned to the next page, blank page.

Okay, drawing section... Kris drawing section..

Chanyeol's POV

"So... Would you be my boyfriend? I mean my fake boyfriend."

Girl... Did you just asked me to be your bf? FAKE boyfriend?


She caressed my arm.

I closed my eyes and pulled my hands.

Why Jihyun? Why are you like this?

"I really love him, I love Daehyun, I want him back Chanyeol."

You love him?

So why are you with me now?

Why are you making me confused?

"I'll think about it." I sighed and opened my eyes. I smiled weakly to her.

She smiled and after that her phone rang. "Yeoboseyo.. Ah! Ne, ne, okay, one minute."

"Mianhe, Yeol, I have to go somewhere. Btw, thankyou. She squeezed my hand and left.

Jihyun... Why are you making me crazy?

Oh, I almost forgot to pay. Oh, and she forgot to pay, great, like the old time.

I paid and left the cafe. Our cafe.

I looked at my watch, and it's still 2 pm. Too early to go home. I decided to go to a music store.

 When I'm home, I found my mom washing dishes at the kitchen. Why there are so many dishes?

"Umma, let me help you" I offered to help her.

She shook her head, and pointed to some direction. "Go eat something." she said to me. A buffet?

I looked at my watch, ah, it's already 5pm, wow, I spent about 2 hours at that store? Woah, that's why I'm freaking hungry now.

"Umma, why there's a buffet?" I took a plate and shoved foods into it.

"High school reunion." said my mom. She walked to the buffets, checking the plates, and took some empty plates so she can washed it.

I sat and started eating my food. Delicious as usual. I ate silently while thinking about Jihyun. What should I do? Should I accept her offer?

I scratched my head. Oh? What's that? I found something on the end of the dining table at the kitchen, I stood up to picked that yellow thing. Apparently it's a book, I brought it to my seat. I continue eating while opening the book.

A sketchbook huh?

I saw the drawings.

Woa, I don't know about art, painting, drawing, etc, but I knew these are a good drawings.

I stopped eating and continue checking the drawings.

Eh? Who is this? So familiar... Hmm.. This is Kris! No doubt.

Wait, why he/she drew Kris? Who is he/she?

I stared at the drawing and searched for something. 'AR' It's her/his sign.

Who is 'AR'? And why it's here? Tsk, I don't care.

I brought my plate to my mom and asked her again. "Can I help you?"

"Ani, just take a bath." she kissed my cheek.

So I went to my room, and stripped, I need a shower....

Ah Ri's POV

"We're home~~" I went inside my house and threw myself to the couch, rubbing my stomach. "Aaaaah~~ I'm so freakin full!"

"Ish, unni, can't you at least, just once, think about anything besides food?" said my sister Jinhee, while drank her tea.

I pouted and stuck my tongue out. "I'm going to take a nap, wake me up at almost dinner, okay~~" I said to my sister and went to my room.

"Such a pig." she muttered, unfortunately I heard that.

"Yah! I heard that!" I yelled from upstairs.

It's still 3 pm, but I'm so freakin exhausted. I slept at 3 am yesterday, and umma woke me up earlier, like 8 am? Hh... Need to take a bath first...

I lazily went to the bathroom and took a shower. I didn't dry my hair and threw myself to my bed.

"Aish... So exhausted..." I closed my eyes, dozed off to the dreamland..

"Unni!" someone shook my body.

"It's 7 pm already, wake up!" she shook my body again.

"5 minutes..." I whispered.

"Oh, mom said if you're not going to wake up, no foods for you."  She ran outside my room.

I opened my eyes, and sat lazily. I stretched my body, and stood up. I look at the clock, eugh, it's 7 pm already? I walked to my window and looked outside. Wuah, so dark, but it's still 7 pm?

Actually I'm not so hungry. WELL, not yet. So, i decided to draw. Hehe... I really like to draw now, well... Yeah, I really like to draw Kris.

I took my lil bag that I used earlier. Eh?

Where is it?

Where the hell is my sketchbook?!!!!

AAAAA, my precious!!

Oh, god. I left it at Mrs. Park house.

I patted my forehead, I don't remember why I left it. As I remember I ate /again/ after I drew Kris /again/. And then after I ate, mom call me. Ah... And after that I left. Aggghh, stupid. Ah Ri babo!

I ran downstairs, and found my mom cooking dinner. "Umma, I'm going to Mrs. Park's house. I left something at her house!"

"But, it's already late, Ah Ri. I'll call her, so she'll save your thing." she's about to reach the telephone, and I grabbed the phone first. "Ani, ani, I'll go. Please? I can't live without my thing."

She sighed and crossed her arms. "Okay, okay. But go home soon okay."

"Ne, ne, of course!" I ran to my room, changed my clothes into t-shirt + cardigan, pants. I reached my skateboard and helmet. It will be so much faster if I use skateboard. I wore the helmet and ran downstairs.

"Why are you using helmet? Eh, skateboard?" asked my sister.

"Not your business." I said to her.

"Ishh, like I care." she turned her head ang hissed.

"Umma, I'm going, bye." I yelled from outside and started to skate.

I looked at the sky. Why is it so dark? Is it going to rain? I should go faster...

I skated and reached Mrs. Park house. I knocked at the door, seconds after that, someone opened the door.

"Omo, it's you Ah Ri." she said.

"Ah, annyeonghaseyo Mrs. Park. I left something in your house, and I'd like to take it." I smiled to her.

"Ah, I see. Come in." she said.

 I went in and now I can see clearly her house. I mean, yeah, it was crowded right, and now there're on;y the two of us.

"Where did you left your thing?" she asked me.

"Uhm... I guess at your kitchen, at the dining table."

"Ah, let's go to the kitchen." she said. "Actually I'm cooking diner now, Ah Ri. Why don't you eat diner with me and my family?"

I followed her to the kitchen, and I can smelled her cooks. Eugh... No. No. No. My mom gonna yelled at me if I go home late.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go home soon, Mrs. park..." I said to her and she nodded at me and continue cooking, while I'm searching my sketchbook.

"Ah, here you are!" I talked to myself, and put the sketchbook into my bag. "Mrs. Park, I found my thing, and I'm about to leave." I said to her.

"Oh, I see." She went outside, and I followed her.

And when I'm about to wore my shoes.

It started raining.

Heavy rain.

"Aigoo... I guess you should wait until the rain is over, I'll call you mom. So you'll have a dinner with my family, okay?"

Should I? Hmm. It's raining, so I guess I don't have a choice right? I nodded and Mrs. Park went inside and I followed her.

She continued cooking again. I released my helmet and put my skateboard at the living room.

"Mrs. Park, may I help you?"

"Ah, yes please, dear, please prepare the plates?"

I nodded my head, and looked for the plates, forks, etc etc.

I passed the fridge and saw something. Eh what is this? I mean who is this?

"That's my son. When he was 5." she chuckled at me.

This boy is so cute, he wore glasses and so chubby.

"Where is he now?" I asked her. "How many plates should I prepared?"

"He is at his room now, and 3 plates please. My husband haven't go home yet. So yeah, 3 for you, me, and my son."

Aigoo... I bet his son will be such a cutie, must be a chubby boy.

"How old is he, Mrs. Park?" I asked her while preparing the plates.

"He is eighteen. Oh, I'm about to finished."

Woaaaa, a year older than me?

I finished preparing the plates and Mrs. Park started to prepare the foods.

"Aigoo.... Your cooking is so wonderful Mrs. Park." I rubbed my stomach. And she smiled at me. "Gamsahamnida."

"Ah, I'm going to call my son." she said to me. I thought she is going to go to his rooms, but all she did was screaming, lol, so funny.

"Yaaah!!! Son!! Dinner's ready!"

She asked me to seat, we ate at the dining room and not at the kitchen where I ate earlier today.

"Park Chanyeol! Dinner's ready!"


Did I started to hearing thing? Did Mrs. Park called his son Chanyeol?

Ani, ani, ah, I'm being delusional. I shook my head.

"Aigoo, umma, no need to yell like that." that deep voice.

I haven't see the face, but his voice seems so familiar.

One guy entered the dining room, ruffled his hair. I looked at him and stood up suddenly.

"YOU!!" I said, and apparently he said that too.


aaaaaaah, I'm very sorry for a late update :<<<<

so, I give you this /maybe/ long chapter hehehe

please comment and subscribe <333

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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)