Chapter 3

Accidentally in Love

Chapter3 : That Tall Guy

Ah Ri's POV
I woke up earlier this morning. Yeah, for real, super earlier (for me). And now, here I am. Standing in front of Hyunki's house. "Hyunki-ah~~~~" I shout her name. Hyunki's house was not far from my house, so we usually walked to school together. "Hyunki-ah~~~" I said again. Aish this girl...
Suddenly, the front door opened. "Oh, annyeonghaseyo Omma..." I bowed to Hyunki's mom. Yeah yeah.. I called her Omma, cause she insisted. Even tho I only knew Hyunki since high school lol. "Ah... Ah Ri-ah, come in. Hyunki is taking a bath now. Have you eat breakfast?" she asked. I came in and sat on the couch. "Ah, yes I already have my breakfast, Omma." I smiled to her. "Ah... too bad, I made kimchi fried rice. Hmmm... What about you eat some, while waiting for Hyunki?" she asked me. Woah, woah, woah. Actually I didn't have problem with that... Just said that I really love foods, and I would like to marry foods. End of story. I nodded to her. "Okay, omma..."
I eat a lot. Hmm, it was a usual thing tho, I mean, I always eat a lot. Sighed. Just when I finished my food, Hyunki went to the kitchen. "Yah, you woke up earlier today? That's new." she teased me. "Huh, of course. I need to hunt some jerkboy today. And I already eat some foods~~ I need a lot of  energy." I showed my fist to her. "Whatever, let's just go to school." she said. "Hyunki, don't forget your lunch. I just knew you're not going to have breakfast again, so I already prepared this for you." Her mom sighed and gave the lunchbox to Hyunki. "Okay, omma... Bye." she kissed her mom in the cheeks.
We walked to school in about 10 minutes. And we chatted a lot, like usual. Hyunki is such a nice friend. I'm glad that she is my friend and not that bish Jihyun, eugh I hate her. Hyunki is really sweet and she is so kind to everyone. Hah... She is such a really good type of girlfriend, okay. I really want her to be with someone. Hmmm, I'm going to find her a boyfie! 
"Yaaaaaaah, guysssss. Wait~~~" someone shouted at us. Oh must be Lina. We were already at the front gate, and stopped. She panted and said again,"yaaah~~~ I'm freakin exhausted..." I tilted my head. "You pabo, why did you run? It's not like that we're gonna leave you." I said to her. "Yah you are the pabo one Ah Ri." she succeeded to stand. And then we walked to our school building.
"Yah guys. You know, I called that bastard last night." I said to them. Lina bulged her eyes. "Mwo?! Wow, so you called him? What did you said?" I nodded. "Neh, I said to him that I want my phone back, and what the heck he asked me to just sleep and relax. What kind of bastard is him. Pssshhh, I'm gonna crushed him into pieces." I clenched my fist. "And he hung up first! What the heck, I'm the one who called him!" I stomped my feet. I felt like I really want to punch thin Chanjerk boy in his face.
"Wowowow, calm down Ah Ri. You know, I asked my oppa last night. Is this guy a bastard or not. But he said that this Chanyeol is not a bastard. But I don't know...." Lina patted my shoulder. "I know he will return your phone and jacket." I sighed. I looked at my watch. "Omo, I'm gonna be late for my painting class! See you g-" I almost run to my class but when I saw this creatures  I.. I.. Let's just said that I ran to him. "Ah Ri, no!" said Hyunki. She gripped my wrist, but somehow I was able to released my wrist from her.
I saw this Chanyeol jerk in front of some lockers. With his friends. And he wore my jacket. MY JACKET. "YAH" I yelled at him. He was laughing with his friends. When he heard me yelling at him, he turned at me. He stared at me. "What." he said to me. He said WHAT to me. Oh, hello, mister, you stole my jacket, and my phone, and my FIRST KISS, and now you said WHAT? "I want my jacket and phone back!" I glared at him. , he is so freakin tall. I'm just 162 cm, god, he is so intimidating. "Yah!" I said again. He chuckled a bit. He lower his head and cupped my chin. I shocked. "B-byuntae! My jacket and phone!" I smacked his arm, he released his hand form my chin. "Pshh, what did you said?" He still lowered his haid, and it made our face close. "Missy, I'm not a byuntae, okay..." He whispered to my ear. Shivered. SHIVERED. He laughed again, and his friends too. My face turned into crimson. 
He pulled out the jacket from his body. "You want this?" He almost give me the jacket. But.... He put the jacket on the top of the lockers. "Yes you can have that." He smiled at me and went away. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE MY JACKET? The lockers were so freakin high.
"Ah Ri!" Lina shouted my name. "Are you okay? We saw all the things you know! That Chan boy is a jerk! Pffft, my oppa was lying to me!!" Hyunki shook her head. "Mianhe Ah Ri, we were about to help you.. But..." I sighed. "Never mind, afterall that was my problem guys, not yours." I tried to reach the top of the locker. Even Hyunki and Lina tried to. But nor of us could reach the top. I slumped to the floor. I sighed again. Dear, god, why I am so short? 
Suddenly, someone came towards me. Or the lockers maybe. I looked up and someone was staring at me. Sigh, maybe he thought like this; 'Oh, poor pig, what was she doin' on the floor'. I sighed again. "Do you need help?" he said to me. WOW, this boy, he really asked me? I nodded awkwardly and stood up. "N-neh." I said to him. Wow, he is so freakin tall--which remained me to that jerk Chanyeol. Oh forget it, he is more more more handsome than Chanyeol. "I need that jacket." I pointed my jacket on the top of the locker. He nodded and smiled to me. AAAAAAA, freakin awesome smile~~~ I blushed. WHAT THE HECK, WHY I'M BLUSHING. I covered my cheeks. And within 5 seconds, not even really trying so hard, he got my jacket. He handed my jacket to me. I bowed at him. "Kamsahamnida.. Kamsahamnida..." He chuckled at me. "Never mind." I bowed again and went away with my friends. 
"That. That boy was hot." said Lina suddenly. "Who? That boy?" I asked her. Yeah.. He is hot? I don't know, but yes I think he is hot.. Control your mind Ah Ri. "He is nice." I said to Hyunki. She nodded awkwardly. "I think so.."
Eugh, that Chanjerk boy, I hate him for wearing my jacket. I could feel his fragrance lingered on my jacket. Aish.. I need to washed this when I'm home... I touched the pouch, and realized that my phone was inside the pouch. Oh, thank god. I thought that Chanyeol still had my phone with him.
Aish... Forget about that bastard. Let's just think about the other tall guy... I want to know his name...
Hyunki's POV
I saw him helping Ah Ri. I saw Ah Ri was blushing. That boy... Did he just looked at me. Did he smirked at me? I turned my face around. No, Kris, we already done....
Chanyeol's POV
Was that a bit harsh? Ah, I don't care~~ That girl, I taught her a lesson. Hahahaha. You know, I like to . She was like a tomato, she turned into crimson. That was funny. She, was funny. I laughed again. Laughing hard.
"Are you turning into a crazy person now, Chanyeol." Baekhyun asked me with a sarcastic tone. I glared at him. "Yes I am." An I laughed again. I was walking with my friends, Baekhyun, Suho, and D.O to our modern music class. Suddenly Suho asked me. "Chanyeol, who was that?" He kept talking. "I never saw that girl. And I knew that you're not that type of boy who liked to mingled with girls. "I don't know." I said calmly, clearing my throat. I haven't told them about the kissing accident. "But you wore her jacket." Said D.O suddenly. "Err, let's just go to our class or else Mr. Lee will kill us." I sped up my walk.
The class ended in about 2 hours, I'm so hyped cause I can practiced my drum skill. I walked out from the class with Baekhyun, Suho, and D.O again. "Hey, let's go to the cafe. I bet Sehun and Kai already there. They're stomachs are no joke." said Suho. We walked to the cafe, and sat at our usual place. Suho was right, they were already there. And also with their foods.
"You guys, where have you been. I'm dying here waiting for you. Eugh, you know that I'm hungry." asked Kai. "Why don't you eat first hah, why were you even wait for us." sighed D.O. Kai started eating and between that he said,"cause I lub yewh guyz." Suho chuckled a bit. "Eat first, and than talk clearly Kai-sshi." he said. He smiled like an idiot.
"Oh, btw. Chanyeol-ah~~~ What's about yesterday?~~" suddenly someone speak of. YOU SEHUN. "Y-yesterday? Nothing happened." I cleared my throat. "Oh~~ I saw you lips is swollen." I touched my lips. Sehun are you kidding, hey I didn't make out with someone, how came my lips will be swollen. Hah, it's not swollen. I touched it again to make sure. Kai stopped eating. That's rare. He bulged his eyes. D.O stared at me. Baekhyun hit my head.
"WHAT?" I said to them. "YOU KISSED?" asked Kai. "YOU HAVE A GF?" asked D.O. "WOW CHANYEOL. WOW." said Baekhyun. He kept hitting my head. Suho just laughed and look at Sehun he died laughing. Sehun aish, I'll kill you. "Stop hitting me." i said to Baekhyun. "No, I don't have a girlfriend." I sighed to D.O. And by that... I told everything to them.
"Bad boy." Kai shook his head. I glared at him. "I need to do that. Or else I'm gonna die!" I defend myself. Baekhyun patted my shoulder. "What?" I asked him. "I'm proud of you. You're all grown up now." WHAT WITH YOU BAEKHYUN, I DIDN'T DO SOMETHING SO WOOOOW. AND IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. I HAVE STUPID WEIRD FRIENDS.
I turned my head around, and dang, I saw her. It's her, with her friends. "Oh." said Sehun. "That's my little sister." He pointed at the girls that I saw earlier. Oh, that's the one who named Oh Lina. Eeeee, she looked like Sehun, a girl version of Sehun. "I'm going to ask her and her friends to eat with us." he smirked at me. And then he ran to the girls.

would like to say HI to everybody who read this


muj loves for yaaaa <3333



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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)