Chapter 15

Accidentally in Love
Chapter15 : Hate
Ah Ri's POV

Just like what I predicted, it's not crowded in the health center. Duh, why would it be crowded.

I opened the door. "Excuse me..." I whispered.

"Can I help you?" said the school nurse,  believe her name is Mrs... Jung?

"Uhm yes, I'm not feeling well.. I didn't sleep yesterday.. Yeah.. Homeworks.." I lied okay, whatever. I fake a cough too.

"Oh my, you have to sleep darl, sign your name here first." she handed me a book. I put my name and she sent me to the bed.

There are several students here.. Like 3?

I sat at the end of the bed. To be honest I'm not sleepy.

Actually, our school health center is kinda ridiculous, I mean, why they didn't have curtain or something so we can't see beds next to us.

I can't sleep like this. I sighed and took off my shoes.

I looked to the left, at the person who slept next to my bed. He covered his body almost till his head. But I still can see his hair a little. And.. It's familiar? He stirred and I looked away.

Who's that? I tap my chin.

"Lee Ah Ri?" someone said. It's the boy from the left bed. I turned my face. "Kai oppa?" I gasped.

He was already sitting. He scratched his hair and rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Uhm, but I want to ask you that too, oppa. Are you ditching class?" I smirked to him.

"Tsk, I'm not." he stretched his body. "I'm sick."

"Liar." I stuck my tongue out.

"No, really. I have a terrible cold. Come here." he asked me.

I walked to his bed. He grabbed my hand, put it on his forehead.

"Woa, yeah. You should go back to sleep oppa." I pulled my hand away from his forehead. "But to be honest, you didn't look sick to me. And you did that..." I demonstrated how he folded my canvas earlier.

"Tsk, not a big deal, Ah Ri. It was easy." he smirked weakly. "Why are you here?I believe you were running like crazy, said that you're gonna late, or something like that."

I sat at his bed. Cause I feel tired standing like a statue. "Yeah..."

"Are you ditching class?" he teased.

"Shhhht! Not so loud! I said to Mrs. Jung that I didn't sleep yesterday.." I sighed. "I'm late for my class already, and I knew that Mr. Park won't let me in. So, yeah, here am I."

"Bad girl Ah Ri, tsk tsk." he playfully shook his head.

"Nu uh, that Jihyun made me late, she's the bad girl." I mumbled and crossed my arms. "Well, oppa, I guess you have to sleep again! And I guess I have to sleep to before Mrs. Jung noticed that I'm.. yeah.."

I ran to my bed, and when I turned my face to him, he still looked at me. "Shoo shoo, go to sleep!"

He showed me his thumb and lay himself to the bed and turned to the other side.

I text Lina to pick me up at the health center when it's already recess hour.

Hmm.. What to do now?

Guess I have to sleep too...
"Yah Ah Ri wake up!" she shook my body.


"Wake up or I'll throw a bucket of water to you."

"YES SIR YES SIR!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Now lets' go to the cafetaria." Lina grabbed my arm.

"Wait wait!" I stretched my body, and jumped from the bed. I looked at the left bed, nobody's there.

"Faster! I'm hungry!."

I wore my shoes and grabbed my backpack. "Let's go!"

We bowed to Mrs. Jung and went outside the health center.

"Btw, why were you in health center?" she asked. "You're not even sick. I mean, you rarely sick."

I sighed and kept walking. "Long story..."

"Tell me!" she shook my body.

"Okay, okay! I tell you while we walk, okay." so we kept walking to the cafetaria, and I told her about the incident. Except for Kai's part and I didn't say that I painted Chanyeol.

"Eww, she may be a senior, but ugh that , I can't respect her."

"I know right!" I agreed with Lina, I can;t respect that biatch.

"Hello guys~~" greeted Hyunki when we arrived at our table.

"Hi, why are you so happy Hyunki-ah?" asked Lina.

"Oho..Nothing. Hey I grabbed you guys coffees earlier. Here!" she chimed and smiled to us.

"Weirdo." I said to her. Taking my coffee from her hand. I sipped the coffee.

"Whatever... So... How's your date with Chanyeol." she sang happily.

I accidentally burst the coffee.

"Ewwww." said Hyunki.

"YAH! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" Lina patted my head, while I'm searching tissue from my backpack.

"It's not a date, Lina!" I cleaned my face and opened my lunch box.

"SO?" she asked.

"It's a task okay? Remember the broken painting that I said? He was the model." I calmly sipped my coffee again.


"We're not dating!" I sighed and told them about last saturday.

"That's a date!" cried Lina.

"No it's not!" I shoved a big spoon of rice into my mouth.

"Yes it is! You went to eat together!"

"Whatever but it's not, okay. I'm forever forever forever loving that.. That you know who right." I winked to Lina.

"Eugh, stop talking about him again." said Hyunki.

"You really don't like him, tsk."

"Yes, I don't like him." said Hyunki, crossing her arms.

"Whatever Hyunki-ah, but I like him~~~" I sang happily.

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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)