Chapter 14

Accidentally in Love
Chapter14 : Burden
Ah Ri's POV

"Shoot, shoot. I'm not gonna late this time!" I literally ran in my school hallway. Yeah, it was already desolated.

I can't be late for my class, again. I look at my watch. "SHOOT!" Mr. Park not gonna let me in if I late again.

I ran even faster, but I'm bringing this Chanyeol's painting with me. I'm gonna put this in our school gallery so I don't have to keep this thing at home.

"Chanyeol you're such a burden.." I muttered and keep running.


I bumped into someone, LIKE AGAIN. I hope this is not Kris or Chanyeol or I dunno... AND I CAN'T BE LATE OKAY.

My painting fell to the ground with me and as I stood up, I took the painting and looked who's the one who bumped to me.

"Well.. Well...." she said. "Hmmm... You're... Who are you?"

It's Lee Ah Ri, you biatch.

"Excuse me, I'm in hurry. So.." I walked by the Jihyun and she grabbed my wrist.

"No, no, no." she flickered her eyes and bite her lips. "First, let me see.. What is this." She reached her other hand to my painting.

"Oh no you can't." I clenched my teeth and tried to ran away from her.

But she's strong, apparently. She took the painting from me and open the cover.

"Give me back." I muttered and glared at her. "My painting."

She glared at me. "What is this?" she pointed my panting.

Is she retarded or what. "Duh, a painting?" I rolled my eyes. "Now give me back."

She glared at me again. She dropped the painting and stomped at it.

"YAH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I grabbed her arm. She still stomping my painting, tried to ruin it, and yes she ruinned it!

She stopped her action and smiled evily to me. Tsk, this ... She turned and started to walk. OH NO YOU CAN'T MISS.

"YAH! STOP JIHYUN!"I yelled her name and she turned her face.

"What did you call me? You call me by my name?"

"YES I DID." I walked to her and pushed her harshly. NO ONE CAN RUIN MY PAINTING.

" you don't know what are you doing now!" She grabbed my ponytail.

"AAAAAAA, IT HURTS!" I screamed in pain and swaying my hands in the air, I stepped on her feet and she stumbled and whined.

She looked at me and grabbed my collar. Oh no she's going to punch me..

"AHEM." said someone.

"WHAT!" said Jihyun, turned her face to that person.

"Jihyun, don't touch her." said Kai, walked nearing to my spot.

"Kai." she said. Still, her hands on my collar.

"Your hands." said Kai.

She released her hands and acting like cleaning her clothes.

"I don't know that you're like this." he said.

Jihyun fake a smile and left me with Kai.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes I am." I sighed and went to my broken painting.

Right, I have to tell Chanyeol about this.. We have to start all over again.

"What is that?" asked Kai, apparently he's following me.

"My painting, that she broke this." This painting was... Yeah, good. And now? Chanyeol's face, I can't barely notice it. It's a mess, really.

Kai sighed and took the painting with him.

"What are you doing?"

"It is such a waste.. I want to see who is this." He rubbed the canvas but, yeah that , you can't see the face anymore.

"I know right, now I have to start all over again." I took the canvas from him and went to the trash can. He still following me.

"It's not fit." I tried to put the painting to the bin but it'sreally big, can't fit.

Kai took the painting. "Lemme help you." he smiled at me.


"Woa, woa." I gasped.

He broke the painting, just like he was folding a paper.

He put the folded canvas to the bin.

"It's fit!" I squealed. "Thank you, Kai-sshi! Thank you so much!"

"Nevermind." he smirked. "But don't call me like that, call me oppa."

"Eugh, what about sunbaenim?" I just don't like calling people oppa... I only called oppa to my brother.

"No, no. Call me oppa, kay? I saved you from that Jihyun and help you putting that into the trashcan." he smirked at me again.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Thank you oppa." I sighed and smile weakly to him. "Kai-s-oppa, are you ditching?" I asked him, cause it's already this time and he had this backpack..


I tapped my forehead. "Oppa, I have to go!" I bowed to him, he chuckled and walked away. I ran, already halfway to the class and looked at my watch.


I stopped and sighed. Now what should I do.... I can't be at the cafetaria at this hour. Nor the library... What about the health center? Hmmm...

Let's just go to the health center...
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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)