Chapter 21

Accidentally in Love

Chapter21 : School Tradition

Ah Ri's POV

"Collect your paper please."

Thank God I finished it on time...

"Here, sir." I handed the paper to Mr. Choi.

I'm pretty optimistic for my math exam actually...

Because Lina had been dragging me to her house for like everyday for the exams.

It's annoying to be honest... But I guess I'd love to see at least B or C on my report.

It's already five days since the first exam, and hell yeah this math exam is the last one. CHEER FOR ME EVERYBODY.

But I still got a homeroom for this day. I went outside and hurriedly walked to my homeroom with Mr. Song.

"So kids, as you know, exam is over. I guess you all know about our school tradition right?" he stood there and like usual, no one listening to him.

He sighed and walked. "We'll have a festival, where the music, dance, and drama section will perform on stage, and we, the art section will have a mini exhibition."

Now, he sat on his table. "Well, you can ask me about it, if you want." he smiled weakly.

The students in my class start bickering about the festival, about the bonfire, etc, etc. I don't even care.

"Mr. Song, is it true that we'll have a bonfire at the next festival?" asked Eunji.

Bonfire? Well... The last festival we didn't have that...

"Yeah, that's true." Mr. Song nodded. "Oh, and guys, not just the exhibition, you'll have to make something for the baazar. I mean, it's an open for public festival. You can open a mini cafe, booth, or something like that."

"Aha, guys!" squealed one of this girl that I don't even care to know her name.

"Yes, Eunji?" said Mr. Song. So, that's her name.

"Well, Mr. Song. I have an idea!" she said while standing up and ready to walk in front of the class.

"So guys." she said clearing . "What a about a maid cafe?" she said cheerfully.

What the hell is a maid cafe, yuuuuucccck, no I don't want to wear a maid outfit, ewww. Just no.

And we're an art section, dude please.

"That's pretty interesting." said Mr. Song tapping his chin.

I looked around and found my classmates nodding too. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS.

"What about the boys?" asked Jiwoon.

"Huh?" said Eunji, she frowned.

"Eunji, I mean, the girls will sure be all cutie cutie pretty with the outfit, but us?" he crossed his arms.

"Jiwoon, you guys will wear a tux, doh. That's gonna be perfect too. People will come to our cafe booth!"

Jiwoon nodded to Eunji's explanation. Dude, I thought he's on the same side with me, eugh...

"So, do you agree with my plan?" she asked with sparkling eyes.

My classmates, almost all of the nodded to her silly plan.

"Okay, that's great!" she walked to her seat and already chatting with the girl next to her seat.

"I guess it's final. Oh, about the mini exhibition, we're going to exhibit your final task." he winked at us. Uh, well right. That musician final task.

The rest of the homeroom were taken by Eunji, she talked about the plan and yeah I choose to sleep. I don't care about this thingy.

I found myself alone in the class when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes, and looked at my wristwatch. "Oh shoot." I squealed, it's already 3 pm, while class ended at 2.30 pm.

Have to called Hyunki....

"Hyunki-aaaaah, where are you~~" I said through the phone.

"I'm at the band practice room." she said.

What is she doing there? Band practice room? Did she mean that studio where I painted Chanyeol?

"Huh? practice room?" I packed my thing while calling her.

"Yes, the one on 3rd floor."

I tapped my forehead. I forgot that this is an art school, of course we got a band practice room.

"Oh, yeah yeah. What are you doing there?" I sling my backpack and went outside the classroom.

"Practicing. For the festival."

"Oooooh. Well, what time will you going home? I'm gonna wait you at the gallery." I already walked myself to the gallery direction.

"Ah Ri-ah~~ No, no. What about you to come here?" she giggled a bit.

"Why? I don't want to ruined your practice." I stop my walking for a while.

"Ah, no. Just come here, will you?"

"Alright, alright. What floor is it? 3rd right?" I changed my direction and went to the nearest stairway.

"Yeah! Thank you thank youuuu."

I hung up and climbed upstairs.

I am really a good person.

"Knock knock." I said while knocking the practice room door.

It even didn't have a single window. Privacy, maybe.

"Oh, Ah Ri-ah." said someone, opening the door. It was Kai.

"Kai oppa." I bowed automatically. Okay, he saved my life from the .

"Come on in." he said while leaning to the door.

"Err... I guess I'm just going to wait outside.." I said to him. If Kai is here, than it means that the rest of EXO-K is here. And that jerk must be here too. Nah, I'm gonna pass.

"No, come in." he smirked and the seconds after that I realized he already gripped my wrist and dragging me in.

"Everyone, Ah Ri is here~~" he sang.

I bowed to them since they're all my seniors.

"Oh, hi Ah Ri!" said Baekhyun cheerfully.

I smiled to him and began to search where the hell is Hyunki.

There she was. Between D.O and Suho. She was giggling, I mean laughing at me. I made a face to her.

I walkd to her. "Hey." I said calmly.

She hugged me. "Wait for me okay? We're going to practice one more time." she smiled.

I nodded and made my way to the coach. Surprisingly, Baekhyun sat next to me.

"You're not going to perform?" I asked.

"Yes I will, but this one is a special stage, it's EXO-K ft. Hyunki, but we only need one lead vocal for this stage. And Suho is the perfect one."

I nodded and looked at them. Darn, I just saw that jerk. Better look away.

They started the practice. D.O and Sehun played guitar and Kai with the bass. That jerk of course hitting his drum. Suho stood next to Hyunki.

I don't know, but they looked goog together.

At first I don't care about the melody, but when the Hyunki started to sing, I realized what song is this. I gasped and looked at Baekhyun and he smirked.

Oh kiss me out of the bearded barley,
Nightly , beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You'll wear those shoes and I will wear that dress

It's kiss me form sixpence none the richer. I don't like this kind of song of song, cause it's too.... Yeah, you know.

But I like it when Hyunki and Suho sang it. Damn, it's just too good. I found myself enjoying their practice.

"It's good right?" asked Baekhyun.

"Yeah it is." I can't took my eyes away from their performance. They're good, I mean great.

And the music is good too, they're really great.

Well I guess I'm going to wait for their stage at the festival. Yeah!

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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)