Mr. Dandy + Miss I Don't Care


This is a story about Choi Min Ki and Park Chanyeol. Choi Min Ki is a transfer student and apparently she set to sit next to this pretty, too pretty boy. His name is Park Chanyeol.

"What the heck with your lips?" He said.

That's not what a stranger should say right?

"Huh? My lips?" She frowned.

The boy let a sigh and takes something from his shirt pocket, open it, and rub it on her lips. Yes, with his finger.

"HEY!" She stood up and seconds after that she barely knew that her fist already on that boy face .

"Choi Min Ki, Park Chanyeol! Get out from my classroom!"

And that's how the boyish girl met the girlish boy.



Choi Min Ki »» cool, black hair, don't like cute things, not that stylish, doesn't really care about her appearances.

Park Chanyeol »» feminine boy, likes make up, stylish, drop dead gorgeus, deep voice but always try to slow down his tone, always mistakenly to be a gay, because he is to pretty to be a straight guy.

Kim Himchan »» Chanyeol's best man, not that masculine, but also not that feminine, always following chanyeol everywhere (mostly in school), funny guy.

Lu han »» mysterious guy, he looks like to have an interest in Min Ki, but actually...

Lee Se Na »» Min Ki's new friend in her new school, much like a cute fairy, worshiping Chanyeol as a make up god, shorter than Min Ki, when she talks, it's like she use a high tone, but actually that's her real voice, a lil bit creepy.




I'm bored so I decided to write this.


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nyeinayehtetsan #1
coooooool!!! i luv it