Chapter 5

Accidentally in Love
Chapter5 :Bookstore

Chanyeol's POV

"ANDWEE! YAAH! I don't like her!" I yelled to. D.O. "Woah, relaxed. Calm down Chanyeol~~ I'm just kidding." he said. I hit my drum hardly. Eugh, I'm sick of this. "I don't like her and will never like her." I added. "Calm down Chanyeol-ah~ We're just teasing you. Why are you so serious?" asked Suho. Err, to be honest I don't know why, but when they mentioned her name, it makes me mad. I hate her. I hate Lee Ah Ri. I hate myself for kissing her. 

"Okay, once again. After this we can go home." I said to my bandmates, bunch of fools. D.O sighed. "I'm tired you know." I picked my drumsticks and smacked it to each other." One, two tree!" And by that we started playing the song. We played Tighten Up by The Black keys. I played drum, D.O in charged of guitar and backing vocal. Baekhyun and Suho are the lead vocals. While Kai played bass and Sehun played guitar. It's a big band, yeah I know. There are 6 of us.

Living just to keep going
Going just to be sane
All the while not knowing
It's such a shame

I don't need to get steady

I know just how I feel
I'm telling you to be ready
My dear 
"Oh god I'm so freakin exhausted." said D.O while stretching his body. "Suho, I don't think I can accompany you to the bookstore. I'm sorry." he added. Suho just smiled. "Araso, it's okay D.O." I looked at Suho. "Yah, I'm going with you. I want to buy something." I said to him. "Oh, and drop me home okay." I added. Hoho, that's the reason why I want to accompany Suho to the bookstore. He brought his motorcycle with him. I'm to lazy to walked home, and I'm afraid that some crazy girls will chase over me. Sehun patted my back. "You are so stingy." Whatever I don't care hahah. "Okay~~" said Suho.

Ah Ri's POV 

"Yah." said Hyunki suddenly. She stopped walking. We were otw home actually. "What?" I turned around to see Hyunki,and kept on walking. She patted her forehead. "Mind to accompany me to buy new music sheets? I forgot to buy some, and I'm extremely need it." I stopped my walk and shrugged. "It's okay. I need to by a new paintbrush too." She beamed and pulled my wrist. "I knew this store, it's a bookstore and it art section, it's daebak!"

And by that, she dragged me to this store that apparently not so far from our home. "Is it a new store?" I asked her. I never see this store before. "Well, yes. But I've been here before. Twice." We entered the store and Hyunki literally ran to the art section. I sighed and followed her. O M G, Hyunki was telling the truth, the art section was beyond my imagination. They had all sized of canvases. Not to mention the brushes. I could smell the scent of oil paint in the air. I could smell the canvases. Cheesy? I wanna drown in this place!!

Chanyeol's POV

I was in the self-improvement section. I ruffled the books, and I heard someone muttered. This employee man stared at me. I bowed to him. Ugh, I'm bored. I walked again to the next section, it's Manhwa section. I take one book and dropped it again. I'm not a fan of books. I hate reading. I sighed and walked again. I saw Suho already in art section. I mean 'the art section'. Not the art-books. What was he looked for? Music sheets? Hmmm.. I guess I'm going to that section too. Maybe the sell some good drumsticks. I walked to the section, I'm nearing and stopped walking. 

God hate me, right.

 I found Ah Ri, she squatted looking for something, and she squealed a little. No, she can't see me. I turned back, but where I wanna go? I stopped and searching for Suho's presence. Oh, good. He's not in that section anymore. Oh, crap. Look, now he's in romance section. Seriously dude. I walked to that section. I must hide. "Su-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I saw that girl Hyunki. Oh, Suho noticed her. They're both in the same section. Oh-kay. So I'm all alone now? I just stood there. Scanning this place. Is that creepy girl still at the art section? Btw, WHY I'M RUNNING AWAY FROM HER? Is that making me a coward? Oh, no no Chanyeol. You're not a coward. 

I walked and noticed that she wasn't there. I found myself walking to spot where she squatted earlier. What's these? Somekind of paintbrushes. Not my thingy. I stood up and went to the other side of the shelf. This side had so much papers, percament, and hhh I don't care... I walked again, to the other shelf. This side had music thingy. I found guitar-pick, snares, etc etc etc. I'm scanning this shelf. Drumsticks.. Drumsticks... I walked to the end of the shelf, and BUMPED.

Ah Ri's POV

Ouch! I found myself fell to the floor. What the hell? Did I bumped into something? I hissed and stood up. I looked up to see what did I bumped into. or WHO. 

"YAH YOU? WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!" I pointed my finger to him. Seriously, what's wrong with this boy. Why he's here? 

"FOLLOWING YOU? YOU WISHED." he folded his arms. Aish this snob, selfcenterd person. I can't with him. 

"Whatever. Apologize to me!" You can said that I yelled to him.

He smirked. WHY WERE YOU SMIRKING, APOLOGIZE! "For what?" he hissed.

"For yesterday, and for what just happened." I pointed myself. 

"No." he said again.


and... I stomped his left foot. Really hard. I knew that. He screamed in pain. I laughed hysterically in my mind. You deserve that jerk. 

But seconds after that I regretted. Uh oh, I know I'm in trouble. Two guys walking toward us. "Excuse me, but you two have to get out from this place." Eh what? I blinked my eyes. They kicked us out? "Eh.. Can I at least pa-?" I showed them the paintbrushes that I want to buy. But before I could finished my sentence, he pointed the exit, ordered me to get out soon. I put the brushes back and went out. AAAAAA. I screamed when I'm outside. Chanyeol had been following me and I found him covering his ears. "Shut up, shorty." he said. "ert." I muttered. 

Hyunki was still in that store. I took out my phone to call her, but then I sighed. My phone is dead. "She's with Suho." said Chanyeol all of sudden. Suho? I remember him. Well.. I guess I'm just gonna go home first. I'm pissed off okay. Mianhe Hyunki.

I walked to my home's direction. I'm so pissed that I almost ran. I hate this. I hate you PARK CHANYEOL!

Chanyeol's POV

What's with her? Why was she running away? Ha, I don't care. I think I'm just gonna walked home. I saw Suho enjoying his time with Hyunki. Oh lol Suho, you're so fukin obvious. I walked and kicked some pebbles. So here I am, walking home by myself.... Wishing that there won't be wild crazy fangirls appear in front of me.

waaaa, crappy boring chapter, I'm sorry ;A; 
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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)