Chapter 23

Accidentally in Love
*I was going to update chapter 24 when suddenly I saw that chapter 23 is missing idek, thank god I wrote this on notepad first /I always write on notepad first, and posted on my blog as well/*
Chapter23 : Bonfire
Ah Ri's POV

Suho hugged her. Yes, he hugged her. On the stage. Right. I'm not delusional.

"Ah Ri!!!!!" squealed Lina, she pinched my arms.

I gave her a 'what' look. I'm still in awe, cause hey, it's my best friend, on the stage, hugging someone. Ah, well not particularly a someone, but still....

"That, was, fukin, romantic." said Lina, eyes still glued to the stage. They're no longer hugging each other, but both of them smiling like an idiot when they went out from the stage.

I'm agree with Lina. That was romantic... The song.. Everything, just perfect. I'm happy for Hyunki. Really.


I don't know, now that Hyunki isn't single anymore I feel like... Like 'Oh, here I am, look, I'm still single'

Yeah.... But at least Lina is single too, LOL.

I hugged Lina's arm. "Hey, wanna join a forever alone club? I'm the leader." I laughed awkwardly.

Lina hugged me and followed me laughing.

"The bonfire is going to start, where are you going?" asked Lina. "I need to go pee.. Eh, don't mind me. I think I'm not gonna make it when it start. Shoo shoo." I waved my
hands to Lina. I really need to pee. Like, really really need to pee.

So I decided t start running. Bun unfortunately, I tripped over a small log. "Stupid log..." Clumsy is my new best friend, doh.

I stood up and fixed my clothes. "Eww..." I got dirt on my palms and knee. But luckily I didn't get scars.

Suddenly I didn't feel like peeing anymore. I sat on the small log, sighing. I looked everywhere, just like looking for something even tho I'm actually not.

What is that? I mean.. Who is that? I just saw these people on the corridor between that two booths.. Doing something? I narrowed my eyes, trying to identify these people and why were they hugging each other?

Oooo... That girl is Jihyun biatch.

And that boy is.. Park Chanyeol...


I hate both of them. Even seeing both of them doing that thing, hugging I mean, I feel like puking, I would really like to throw this log to Jihyun's head. And I would really like it if I have a chance to punch Chanyeol's face.

This hugging scene making me sick. Eugh, toilet. I need to go there..

I went outside the toilet and hurriedly run to the bonfire spot. Need to find Lina. Hmmmm... Where is she?

I saw the bonfire, and people surrounding it. Eh... More like couples. Couples everywhere.






Okay..... Ah...

This is so funny. I really laughed to myself now.

Lina is holding hand with that D.O, they smiled to each other and blah blah.

What night is it btw, huh.

God really like tortured me, right? First Hyunki, and then Lina? And plus that hugging scene.


Really? What's with everybody being so touchy touchy this day?

Oh right, this is the magic of the festival, the myth that everybody have been talk about, it's about finding your love. Eugh, are you fukin kidding me?

Myth is just a myth...

I never made it to the bonfire, let's just said that I'm allergic to couples for now.

Let's just walk right now...

I found a not so big pond, it's not crowded with people and especially couples. I decided to rest there, there's a tree, a rather big tree and I don't know what kind of tree it
is, I don't care. Hah.... It's feels so good to be alone like this. I sat under the tree, leaning my back.

So.... That O___O guy is actually D.O. I was so clueless... Now I get it, that O___O portrayed his eyes, his big eyes.

Are they like dating now? Wow, that will be great. So Lina left me in this forever alone club, alone, literally. Maybe I'm just gonna die in my old days without partner. I can see that coming.

I hugged my knees now, it was pretty cold cause it's already 10pm. I shouldn't left the bonfire at the first place... I mean, hey it must be warm and not this cold there...

I heard someone coughing. Ah... Yes, must be a teacher or security... Maybe this place is restricted?

"I'm so sorry seonsangnim- I stood up and turned around...

Just to see Kris.

"Hey." he smiled and waved his hands.

My eyes won't blinked and I'm starring him in awe.

"Mind if I join you sitting there?" he walked toward me.

I nodded and sat like before. I hugged my knees even tighter.

He sat next to me, not so close. But still, a Kris, that Kris, yes that Kris, sat next to me!

But why I'm not that excited like I used to when I met Kris... Maybe it's just because I'm not in a good mood.

I can feel his presence, hear his breathing.... We kept silents for a moments. I glance at him and he closed his eyes.

"Hey... What exactly are you doing here?" he asked suddenly. I turned my face to see him. His eyes still close.

I sighed and tilted my head so I can see the pond clearer. I can't see clearly what's in the pond cause it's too dark.


"Yeah, you..." he chuckled and opened his eyes, now looking at me.

"I'm allergic to couples, haha." I laughed sarcastically.

"That's funny. Me too." He joined me laughing.


He didn't answer my question but he nodded his head, so that's a yes, right?

"My besties, all of them yeah... They found their love tonight. Why it sounds cheesy when I said that?" I chuckled and ruffled my own hair.

"So you don't like it?" he asked bluntly.

"No! No... I'm happy for them.. Really...."

He didn't talked back. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"It's cold..." I whispered to myself, shivering. I tried to hug myself, how pity am I.

Suddenly I felt something on my shoulder. I turned my head, Kris putting his jacket on me, fixing it, and he tapped my shoulder. "Warm enough?"

"You don't have to do this. It's not that cold." I tried to release the jacket but he insisted.

After that, we're loosen a bit and we talked almost about everything, random thing. Suddenly I looked at my watch just to see that is already midnight.

I tapped my forehead and let off his jacket.

"What?" he asked, frowning.

"I have to go home, it's midnight already."

"Just wear the jacket, I don't want you to catch a cold." he smirked and stood up.

I blushed because what he said earlier, I followed him to stand up.

"Let's go." he said again.


"I said, let's go."


"Doh, home. Let's go. I'll drive you home." he walked first.

I nodded and trailed him. I'm blushing like crazy now....

Chanyeol's POV

"Oi! Where are you going? The bonfire gonna start in just 3 minutes." said Baekhyun trailing me from behind. I turned back and saw him crossing his arm.

"Nah, I'll pass the bonfire. Not my thing." I swayed my hands and turned again to walk. Yeah, just walk. I don't even have a particular place to go.

I looked back again, Baekhyun really left me, I thought he was going to follow me, lol.

Now where should I go.... Should I check the exhibition? Hmm... Maybe I should go to that cafe that everyone talked about... I'm kinda hungry here.

I really didn't visit any booths today at the festival, hey I was here just because we had to perform, meeeeh, rather than that I'm not interested at all.

Wow, I didn't realize that our school have a big yard, and all and all. How can there be so many booths in this place.

I think I'm lost between these booths.... Should I come back to the bonfire? Beside, it's to quiet here.... I saw no one.

"Hey.." someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I had a goosebumps for a second, oh dear god. I looked back and saw Jihyun.

"Oh, hey Jihyun." I cleared my throat. "How are you?" I asked her politely.

"Good, how about you?" she asked back and smiled to me.

I can confirm to myself now that I didn't have feeling anymore towards her. Like I'm totally over her...

"I'm good too." I smiled to her, trying to be polite. "Hey, I gotta go, so-"

I already turned my back when she hugged me so suddenly, I was like 'hey!!'. "I miss you.." she seems to whispered but I can here this..


I turned back and released myself from her embrace. She looked at me with a sad expression. Hah... Girls..

What should I do? I don't wanna be a jerk...

I pull her closer so I can hug her.

"I miss you too... But I'm sorry, like what I said, we can't be together." I broke the hug and left her standing still.

What time is it? Damn, it's midnight already, mom not gonna like it, Better go home.....

Oh hey who's that?

It's Kris. Funny, I don't really know him but seeing him now, I have this urge to punch his face. And I just don't know why.

"Let's go." he said. Ooooo, he's with someone~

That someone come out and I saw Ah Ri followed him from behind.

Oh, so that someone is Ah Ri.




Wow, she made a progress huh? I laughed to myself... Eugh, I felt something in my stomach. Stomachache maybe? Eh, better go home...


Ah Ri's POV

"Thank you Kris-sshi." I give him a smile and not bowing to him cause he asked me not to.

He smiled back. "Hey, you can call me just Kris." He winked at me. "Well, goodnight Ah Ri." he went to his car and drove off.

Ayyyy, really is my best night ever!!!

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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)