Chapter 22

Accidentally in Love

Chapter22 : So Kiss Me

Ah Ri's POV

"One choco milkshake and one spaghetti bolognaise, okay." I repeated one more time and gave him one polite smile.

Wow wow, please he's just a customer.

Well yeah, finally it's the day of the festival.

Here I am stuck at this cafe.

I lazily went to the counter. "One choco milkshake and spaghetti bolognaise." I handed the orders and sighed.

A maid cafe? More like a mad cafe.

Eunji lied to the boys, the truth is the boys will wear the maid outfit. Yes, the one with fringe, black and all the cutesy thing. And the girls will wear a suit, waiter suit that look like a tuxedo.

Thank godness... I rather jump of the building than wearing that maid outfit.

But poor boys, the kept nagging how the outfit made them itchy. To be honest some of them looked good in crossdressing, but the others just, ewww no please, my eyes---can't---

"Thank you for coming..." I bowed to the customers who left.

I looked at my watch, it's still 2pm.... Hmmmm, the performances will start at 7pm. So basically I'm stuck in here for another 5 hours, ohkay.

"Oh, hello.." I bowed slighly when some customers enter the maid cafe. Tsk, girls... Oh, at least I don't have to serve them, the boys are the one whos in charge in serving the girls.

I turned my back and leaned on the counter. I'm hungry...

"Yah, customer." Eunji tapped my head as she walked to the kitchen.

I turned around and bowed again. "Welcome..." I looked up and...

"Oh! It's you!" he said.

I blushed and blinked so many times, he waved his hands in front of my face.

"Ah Ri?" he said.

"Oh, y-yes. Welcome, Kris-sshi." I bowed again cause I don't know how to act.

He chuckled and cover his mouth. "Well, you're going to serve me right?" he winked to me.




I nodded fastly and seated him.

"What do you want to order?" I asked him, trying to sounds cool and calm, but I doubt it, maybe I sound like a sheep... Maybe..

"Hmmmm..." he tapped his chin while looking at the menu. "I'm not that hungry..." He looked at me. I almost blush again because of him, gaaaah!! "What should I order?"

"You can order cheese creme brulee, you said you're not hungry right?"

"Ah... Yeah, I guess I'll have that. And one americano... Hot americano." he gave me his smile that almost making me choke.

I smile awkwardly and talked again. "So... One cheese creme brulee and one hot americano, am I right?"

He nodded to me. I almost walked away from his table, when he started to talk again. "Ah, you braided your hair."

"Oh... Yes I am." I blinked. "It's because we have to wear these" I pointed my outfit. "And plus, I have a long hair, don't want it to be a burden."

"You look great." he smiled.

I can't helm my cheeks not blush. "A-ah, thank you.."

"And the boys look pretty." He laughed but still covering his mouth wuth his hand.

OH, I knew by great-he said earlier, he mean that I looked handsome? OKAY

"They really wear wigs." He chuckled.

He's so cute when he laughed... I can't help not to smile...

I almost forgot that I have to deliver the order.

"Kris-sshi, excuse me..." I said to him and went to the counter to pass the orders note.

I wait for the orders to be done, cause I want to be the one who serve the food to him... Ehehehe

"Here." This girl that I forgot her name handed the tray to me.

Tsk, I waited 10 minutes for these... Kris waited 10 minutes for these!

I nodded to the girl and take the tray with me, walking to Kris' table.

"One cheese creme brulee, and one hot americano." I placed the food on the table.

"Thank you." he smiled to me.

"Yo." someone tapped my shoulder.

"Eh?" I turned and saw my stupid best friend Lina. "Oh, hi."

"Eeeee, just that? Fyi, I think you were blank for a seconds." she poked my arms.

Yeah yeah... I was busy remembering about my 3o minutes, my precious 30 minutes with Kris.. Ehehhee.

"Am I?" I cleared my throat and fixed my bow tie. "Oh. Why are you here? It's 6 pm already, we're going to close and you have to practice your moves."

"Eugh, I know, that's why I came here. Let's go together~~~" she hugged my shoulder.

"Alright, alright... but I have to change first. Wait for me."

I changed my outfit and run from the maid cafe with Lina, my shift didn't ended yet, hehe.

"So, are you going to dance later?"

She nodded. "Yeah!! You're going to watch my performance right?"

"Of course, and Hyunki's performance too!!"

We both nodded in excitement.

No one's POV

"You guys.... Help me with this plan okay?" he pleaded to his friends.

"Are you sure?" asked the boy who sat next to him.

"Yeah, I have to do this!" he clenched his teeth. "Help me, okay?"

"What will the teachers say?" a boy with a big eyes spoke out.

"We'll say that it was still one of our performances." said the desperate boy.

His friends nodded in agreement.

"I guess, we can do that." smirked the boy who was busy with his guitar.

Ah Ri's POV

Before going to the venue, I dragged Lina to see the exhibition. Well... I want to see others painting.

"Why I should go this place too." she sighed.

"Cause you're the one who asked me that we should go together." I grabbed her hands and went inside.

"Wooow." she gasped. "It's. Bo. Ring."

I glared at her. "Wait here, if you don't want to go."

I walked by myself, and all I saw was girls squealing at the paintings. Yeaaaaah, they came here to see their idols, not because the art of the painting. OKAY.

Some of the paintings were extremely good. Better than mine.

I walked again and I saw my paintings.


What the hell, what are these girls doing in front of my paintings?

Too crowded I can't even make it to my own painting!

They took a photo with it. Doh.... Just because I painted Chanyeol.

Ugh, fangirls...

Which remind me of that. AAAAAAAARGGGGH, that jerk who stole my kiss.

It's been 2 months, and I almost forgot it, but when I see these fangirls...

"Yo, let's go." someone tapped my shoulder. It was Lina.

"Oh yes." I followed her out and we ran a bit to the venue.

"We're not late." I panted and we got the best spot to watch the performances.

"Yeah." she said.

"When will you going to perform?"

"At 8 pm." she shrugged.

"Ooo.. And then after that you're going back here right?"

"Of course, doh."

It started already and some of the performances are good and entertaining. And Lina left me alone here, cause she have to go to the backstage.

I yawned many times cause yeah... What's the word? Boring....

".... It's Paradise Dance Crew!!!"

Oh, that's her dance crew. I rubbed my eyes and get ready to watch it. I'm excited already.

Their group were consist of 6 members, and they called themself Paradise. Damn... They looked good and awww their choreo are awesome.

I get excited and others too, I guess.

They dance freely and synchronized.

They dance for 10 minutes, but for me it feels like 2 minutes -____-

"Hey!" chimed Lina. She's back 15 minutes after her performances.

"You know? That. Was. Awesome!!!" I squealed and hugged her.

"Thank you thank you~~~"

I released my hug and both of us get ready to watch the next performance.

"Hey, did you met Hyunki at the backstage?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's going to perform with EXO-K at 9 pm, I guess."

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

Hyunki's POV

"Are you ready?" asked Suho to me.

I nodded. "Yes." I gave him a smile.

"Great." he said. "So after we perform this one song, you'll go to the stage, and---"

"Yeah yeah, oppa, I knew it already." I chuckled. "Do your best okay?"

He nodded and followed his bandmates to the stage. I watched them from backstage...

After this I'm going to sing with them.

Now, calm yourself Hyunki!

They started and I can hear Suho's voice clearly... It's beautiful....

I love their music, to be honest. It's so cheerful yet not so childish, hmmm how can I say... It's an indie rock, maybe.

"And the next is, special stage... EXO-K ft. Kim Hyunki!" said MC.


Damn, I am so nervous.... I walked to the stage and Baekhyun went back to the backstage. "Goodluck." he cheered for me. I nodded and get myself to my spot next to Suho.

He looked at me and nodded. I can't help not to smile, but in the other side I am so freakingly nervous.

D.O started to play the guitar. I love the melody... I love this song.... Let's just have fun with this..

Kiss me out of the bearded barley,
Nightly , beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You'll wear those shoes and I will wear that dress

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift you open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silvermoon's sparkling,
So kiss me

Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Swing me , upon its hanging tire
Bring, bring , bring your flowered hat
We'll take the trail marked on your father's map

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift you open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silvermoon's sparkling,
So kiss me

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift you open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silvermoon's sparkling,
So kiss me

Something pecked my cheeks. I turned to see Suho blushing and people screaming my name and Suho name.



Suho sang it again.

So kiss me

He smiled to me. I sang the last part.

So kiss me

Ah Ri's POV



People are now screaming, squealing, like crazy. I gasped and clearly saw that Hyunki is madly blushing now. Suho too. He continue singing the last part, and
Hyunki followed his singing.

Wow, that was, I don;t know how to say it. Awesome? Romantic?

"Kyaaaaaa!" screamed Lina who stood next to me.

The song is over and now what I see is-




"Hyunki-ah..." he said.

Hyunki blushed.

He cleared his throat. "I just want to say that I love you... Would you be my girlfriend?"

People getting crazy and screaming Suho's name, cheering for him.

"I, I-" said Hyunki. She didn't finish her words, but she nodded and blushed again.

"Is that a yes?" asked Suho. Hyunki nodded again.

Suho stood up and hugged her.

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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)