Chapter 19

Accidentally in Love
Chapter19 : I don't care

Chanyeol's POV

It's lunch time already and I found myself scanning the cafetaria, looking for someone.

Where is she? Man, I shouldn't feel like this, right.. Yeah, I mean, I just felt guilty for making she fell to the ground.

"Looking for someone?" asked Suho, nudging my arm. I turned my face to him and frowned. "No."

He chuckled and opened his phone, like usual, texting I guess. "Relax, she's not coming to school today." he said smirking to me.

I shook my head. "Dude, I don't care." I said.

"Well, apparently she's already better but she's just lazy to school, naawww man, chill." he patted my back.

I sent him a glare, he smirked again. I sighed and decided to just eat my fries, and ignored Suho. I saw Baekhyun busy with his psp and Kai half eating-half sleeping.

"Where is Sehun and D.O?" I asked Suho.

"Sehun with Yesul, I guess. D.O... maybe he went to pee. Don't know."

"Oh." I lazily eat my fries, not so hungry.

"Yah, where were you yesterday?" asked Kai suddenly. "I came to your house."

"Huh? Why'd you came to my house? You didn't call me." I skipped his question.

"Well, I want to return your video games, and borrow some, but yeah you weren't at home."

I coughed and cleared my throat. "Studio? Geez, I'm sorry not to tell you guys. Kai, you can come to my house later."

"Why were you at the studio? Practicing alone? Crazy." he rolled his eyes. "Tell us the truth, tsk."

"...No, I'm not practicing, it's the task with Ah Ri, remember.." I sighed and closed my eyes.

Suho who sat next to me burst into laughter.

"You knew that?" asked Kai to Suho. "Of course man." he smirked like a crazy person.

"Your partner is Ah Ri?" Kai continued interogating me.

"Yeah, you didn't know?" I frowned and poked the fries.

"Apparently no." he crossed his arms.

"But all of them knew that, at the practice room remember? When I got that phone call?"

He tapped his forehead. "Ugh, as I remember I was busy listening music, I got headphone attached on my head. Doh.. Stupid me."

Why he cared so much about this thing?

"Yah, you're doing task in a school day? As I remember, the first time you were doing it at weekend, right?" asked Baekhyun suddenly. But he still focusing on his psp.

"She ruined the first one, I mean, her cat. The cat peed on it. And the deadline is.. yeah" I sighed and I swear I heard Suho chuckled a bit.

"Cat?" asked Kai.

"Yeah, cat, how ridiculous is that." I shrugged and munch some fries.

"Well dude, believe it or not... But it's not the cat..." he said.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Dude, I met her like 2 days ago, as I remember. And.. Well, the truth is Jihyun.. She's the one who broke that painting. Geez, so it was you on that painting." said Kai, he didn't look sleepy as usual.

"Jihyun?" My eyes got bigger as I heard her name. I rubbed my temple. Tsk, that girl. Really....



"So Chanyeol? What's your answer?" she bit her lips like usual, it's her habit...

We were at the back of our school, she asked me to met her there. I leaned my back on the wall. She stood in front of me.

She tried to caressed my arms but I dodge and crossed my arms.

"Look, Jihyun-ah.. It's not that I didn't like or what. It's just I can't.. I can't be your fake boyfriend." I closed my eyes.

"Well..." she said, she seems sad.

"We're friends right?" I smiled weakly to her.

She looked at me with a sad face.

Oh, please no... "Look, I have to go somewhere. Well... Bye Jihyun." I smiled to her and left.

I can't be her fake boyfriend. It seems wrong, and I don't care.... I don't know about my feelings to her. It's too complicated..


It was several days after she asked me to be her fake boyfriend.... And days after that I met her again on that cafe when I was with Ah Ri...

She must have seen Ah Ri somewhere in school and broke the painting...

"How? How can she broke that painting?" I asked Kai.

"I don't know how, but I found her in the hallway grabbing Ah Ri's collar..."


I rubbed my temple. I don't believe that.... No, Jihyun... She's not that harsh..

"Believe me or not. I saw it with my own eyes. I'm not lying." he shrugged.

I nodded to him. Should I believe Kai?

Suho patted my back. "What?" I glared at him.

"Aish, calm! Nothing, just some urged to pat you? Hehe."

"Weirdo." I scrunched my nose and just in time the bell rang.

Ah Ri's POV

"Ummaaa. I'm hungry!!" I screamed from my bedroom. Yeah, I skipped school today. Already told Hyunki about yesterday, and she came to my house this morning to see me.

My mom went upstairs with omelet rice and fried chicken. "Tsk, it's already 1 pm and you still on your bed! After eating this you have to take a bath, geez I don't want to raise a dirty monkey in this house.

"Mmmm, yummm~~~" I ignored what my mom said earlier. Eh? My mom rarely cooked fried chicken.

"Umma, fried chicken?" I asked her when she was about to went out from my room.

"Yes?" she asked back.

"Oppa is going home today?" I beamed and squealed. I miss my brother.

She nodded and smiled.

That dork is going home!

I eat happily not remembering how my forehead still in pain, seriously I still felt the pain.

I took a bath, slower than usual because of the scars I got on my knees and forehead.

After dressing, I hoped on my bed and burried myseld inside the blanket. Hehe... I felt so lazy today, so I'm just going to sleep sleep and sleep....

I think I sleep only 15 minutes or maybe 30 minutes, I don't know, when I felt someone hoped on my bed and lay beside me. And he pinched my cheeks... Tsk, this dork!

I opened my eyes and yelled. "Oppa!"

He's face was next to mine and I can see he smiled widely.

"Waaaaaa, I miss you so much Ah Ri-ah~~~" he beamed and hugged me tightly.

"Can't-breathe-oppa-let-me-go." I said to him. Tsk... My childish oppa.

He chuckled and released his hug. We sat on the bed, now.

"How's college, oppa?" I asked him.

"Yeah... Like this and like that. How about you? Do you miss me? Oh, mom told me about your scars" he pointed my forehead.

"Pfffft, no. What did mom told you" I stuck my tongue out.

"Aigoo, my sister. Nothing~~" He ruffled my hair. "Let's go downstairs! It's already 6 pm. Dinner~~~" he sang.

"Mwo? 6 pm? But I thought I was sleeping only for 30 minutes..." I mumbled.

"Sleepyhead, let's go~~ I'm hungry~~~" he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the dining room.

"Oh, oppa, you woke her up." said Jinhee who was ready a magazine.

"Yeah, hey no reading magazine! It's dinner time~~~" he snapped the magazine from Jinhee's hand. She pouted to him.

I seat my self in front of Jinhee.

"Ummaaaaaaa, chicken!!" he beamed cheerfully.

I guess my brother and me had similarity... We really like to eat. But the difference is, I can eat everything, I love every foods. But he really love chicken. He should just marry a chicken.

"Aigoo... Jinki... Here here.." My mom appeared from the kitchen.

I really miss him, this dork...

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SungHyunAh #1
Chapter 25: aweshummm story!! Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 25: The story is really great :D
When are you going to update again??
Update soon~^^
KYEOPTA... >////<
I really like this...
This is soooo DAEBAK... :">
Updateu! Pweasee~~
Aigooo~ its was great :DD
update soon :3
Yeah I love it so much huhuhuhu. Waiting for next update muehehehe O:)