
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)

A/N: Hey! I'm so sorry that I didn't update the last few days, but I was busy with school. But however, now all my exams this semester are over and I will update more often! I hope you'll like this chapter!



The next two days passed quickly. Sooner than you wanted it was Monday.

You were rudely awakened by your alarm clock.

Slowly you opened your eyes and muttered something about that the clock should shut the up and die, which wasn't really useful because it was a thing and it couldn't die at all, but you were too tired to care about the sense of your words.

You got up and stumbled into the bathroom.

After you showered, washed up and dressed, you went into the kitchen.

You were the first to wake up, so you made breakfast while your roommates were showering.

While the pancakes were frying in the pan, you took out three plates and cutlery and set the table.

Unfortunately you were still half asleep and dropped one of the plates.

It fell on the ground and shattered into pieces of porcelain.

You sent a death glare towards it, hoping that it would feel guilty and would fix itself.

But you gave up after a few seconds, realizing that a broken plate can't feel guilty, and can't fix itself.

Wow...it is 7 in the morning and I already hate this day! You growled, bent down and cleaned up the mess.

Suddenly the air smelled burned. You blinked confused and turned to the pancakes which were now black and smoking.

!” You cursed and removed the pan from the stove. You threw the burned food away and looked at the clock. It was too late to cook new pancakes, so you grabbed you purse and your keys (or keycards) and went out of the dorm.

While you were waiting in front of the elevator (which was finally repaired!!!), you heard a door shut and looked towards the direction, where the sound came from. You saw Baekhyun approaching you. He was hissing something to himself about his idiots of members, always sending him to get their food, as he noticed you.

Oh, hey!” He greeted, his pissed expression vanished and was replaced by a friendly smile.

You smiled back. “Annyeong! What are you doing here so early?”

He rolled his eyes. “Being a slave for my so-called 'friends'.”

You chuckled. “Ohh...I always wanted a slave...doing my homework, cleaning up for me...”

He glared at you. “Don't even think this way!”

You grinned. “Sorry.” The elevator doors opened and the two of you stepped in.

You were watching how the numbers on the small monitor slowly counted down. 5. 4. 3-

All of a sudden the elevator stopped, the lights flickered, but didn't turn off. Luckily.

Not again...” Baekhyun sighed next to you.

You looked up at him. “W-What happened?”

He glanced at you, rolling his eyes. “Well...the technicians failed...again.”

You stared at him. “You mean? You....we're caught in this stupid thing?”

He nodded and you started panicking. “ my life! Can this day get any worse?” You cursed in english.

He smirked. “Nice choice of words.”

You blinked bewildered. “You understood?”

Baekhyun chuckled. “Well, I learned some english in school. And even if I don't use it often, it doesn't mean that I don't understand it.” He answered.

You were surprised. “Eh...sorry. I just...I didn't thought you would know cusses in english...I mean, I never learned any in korean...”

He raised his eyebrows at you. “Did you seriously thought that I wouldn't know what '' means?”

You shrugged. “Actually...yes.”

He laughed lightly. “You're funny, Keira. I don't usually curse in public, but sometimes when I'm really annoyed...well, I know a lot of words in korean.” He winked.

You looked at him in disbelief. “Okay...I should stop rating people from their looks. Message to myself: Nice and well-mannered looking guys are cursing bastards. I guess Kai doesn't even know any cusses?”

He blew out his cheeks and looked incredibly cute like this. “I'm not a cursing bastard, thanks. And no, Kai knows twice as much words as I do.”

You giggled. “Okay...so he is exactly like he looks?” You glanced up at him. “And stop this pouting! It's driving me crazy!” You added.

He smirked and nodded as response to your question.

You observed his features. He was really handsome. And at the same time so cute. And his eyes...How can a human be so freakin' beautiful`?

He coughed. “Erm...what are you looking at?”

You blushed and looked away. “N-Nothing...”

Baekhyun grinned. He felt really happy that you had been staring at him. Even though he didn't exactly know why.

Eventually the elevator started to move again.

You sighed in relief and a minute later you and Baekhyun were outside the building.

You arrived at the bakery over the way and bought different kinds of sandwiches. Baekhyun did the same after you, with the exception that it was much more than you had bought.

You eyed the huge amount of food he was carrying while you entered the elevator again.

How much do they eat for breakfast?” You questioned.

He chuckled. “They eat for themselves and for EXO-M.”


A bit later you finished breakfast with Jisu and Chaemin and the three of you got ready for school. You walked to the subway station, and as you waited there, you recognized two familiar faces.

Kai? Sehun?” Jisu called.

The two boys spun around and walked over to you.

Hey. What's up?” Kai waved.

You narrowed your eyebrows. “What are you doing here?”

Going to school, what else?” Sehun replied.

Chaemin, Jisu and you stared at them. “You guys go to school??”

Kai laughed. “Well, yes. It's our last year.”

Jisu raised her eyebrows. “How old are you?”

Born 94, why?” Sehun looked slightly confused.

Chaemin's jaw dropped open. “You guys are same age as me and Jisu??”

The two EXO members seemed puzzled. “How old did you thought we are?”

I don't know...20? You are so tall...you really don't look like 18.” Jisu stated.

They discussed a while over their ages, but then the train arrived and the five of you got in.

Kai looked at you. “You're not 18, right?”

You raised an eyebrow at his sudden question. “No. I'm 17.”

His lips curled into a grin. “So I'm your sunbae...that's nice.”

You smirked. “Sorry to destroy your hopes, honey. But I'm also in my senior year.”

He looked baffled. “But...”

I skipped my Transition year in school back in Ireland, so I'll finish school earlier.”

Your what?” He requested.

You rolled your eyes. “None of your business. I'm not in the mood to explain you the Irish school system.”



A half hour later you arrived at your new school.

It was a private school without uniforms YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY and the majority of the students were trainees from different Entertainments.

It was an art school, so they were a lot of creative subjects you didn't have in usual High Schools. And also the classes ended in the early afternoon, so you were able to train at SM the rest of the day.

Your first school day passed better than you thought.

You had one class with each of your four friends and three more where you didn't know anyone.

But the other students were all really nice and treated you well.

You're last class had ended and you and Sehun were on you're way to the subway station, discussing a math problem you didn't understand.

But it's so easy! Just imagine x were any number and then-”

But I can't imagine it as any number! I tried it four times and it was always wrong!” You replied annoyed. You had never been good at math, and the fact that you had to learn it in korean from now on didn't make it any better.

Sehun sighed. “Aigoo..it's hopeless...”

You chuckled. “Funny...that is exactly what my last three private tutors said.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “How did you made it to your senior year?”

You pouted. “Well, except for math I'm pretty good at school!”

He raised his eyebrows. “Seriously? And in what subjects are you good?”

English, History, Chemistry, France, Spain...” You started to list.

We neither have France nor Spain as a subject...” Sehun stated.

You glanced at him depressed. “I know...I will so in school this year!” You cried.

Sehun patted comfortingly your shoulder. “Don't worry. You can ask Suho hyung and Baekhyun hyung to help you. They were always having good grades.”

Really?” You asked insecure.

Sehun nodded. “I'm sure they'll help you if you ask them.”

You smiled. All the EXO members are so nice. I'm really happy to have them as my friends.

Hey Kiera! Sehun!” Jisu called from behind.

You and Sehun turned around and greeted her.

How was your first day?” Jisu asked you.

You smiled. “Better than I thought. Where are Chaemin and K-”

You didn't need to end this sentence as you saw Chaemin and Kai approaching you. Chaemin was glaring at Kai, but he was just smirking.

You raised your eyebrows. “What happened?” You inquired.

Chaemin pointed at Kai. “This happened! I was talking to a really, really, really good looking guy from my Chemistry class, who wanted my number, but this idiot here,” She shot a glare at Kai, “Suddenly felt the urge to disturb us and say something about my boyfriend who is waiting for me outside! I ing don't have a boyfriend!!!” She yelled and started punching Kai's arm.

The boy winced and hid behind you.

But you smirked and stepped aside, so that Chaemin could continue to hurt him.

Yah! Why don't you help me!” Kai shouted.

You shrugged. “Sorry, I know Chaemin unnie longer than you, so I'm on her side.”

Jisu rolled her eyes and sighed. “Stop playing around kids! And Chaemin, I would be careful, these fangirls over there are looking like they are going to tear your head off.” She indicated a group of girls standing a few meters away who were sending death glares towards Chaemin.

Chaemin groaned, but stopped punching Kai. “Lucky you.” She hissed.

A few minutes later you were standing in the subway and driving home.

But your day hadn't ended yet. When you arrived at home, Jisu made lunch and after that you dressed up into Sweatpants and T-shirts and went over to the SM building, which wasn't far away.

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo