
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)


After you said farewell to Baekhyun, you entered your apartment.

While you were changing into your pajamas, a light blue t-shirt and black sweatpants, you felt like someone was watching you.

You observed the room. No one was there. Of course.

When you left the bathroom, you thought someone was knocking on the front door, but again, there was nobody.

Great. I'm getting paranoid!

You lied down on your bed and tried to sleep, but you couldn't.

Everytime you closed your eyes, you saw the men who wanted to you an hour before.

After 30 minutes staring at the ceiling, you decided to get up.

I don't want to be alone...Why aren't Jisu and Chaemin here? Things like this always happen when I don't need them!

You sat down on the couch. Suddenly you heard a sound coming from the kitchen and winced.

Slowly you stood up and grabbed a pillow.

Well, that wasn't a really useful weapon, but you were really scared at the moment, so you didn't care.

Quietly you opened the kitchen door and crept in.

Another sound, just centimeters away from you.

You turned the lights on and saw Sunny lying under a chair. She had moved it with her body.

God...you have shocked me! Bad Sunny! Don't scare me like this!” You scolded your dog.

She just blinked at you with tired eyes.

What am I doing here? Arguing with my dog...seriously, what's wrong with you Keira?” You sighed and took place on the chair Sunny was curled around.

She jumped up as you moved the chair and barked sulkily.

Sorry.” You murmured and watched how the small dog left the room.

What do I do? I can't sleep...Why do I have to be alone this night?”

Then something came into your mind.

I'm not completely alone...Baekhyun....NO! You can't do this, Keira! Really not!

Seconds later you found yourself on the hallway approaching apartment 54.

You knocked at the door, right at this moment you regretted it.

OH MY GOD KEIRA! What the hell are you doing here???

Nobody opened the door.

Lucky you! He must be sleeping...

You wanted to go away, but your hand seemed to disagree. You tapped the door again.

Hand? Are you ing kidding me??

You glared at your own hand.

Wow...I'm officially going crazy.

Please don't open the door.” You whispered, but thought the opposite.

Please open the door!

And fate was on your thought's side.

The door slowly opened and in front of you stood Baekhyun.

His hair was a bit messy and his eyes still half closed. But he looked neverhless incredible handsome.

Ehh...Hi” You sheepishly said.

He blinked a few times, then he seemed to realize who were standing on front of him.

His eyes shot open. “Keira?”

You turned red. God....what have I done?

Yeah...did you sleep well?” You asked innocently.

He stared at you. “Well...except for the fact that I slept around an hour and we have 2 in the morning...yes, thanks.”

Good.” You smiled.

He looked at you like you were some kind of alien. “Keira?”


Is there a reason why you came here at 2 in the morning?”

What? Can't I just visit you?” You pouted.

He started smiling, but it was this kind of smiling which was usually followed by the question 'Have you ever thought about seeing a doctor?'

Sure you can visit me...but like I already said twice...It. Is. 2. In. The. Morning.”

Well...at least he didn't ask me the doctor question.

Ehm...I know but...Yeah...how do I explain this...I-” You heard a door closing and immediately grabbed Baekhyun's arm and pressed yourself against him.

He stared at you, bewildered of your reaction. “Are you okay, Keira?”

You looked up at him and noticed what you were doing.

Embarrassed you let go of his arm and stepped back. “Y-Yes..it's just...I don't know...I'm kinda scared...these guys...I don't know...” You stuttered.

Baekhyun gazed at you softly. “Are you scared they would come back?” He asked with a gentle voice.

You were staring on the floor and nodded lightly.

He smiled and took your hand. “They can't come here. This house has every kind of safety technique you can imagine. No one who isn't supposed to can come in here, and especially not at night.” He comforted you.

You nodded again. “I know...but I'm still scared...Haha...I think I'm paranoid...” You laughed a bit.

Maybe...but why did you actually came here?” He asked.

You bit your lip. “IthoughtIdon'tknowmaybeIwantedtoaskyouifyoucouldstaywithmetonightlikesleepoverorsomething” You whispered really fast.

What?” He inquired.

You took a deep breath. “I...wanted to ask you if you could stay with me tonight...we could watch movies or something...” You looked down on your hands.

He didn't respond.

Now you think I'm crazy, right?”

No, no way I would think this. What's wrong with overnight stay?” He took your chin and gently pulled your head up so he was meeting your eyes. He smiled warmly.

Now, do you want to stay here or should we go to your drom? I would say yours...when the members left it's always a bit...untidy.”

You stared at him. “Really?”

He nodded. “Why not?”

YAY!! THANK YOU!! YOU ARE AWSOME BAEKHYUN!!” You cheered loudly.

Shht!” He put a finger on his lips. “We are not the only persons in this house.”

Oh...” You blushed. “Sorry...” Then you took his arm and pulled him to your apartment.

He just had time to close his apartment door before you dragged him with you.


Minutes later you sat on your couch with Baekhyun.

You were watching some music programme and SHINee's Sherlock Music Video was on.

Do you like SHINee?” He suddenly asked.

Huh? Yeah. Chaemin made me become a Shawol last year. She is so obsessed with them.” You chuckled as you thought back how your friend had forced you to watch every SHINee Music Video last year. But you had have no problem with it, since you liked their music and was impressed by their singing and dancing skills.

Baekhyun smiled at you. “Do you have a favorite member?”

You grinned and nodded.

And who?” he asked curiously.

Onew. I really like his voice. He is such a talented singer.” You looked at the TV. “Like you.” You added smiling.

Baekhyun blushed. “I'm not as good as him...”

Well...In my opinion you are.” You glanced at him. “Okay...My opinion doesn't count much.” You laughed lightly.

But for Baekhyun, your opinion counted the world.

He wanted to jump around and cheer as you told him that you thought he is a talented singer. But of it would be a bit strange, so he stayed where he was.

Thanks.” He asnwered instead.

The two of you were smiling at each other, when you heard a familiar song.

Your attention went back to the TV as you saw that EXO-K's History MV started.

Uhh my favorite group!” You grinned.

Baekhyun chuckled. “Really? And who is your favorite member in this group?”

You smirked. “Suho of course.”

He looked somewhat disappointed at your reply. “Why him?”

Because he does my math homework.” You giggled.

Aigoo.” Baekhyun slightly pushed you. “He's too nice to you!”

I know...and I feel a bit guilty to use him like this...but...”

It's fun.” Baekhyun ended your sentence.

The two of you started laughing.

We're not nice.” Baekhyun stated after you calmed down.

You shrugged. “We are...the most time.” You grinned.

He shook his head. “That girl...”

Yah! You're not better!” You pouted.

He grinned. “I know.”

You glanced back at the TV. There was a close up of Baekhyun and again you were wondering how someone could be this good looking.

White suits you.” You said.


You nodded. “And I'm still impressed by your dancing. Have you ever danced before you came to SM? You're so good...”

He shook his head. “Not really...the things I did until then couldn't be called 'dancing'.”

You chuckled.

Did you dance before you became a trainee?” He questioned you smiling.

Yes. I dance since I was five years old. It's the only sport I'm good at.”

He laughed. “You cannot be this bad.”

You raised your eyebrows. “Wanna bet? At first there is tennis. I am so talented, that when I hit the ball, I always drop the racket. It also happened that the bet was suddenly on my opponent's side...but the ball was still in my hand.”

Baekhyun's expression was hilarious. He tried so hard not to laugh, that his whole face turned dark red and he looked like he was going to explode.

You looked at him. “It's okay...you can laugh.”

He nodded, but he didn't really laugh, he just giggled a bit and grinned.

Okay, maybe you're bad at tennis, but there are more sports.” He said encouraging.

Oh yes..there are. Soccer, for example. I never hit the ball, so my classmates decided that I should play in goal...But they regretted it after I ran away when the ball came.”

This time Baekhyun just blinked.

Oh and not to say volleyball. I made it to drop the ball while I was holding it. Yes, just holding. And never play hockey with me...I broke my classmates arm with my bet...not on purpose, of course!”

He stared at you. “Seriously...how can someone be so bad at sports?”

When this person is born on the 1st January 1995 and called Keira Choi.” You answered grinning.

He laughed.


You were watching TV and chatting for around two hours.

Hey, aren't you tired?” Baekhyun asked, his eyes focused on the TV.

He didn't get a response, instead of this he felt something leaning against his shoulder.

He looked down. You were deep asleep and your head was resting on his shoulder.

He smiled. “Good night, Keira.” He whispered and gently curled a strand of your hair behind your ear.


A/N: I'm not really happy with this chapter...I imagined writing it so often, but it turned out a bit boring in my opinion. However, I still hope you like it :) And the sports-part...that are true stories.../my classmate is still scared of me even if it happens three years ago....xD/ please comment and subscribe! Love all my 40 subscribers so much! You guys are great! :3

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo