
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)

A/N: A short chapter, but I'm thinking of making a double update today :P It may also turn out to be a triple update...I don't know yet ^^



The month passed without any special event.

After you were going to school in the morning you were practicing singing and dancing in the afternoon almost every day.

The practice wasn't that bad at all, it was actually quite funny since Hyo wasn't always serious while the dance training and you often just played around.

The only thing that annoyed you was the presence of Sohee, or how you, Jisu and Chaemin called her, Barbie.

She clung onto you and followed you around everywhere, just to please you so you would introduce her to the EXO members.

At the beginning you enjoyed it. She was like your slave and did everything you wanted.

But as the weeks passed by, her extreme friendly acting started to annoy you.

And what pissed you off the most was the way she looked at Baekhyun whenever you met him in the SM building.

Even though Baekhyun rarely talked to her, he sometimes greeted her, that was all, you hated it when he looked at her.

You didn't really know why you felt like this, you thought it was just because he was a good friend and you didn't want him to end up with such a .

To be honest, you knew that this wasn't the actual reason.

But right now you had more important things in your mind than dealing with your insecure and confusing feelings.

Your problems with math became worse and you had asked Baekhyun if he could help you.

Unfortunately it turned out that he at math as much as you did, but Suho, who were a math genius, offered to help you.

And he was a quite good teacher. He explained very well, so you were able to understand at least the half of your homework.

Okay, what about number three? Can you calculate this?” Suho looked enquiringly at you.

It was Thursday night. You had finished practice two hours ago and were sitting on the couch in your apartment next to Suho.

He was holding your math book and pointed on an exercise.

You stared at the long equation, which were build of 90% alphabets instead of numbers.

You shook your head. “No way. I'm too tired to think!” You cried. “Why does my math teacher need to give so much homework?! From time to time I need to sleep, too!”

Suho chuckled and patted comfortingly your arm. “Poor kid. Come on, change and go to bed. I'll do the rest of your homework for you.”

You glanced at him thankful, but shook your head. “No! I can't let you do this for me! You also need to sleep!”

He grinned and dissented. “First, against to you I don't have school tomorrow and my schedule starts not until 2 in the afternoon, so I can sleep late. And second...I'm sorry to say this but I'll finish it in ten minutes while explaining it to you will take around...two hours?” He gave you and apologetic smile.

You overheard the last sentence ans wrapped your arms around him. “Thank you so much! I love you Suho!”

He chuckled and hugged you back. “No problem, Keira. Now go and sleep!” He let go of you shooed you away.

You grinned and thanked him again, then you disappeared in the bathroom.

After you had changed into your pajamas and had brushed your teeth, you glanced into the living room.

Suho was about to leave. “You finished?” You asked.

He turned around and gave you an agelic smile. “Yes, everything's done.”

Wow...” You gaped. “You are really good at math.”

He shrugged. “Maybe you just take much time in the bathroom.”

Shocked you looked at the clock on the wall. Eight minutes had passed since you had left the living room. You shot him a glare. “Yah! Don't joke around with me when I'm so tired!”

He giggled. “Sorry.”

You sighed and smiled. “Okay, I'll forgive you. Thank you, Suho. Good night.”

He smiled back. “Sweet dreams, Keira.” He waved and left the apartment.

You went into your bedroom and slipped under the covers. You closed your eyes and turned to the side as you suddenly felt something jumping on you.

You opened your eyes again and eyed your puppy, who was lying on top of you.

Hey!” You groaned and pushed her away so she was lying next to you.

She looked at you with her big brown eyes and started over your face.

Yah! Stop it Sunny!” You said laughing and tried to keep her away from your face.

That's disgusting!” You chuckled. She finally stopped and fell asleep.

You smiled and her head. “You cute little thing.” You whispered.

Of course I miss my family, but I never imagined my life would become so beautiful after I moved to Korea.

You smiled happily and closed your eyes. Soon you were asleep. 

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo