
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)


Where did he go?

You searched for him in the entire building.

Then you saw a familiar face. “Chanyeol? Did you see Baekhyun?” You called.

The tall boy turned to you and shook his head.

You bit your lip. “Okay. Please tell me when you see him! It's really important!”

He nodded and gave you a smile.

You ran upstairs, hoping that he might went into a practice room to get a bit peace and quiet.

Keira! I have to-” Suho appeared behind you.

Not now, Suho!” You interrupted him and continued to look for Baekhyun.

You went up into the 6th floor, and finally found him.

He was sitting outside on a balcony.

Baekhyun?” You whispered and knocked softly at the already opened glass door.

He didn't look up.

Can we talk?”

He stood up and went away, without even looking at you.

You blinked confused. He had never rejected you like this.

Still puzzled you walked back down to the lobby.

On your way there you met Kai.

Oh, hey Kai!” You greeted him, smiling.

He passed you without replying.

What the...” What's wrong with them? They never refused to talk with me...never...

Sad, you went over to Jisu.

Unnie? I'm going home. I'm tired and not in the mood for a party...” You said.

Jisu gave you and worried look. “Everything okay? Are you sick?”

As she mentioned it, you felt really a bit ill.

You nodded.

She excused herself from the people she was talking to and followed you outside.

Sehun! Tell the others that Keira and I leave! She's not feeling well.” Jisu told the EXO member.

Sehun gave you a caring smile and nodded. “Get well soon!” He said before you and Jisu left.


Back home you dressed into your pajamas and lied down on your bed.

You were freezing, so Jisu got you another blanket.

She put her hand on your forehead.

Hmm...I think you have a fever. Rest a bit. I'll make you a soup and a tea.”

You smiled thankful.

After she left, you tried to sleep, but you couldn't.

Baekhyun's and Kai's strange behavior was bothering you. You had no idea what happened.

A few minutes later, Jisu came back with two cups.

You ate the soup and drank the tea. Jisu watched you, to make sure you ate up. Then she left you alone again, with the advice to sleep.

You closed your eyes. In this moment you noticed how tired you were and soon dozed off to dreamland.


You were standing on a dark street. It was the same where the sasaeng's last week tried to hurt you and where Kevin had saved you. You realized that it was also the same street where you nearly had been a month ago.

You shivered. It didn't feel good to be at this place.

Baekhyun!” You screamed.

No response.

Kevin!” Another useless attempt.

Kai!” Still no answer.

You started crying and ran away.

But the street didn't end.

Suddenly you saw a silhouette a few meters away.

As you came closer, you noticed it was Baekhyun.

You smiled lightly. “Baekhyun...help me...” You whispered.

He turned around and you stared in his dark eyes.

They were empty...lifeless.

His body crumbled into dust.

NO!” You cried. “Don't leave me!”

You are alone...” Two voices behind you whispered.

You spun around.

Kai and Kevin were approaching you.

You are too late...” They said.

Their eyes as lifeless as Baekhyun's.

You sank on the ground. Numb and confused.

No...” You mumbled. “I don't want to be alone...”


Your started up from your sleep.

You were lying in your bed. Wet from sweating and you felt a pain in your head.

You lied back down and rubbed your sleepy eyes. Just a dream, Keira. Everything is fine.

You glanced at your alarm clock. 3:10 AM.

Groaning, you ruffled your hair. “I hate it when I'm sick...I can't sleep because I always have nightmares!” You muttered.

Slowly, you got up from your bed. You crept as silent as you could into the kitchen, trying to not wake up any of your roommates.

Inside the kitchen you opened the fridge and took a bottle with water.

Something wriggled around your legs.

Surprised you looked down and smiled at the sight of Sunny.

You can't sleep, too huh?” You bend down to the dog's head, as everything went black and you fainted.


What's with her?”

The doctor said she has a bad flu. We shouldn't let her alone.”

I see. She fainted in the kitchen?”

Yes. I was so shocked this morning as I walked in and saw her lying on the floor, without moving an inch.”

Will she get better?”

Yes, but it'll take it's time. Until she's fully recovered she's not allowed to practice or go to school.”

You slowly opened your eyes.

You blinked at the bright light.

You woke up!” Chaemin cheered next to you.

You tried to get up, but someone pushed you back down.

Oh no, Keira! We don't want you to faint again!” Suho's soft voice ordered.

You looked around.

You were in your room. Next to your bed stood Jisu, Chaemin, Suho, Sehun, Chanyeol and D.O..

All with the same worried expression on their faces.

What happened?” You finally found your voice back.

You fainted in the kitchen.” Jisu said.

Why did I faint?” You were really confused wight now.

Because you're sick. So don't dare to get up again without our permission!” Chaemin said in a stern voice.

You chuckled lightly. Chaemin was never strict, and when she acted like, it was really amusing.

Don't laugh at me!” She pouted.

Well, let her rest a bit!” D.O. shooed the others out of the room.

You gave him a thankful smile, but when Suho wanted to leave, you grabbed his arm.

Wait! Where are Kai and Baekhyun?”

He sighed. “I hoped you won't ask.” He turned around so he was facing you.

Kai is still sleeping. He was really tired yesterday...”

And Baekhyun?” You asked.

Suho avoided your look. “I don't know...he didn't return yet...”

You felt a sharp pain in your chest. “Okay...” You whispered.

Suho gently your cheek. “I'll bet he's back in a few hours. And then I immediately send him to you!” He gave you his angelic smile and left.

You waited the whole day.

Everyone was visiting you, even Kai. He didn't speak much with you, but he brought you a cute plushie.

Soon it was evening. And Baekhyun hadn't been here once.

What's wrong with him? Did I do something so he's mad at me?

Chaemin entered your room to check up on you a last time this day.

Unnie?” You mumbled.


Did Baekhyun return?”

You could see that she felt uncomfortable.

Yes...” She finally respond.

Oh Okay...” Disappointment was written on your face.

So he's avoiding me...


The next ten days you stayed at home.

You were really weak and couldn't walk long, but it slowly got better.

While you're physical pain became less, your emotional pain got worse.

Baekhyun didn't visit you once.

And whoever you would ask about him, they always gave a short answer and changed the topic.

They knew something, you didn't. And that drove you crazy.

And Kai's behavior was strange as well.

He would visit you as often as he could, he brought you each day a present like chocolates or plushies.

And when he thought you were a sleep, he muttered 'I'm sorry' about 100 times.


Eventually ,after 13 days, you saw Baekhyun.

He came into your apartment.

You were on the couch, watching TV and immediately looked up as you heard his voice.

Suho told me to look after you. No one else has time so...”

You winced at his voice. It was different, cold. Not caring and happy like it used to be.

He said down on the couch, as far away as he could without dropping on the floor.

You didn't talk for hours.

Then you lost your temper.

Seriously Baekhyun! What's wrong with you? What did I do to you that you're avoiding me now?”

You glared at him.

He sighed. “I'm sorry...I shouldn't been like this the last days...It's not your fault...”

You didn't understand what he mean.

What is not my fault?”

He took a deep breath.

That you don't like me the way I like you.”


A/N: I'm notcing that I updated quite often today....lol XD Honsetly..i hate this chapter >.<  When did I become so melodramatic? and when did this fic turned into such a drama? xD well, however, I hope you like it!! PLS SUBSCRIBE+COMMENT! Love you guys! <3

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo