Chapter 30

In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)


You were standing in the line for boarding, Baekhyun was texting on his phone and you looked around, observing the other passengers.

There were a few families with children, all being dressed in shorts and t-shirts, though it was January.

You also saw some couples, two crying babies, teenagers, elders, people of all ages.

Some of them looked bored, others annoyed, and then again excited faces, who couldn't wait to be finally on their vacation.

And you counted yourself to them.

There was not much you loved more than going somewhere else.

Seeing new cultures, meeting new persons and just the feeling to be not at home for a while, getting away from the daily routine made you grin and giggle all the time.

As your eyes wandered over the crowd, you suddenly saw a bunch of light brown, curly hair which was somewhat familiar.

You narrowed your eyebrows. “I'll be right back.” You said to your boyfriend and approached the tall guy.

He had his back turned to you, so you reached out, grabbed a few strains of his fluffy hair and pulled as hard as you could.

OW!” He let out a loud squeal and spun around, his eyes widened when he saw you.

What are YOU doing here?” You hissed.

At the sound of your voice, five other boys, which were standing behind the tall guy, all put down their sunglasses and caps, looking like scared puppies.

Oh...Keira! You are on this flight as well?” Chanyeol scratched the back of his head, trying to act like it was only coincidence that you met.

You glared at each of them, then you grabbed their arms and dragged them with you.

When you were a few meters away, you stopped and turned to look at them, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

Explain. Now.”

They exchanged nervous glances, then Kris (whose presence really surprised you) started to talk. know...we all didn't have vacation for a while now...and the others went to their families or so, and none of us did know what to do...and we thought....we thought it would be go with you guys...Luhan took care of the tickets and Chanyeol looked for the house...we wanted to tell you guys didn't know how you would react...hehe...sorry...”

You never knew Kris could be this shy and nervous, but that didn't help to calm you down.

This was meant to be a vacation...for me and Baekhyun...NOT FOR EXO!” You yelled and hastily shut up as you saw a few people turn their heads towards your direction.

You took a deep breath, then you continued with a quiet voice.

I'll promise you, if you'll do anything annoying or anything else that will interrupt our holiday, don't think about ever seeing Seoul again. There are a lot of high mountains and cliffs on this Island.”

You shot them a last glare before you returned to Baekhyun.

He greeted you with a confused look.

What happened?”

You rolled your eyes and pointed at the EXO members who were also going back in the line.

THIS happened.”


A/N: Annyeong :3 I'm sorry for not updating, but I was busy with school preperations...this week starts my last year and I have to give my best if I want to got to a good college ;P And this cahpter is really short...sorry :) It's so hot here in germany...I can't remember that we ever had such high temperatures O.O I'm melting away while writing that...that's my explanation for the short chapter ;P However, enjoy reading :D And guess which four other members are their except for Chanyeol and Kris ;)


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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo