
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)


You arrived at the SM building. It wasn't the first time you were there, but you were still overwhelmed.

For your personal opinion, the interior design was kind of...strange. But still pretty in a way. Just a bit too white and too modern.

So, Keira” The secretary smiled at you.

It's pronounced Kira.”

Oh” She looked a little confused, but still smiled and nodded. “I'm sorry. So Keira, While your mother is doing the paperwork, I'll show you a bit around, okay?”

Okay, thanks.”

Is this your first time here?” She asked.

You shook your head. “No, I was here last year.”

Ah, so you remember the most things, right?”

You smiled and nodded.

But we had renovated, so I should show you the things that changed.”

You agreed and followed her through the building. She showed you several rooms and explained a lot about new technical options for recording, composing and video shooting.

Honestly, you didn't understand much, but you acted interested and nodded when she asked if you had understood everything.

And finally, the last room. I think you know this one. It's the famous sky-background practice room.” She pointed at a small door on the right.

It didn't look really special, but you yet stopped breathing.

Omo...this is where SHINee, SNSD, EXO, Super Junior, f(x) and TVXQ are practicing in!!

You almost squealed. When you had been here the last time, you hadn't seen any Idols, since they had been really busy and you were just any trainee.

And you also hadn't been training in this practice room, since it was used by the Idols.

Back then, EXO members had been trainees, too, but you hadn't met any of them. They had special practice because they had been going to debut a year later, like you now.

The secretary snapped you out of your thoughts.

I would show it to you, but at the moment EXO is practicing in it, and we shouldn't interrupt them.” She winked at you.

You grinned. “Yeah, that would be better.”

She smiled and led you back to the lobby, where your mother was waiting for you.

You said goodbye to the secretary and your new manager Oh my god! I have a manager now! And went outside the huge building.

Luckily your new apartment is in the same direction as my hotel, so we can go together.” Your mother said.

You just nodded, acting like you wouldn't care, but inside you were happy that you didn't have to go there alone.

When you reached the building where your new home was, your mother asked if she should come in with you. But you disagreed.

You don't need to come with we. I can do that by myself. Just go to your hotel and rest a bit.” You gave her a confident smile.

She hesitated, unsure if she should do what you suggested, then she nodded. “Alright. I'll call you after dinner.” She waved and left.

You went into the huge house.

From outside, it didn't look any different than every usual apartment tower, but inside, it was really modern and looked somewhat special. Like important people would live inside.

You placed your luggage in front of the elevator. You looked for a button or something similar to push, but there were nothing.

Confused you took out the envelope your mother gave to you. Inside were three keys, a keycard and a letter with a few phone numbers.

But nothing explained how to get into this elevator.

Pissed that you would have to carry your luggage all up into the 5th floor, you walked to the stairway.

But the door in front of it was locked.

You tried every key, but it didn't work.

Oh no! What is this?” You cursed. Not knowing what to do, you took out your phone to call your mother.

Suddenly you heard a voice behind you.

Can we help you?”

Surprised, you turned around. When you recognized the persons standing behind you, your jaw dropped open.

The twelve EXO members were standing behind you. All wearing sweatpants and T-shirts. They seemed exhausted, but still looked curiously at you.

You wanted to answer, but suddenly, every korean word had left your mind.

Err...” You stuttered, then you decided to just speak english.

Yeah. My name is Keira Choi and I need to get to apartment 56. But I have no idea how the elevator works and the stairway is locked and I don't have a key.”

You talked really fast and with a strong irish accent, so you didn't expect anyone to understand you, even though they could speak english.

But luckily, Kris understood.

He smiled at you. “First, I'm Kris and these are the other EXO members. Nice to meet you. And second, the elevator usually works with a keycard. You open this hatch...” He showed you a small silver flap next to the elevator's doors “and put the keycard in. But at the moment, the elevator is defect.”

Your eyes widened in shock. “Defect like, not working?”

He nodded, chuckling at you reaction.

NOO!!!” You slapped your palm over your face.

Kris grinned. “You must hate stairs really much.”

You looked at him and with a desperate glance.

No....but I hate carrying three suitcases up into the 5th floor.”

Don't worry about this. And I noticed, you speak korean?”

Huh?” You looked surprised, then you realized that you had answered him in korean. Your lips formed a smile.

YAY! I didn't forget how to speak korean!” You beamed.

The EXO members all laughed.

You have a cute accent.” Kai stated. Your looked at him.

Is it this visible?”

He smirked. “Not this much. But it's easy to hear that your mother tongue is english.”

Aigoo.” You sighed. “I started learning korean three years ago, I can't speak without accent.”

Luhan raised his eyebrows. “Just three years ago? Then your korean is pretty good! I needed more time to speak with this less accent.”

Thanks.” You smiled at him and blushed a bit. yeah! EXO's Luhan just complimented me!

But then you remembered that you still had to carry three giant suitcases upstairs.

Your smile fell and you stared at your luggage. Why did I have to bring so much?????

You went over to the cases and wanted to take one, but another hand was faster than you.

You looked up to see Kris, taking your first suitcase. He smiled at you. Then Baekhyun and Lay went over to take the other two cases.

You stared at them. “Y-You don't need to do this I...”

Lay interrupted you. “It's not gentleman-like if we let you carry all your baggage up there. And we are at the same floor, so it isn't much more work.”

You blinked a few times, then you bowed 90°. “Thank you very much!”

No problem!” The twelve members responded synchronous.

You followed them walking upstairs. Next to you was Suho.

Since you're moving into apartment 56, you must be a member of the new group, am I right?” He asked.

You nodded. “Yes.”

You're the first one who arrived.”

You nodded again. “Yeah. Jisu unnie comes tomorrow and Chaemin unnie on Friday.”

Unnie? So you must be the maknae.” He grinned.

Omo...I never thought about this...” You stared at him with a scared expression.

He chuckled. “I bet you'll be a good maknae. You look really cute.”

You blushed and looked away. “I don't think so...I at aegyo.” You stated.

Sehun, who walked in front of you, turned around and smiled.

I thought that, too. But now everyone says I'm pretty good at it.”

You grinned. “Yeah. But you don't look like a crazy freak when you're acting cute.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Is it really this bad?”

You have no idea.” The three of you started laughing.


A bit later you arrived at the 5th floor. You told them that they should put the luggage just on the floor, but they demand to carry it into your new apartment.

And so, when you opened the door, thirteen WOW's could be heard.

The apartment was just awesome.

It wasn't extremely huge, but definitely big enough for three persons. It was modern and beautiful equipped, with a lot of plants.

It had a small lobby, a big living room, a small kitchen, two bathrooms and three bedrooms.

Kris, Baekhyun and Lay put the cases into the living room.

Tao stood next to you, eyes widened. “Wah! That's not fair...your dorm has the same size as each of ours, but your just the half amount of people in one apartment! And it's prettier decorated!”

You gave him an apologetic smile. But Chen came over and patted Tao's shoulder.

They are girls, they need more room and of course it's more decorated.” He grinned, you laughed, and Tao pouted.

Kris came over. “Yes, Tao. One girl always needs the space of two guys. It's a mathematical rule.”

You crossed your arms and glared at him. “Is this an offense?” But you couldn't hold on this serious face, so you burst into laughter, together with Kris, Chen and Tao.

Some minutes later, Suho told the members to leave and let you unpack. You thanked them for helping you and was about to close the door behind Suho, when he turned around and smiled.

EXO-K's dorm is apartment 54 and EXO-M's 52, so we're next to you. If you need help or anything, just come over.”

You nodded. “Thank you. I'll tell you if I need something.”

And..” Suho scratched the back of his head. He looked somewhat nervous. “I-I don't know if you have something to eat here. If you don't...w-we eat in an hour in EXO-M's dorm...so if you want to come...”

You beamed at him. “If it's no trouble to you, I would really like to come.”

He grinned. “Great! See you later, Keira!” He left.

You closed the door and started unpacking. You chose the room on the very left and put your clothes in the huge wardrobe.

I only arrived three hours ago and already made new friends! And not anyone, no, I became friends with EXO!

Smiling brightly you emptied your suitcase.

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo