
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)


You froze. What the is he doing?

You felt his lips on yours and your eyes widened even more.

That was definitely not how you wanted to apologize to him.

You pulled away from him, spun around and ran back into your apartment, leaving a puzzled Kai standing on the corridor.

You slammed the door shut and breathed heavily.

What did just happen? OH MY GOD! Why did he do this? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY???????

You shook your head, hoping that you could throw this happening out of your mind, but you couldn't.

He ing kissed me! HE SERIOUSLY KISSED ME!!!!!!!!

You stumbled into your bedroom. Everything in your head was turning and you couldn't think clear.

Need. To. Sleep.

You took off your shoes and climbed into your bed.

You were confused. You hadn't expected Kai to feel like this towards you. He was your friend. Your damn friend! Nothing more!

And the strangest thing was, you felt guilty. Like you had cheated on someone.

But you weren't even in love with anyone!

At least, you thought so.

And there was this quiet voice in your head, which told you the one thing you didn't want to hear.

If he is just your friend, why did you feel so happy when he kissed you?


You did, and you know it!


You slammed your pillow into your face.

WAH! Why is life so damn complicated?!”

You forced your eyes to close.

And now Keira, STOP THINKING!


The next day you woke up really late.

It was already noon when you got up from your bed.

Jisu and Chaemin had already left. They had left a message on the kitchen counter.

Hey Keira!

Enjoy your lonely weekend!

And don't forget, you promised Baekhyun you would go out with him!

We love you :3

Jisu, Chaemin

You looked at the note. You had no idea why they wrote this sentence with Baekhyun.

You had no amnesia, you could at least keep something like this in your mind!

Speaking about forgetting....OH !

You remembered what happened last night between you and Kai, and you felt really happy that he wouldn't be home this weekend, so you didn't have to meet him the next few days.

You felt somewhat bad. You had rejected him in an indeed not nice way.

But it was his fault! How dare he kissed me just like that!

You sighed and slammed your head against the fridge.

Maybe you could destroy your memory like this.

Why didn't you had one of these strange things from the movie Men In Black which deleted the memory of humans? You could use it on yourself and on Kai.

You gave up with hurting your head, realizing that it didn't do more than getting you a headache.

Aigoo...Why Kai? Why did you have to disturb my life like this? I was enjoying it so much living in Korea!”

You opened the fridge and put out a bottle with water.

You drank the half of it in one-shot.

After you drank something, you felt that your thoughts became more organized.

You went over to the living room and took place on the couch.

You crossed your legs and rested your arms of each on your knees, so you looked like you was meditating.

Let me forget everything from last night. Let me forget...Let me forget...Let me- Aish! It won't help!”

You jumped up. Honestly, you had never been this bewildered before.

And you didn't like it.

Kai! What the did you do to me?

You moaned. You wanted to do something that would distract you from your thoughts, but you needed to become clear of your feels.

And so you sat down on the couch again and closed your eyes.

Good. Kai kissed me - I ran away.

Doesn't that mean that I didn't want to kiss him?

Or did I actually wanted to, but were confused?

Or did his mouth smell? Hm...no...it tasted and smelled like toothpaste...WHAT THE KEIRA! That doesn't have anything to do with it!

You discussed with yourself like this for a while.

Finally you came to an result.

You had no idea how you felt towards Kai.

And this !

You sighed. Well, this is getting even more complicated than I thought. .

You glanced at the clock on the wall. Surprised you noticed that it was already evening.

Wow...I think really slow...

You got up from the couch and decided to stroll to he Park with Sunny.

When you left the apartment you looked over to EXO-K's door.


You walked over and knocked at it. But there wasn't a response.

He must be still by his friend.

You were a bit disappointed. You had hoped to see him. He could make you always feel better.

But you had to admit the fact that he had also a social life, which not included you.

A bit sad you went to the park.

It was a sunny and warm day. Even though it was end of September, you didn't need a jacket outside.

After you played a while with Sunny, you felt you stomach growling.

Time for dinner!” You smiled and called Sunny.

You eyed a shop with french fries and decided to walk over.

The seller gave you a friendly smile as she handed you out the fast food and you payed her.

You walked over to an empty bench and sat down while chewing your french fries.

You looked around. There were a lot of couples today.

You felt somewhat lonely and wanted to go home.

While you were strolling home it became slowly dark outside.

You passed a few bars and pubs which were filled with students.

Hmm...maybe I should just go out. I'm sure I won't be alone if I go to one of these bars.

And so you headed back home to drop off Sunny and to change into a bit more bar-like clothes.

You observed your wardrobe. You wanted something that wasn't too like, but also something that didn't look so boring.

Eventually you found an outfit.

It was a short, long-sleeved, dark-blue dress which looked like a long, slim shirt and the sleeves were lightly ripped.

With it you wore black, slightly transparent tights and black pumps.

You looked at yourself in the mirror.

Except for the fact that your legs looked with high heels even more thinner than before, you didn't look this bad.

Satisfied with your outfit, you took your handbag and a gray jacket and left the apartment.

You walked down the street. You eyed a bar where you had been before with Chaemin.

You approached it and was about to open the door, as you heard someone call your name.

You spun around and saw a group of five teenagers. You knew them from school, the most of them were in your history class.

The person who had called you was Minah. She sat next to you in school and was a friendly and pretty girl.

She and the other two girls were dressed similar to you, while the two boys were wearing black pants and casual T-shirts.

Hey, Keira.” They greeted you. “Are you alone?” Minah asked.

You nodded. “Yeah.”

One of the other girls smiled at you. Her name was Sara and she was Minah's best friend.

Do you want to join us? It's funnier than being alone.” She winked.

You smiled back. “If I'm not a burden.”

One of the boys shook his head. His name was Shin and he was also in your history class.

No, of course you're not.”

Alright.” Minah said. “Then let's go in.”

You entered the bar. It was crowded inside and the six of you had a hard time to find a place to sit. But after searching for a while, you found a free desk with six chairs.

While the most of them ordered some cocktails, you wanted a coke.

Shin looked enquiringly at you. “Not a fan of alcohol, huh?”

You shook your head. “Not really. I don't like it's taste.”

He chuckled. “ I bet you can drink a lot.”

You shrugged. “Well, I never tried drinking more than one bottle of beer...so I don't know.”

He raised his eyebrows. “So you never had been drunk?”

No. Because after one bottle of beer I wanted to spill it out. I don't know how people can drink so much of this disgusting liquid.” You made a face and Shin laughed.

You're really funny.” He stated.

You smiled. “Thanks.”

The rest of the evening you chatted with your class mates about school and typical Teenager issues, you heard that Minah had a boyfriend overseas she had met in her vacation in Hong Kong, and you noticed that Shin was flirting with you.

You didn't do anything against it, since you didn't want to be impolite, but you had no interest in him.

When it was ten minutes before midnight, you decided to go home.

You were still seventeen and not allowed to stay much longer in bars, so you stood up and said them Goodbye.

Wait, Keira! Should I accompany you?” Shin offered. “It's not good to walk alone through the streets at this time of a day.”

You smiled thankful, but disagreed. “No, it's okay. My apartment is not far away. See you at Monday in school!” You waved and left the bar.

Outside you let out a relieved sigh.

You had become a bit uncomfortable around Shin and was happy that you had a reason to leave.

It was colder than before and you put on your jacket.

Was my apartment really this far away?

You wondered while walking home.

You were on an empty street when you heard laughter behind you.

A group of drunken, male college students was behind you.

Hey little girl!” One of them called.

You shivered and walked faster. Suddenly you regretted it to not have agreed to Shin's offer to squire you.

Wait! We won't do anything to you! Haha...at least we won't do something too bad...”

You started running. That was not good. You didn't want to become a victim this night.

Look, she's running away!” One man yelled. “Let's follow her!”

You tried to run faster.

Why do I have to wear these ing high heels? I can't run with them!

But you had no time to take them off.

You heard that they came closer.

Where is this damn house? I can't remember it was this far away!

You felt someone grabbing your arm. You spun around.

The man was smirking. “Gotcha!” He cheered.


You kicked his leg. He howled in pain.

You ! How dare you to kick our friend!” Another one growled.

He grabbed your other arm and slammed you against an exterior wall.

The four men were surrounding you and you had no chance to escape.

Great. I'm dead.

You closed you eyes in fear. You wanted to scream, but there came no sound from your throat.

Yah! What are you thinking you're doing?” Someone yelled.

This voice...can it be?

You opened your eyes and saw Baekhyun coming closer to you and the men.

The guys turned around and glared at Baekhyun, one of them still holding your arm.

I think it's obvious.” The tallest one said. Then his glare turned into a smirk. “If you help us you can also have your fun with he-” He shut up as Baekhyun punched him in the face.

OW!” He screamed, holding his bleeding nose.

Distracted, his friends forget about you and you was able to flee.

But before you did so, you took all your strength and tread on the feet of the one who had hold you.

He screamed in pain when your heel stitched into his feet.

Hmm...maybe this high heels are more useful than I thought.

Baekhyun used this moment to punch another one, then he ran over to you, grabbed your hand and the two of you started to run away.

Luckily, the men didn't follow you.

You eventually arrived at your home and stepped into the elevator.

You looked up at your savior. “Thank you...” You whispered.

He glanced at you. His eyes were filled with worry and anger.

What did you thought walking alone around the streets at midnight? Do you want to be ?” He scolded.

You bit your lip and looked away. “I-I...I was...I don't know...I”

Baekhyun sighed. He saw a tear running down your cheek and felt guilty. He could have been nicer to you.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry...”

You shook your head. “No, you're right. It was silly of me...I can understand when you're angry...”

He softened and took your hand. “Look at me.” He ordered.

You slowly turned your head and gazed at him.

He smiled and wiped away your tears. “I'm not angry. I was just worried...See...if you had been hurt or something...I...” He took a deep breath. “I could never forgive me if something would have happened to you.”

You blinked confused. “But why...It wouldn't have been your fault. You couldn't have changed it when something had happened...it was my own fault...By the way...how did you know I was there?”

He blushed at your questioned and looked at the floor. “Well I...I came home and noticed you weren't there...and suddenly I felt that something was wrong...so I looked for you...and fortunately I found you.”

You smiled and embraced him tightly.

Thank you, Baekhyun. You're my savior.”

He was a bit puzzled, but smiled, too.

I would do anything for you, Keira. 


A/N: Hey! The next chapter is uploaded :P I hope you like it :) And no one of you have to worry...Baekhyun doesn't know that Kai kissed her...well...he doesn't know it yet >D Okay...I'm becoming evil again xD If anyone of you wonders why she is 17 and can drink alcohol and go to bars, well, I don't know how it is in other countries, and especially not in korea, but in Germany you're allowed to drink things like Beer and wine with 16 :P and you're allowed to go to bars until midnight when you're older than 16. When you turn 18 you can drink whatever you want and go to bars and pubs how long you want. Okay...this was unnecessary information ;) pls comment and subscribe! Love all my readers :3

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo