
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)


You spent the whole afternoon with your mother.

After you had shown her the apartment you went out to eat and to go shopping.

Now you were standing in front of her hotel, waiting for her taxi to the airport to come.

Bye, Keira.” Your mother embraced you.

Bye Mum. Have a good flight!” You felt tears running down your cheeks. Don't cry Keira! You're not weak! You can do this without crying!

Your mother looked at you and wiped your tears away.

Stop crying. You can always call me! And we'll meet in 5 months.” She gave you a warm smile.

You nodded, still sobbing. “I know...but 5 months are such a long time...”

You'll see, time flies by! You'll be in Dublin sooner than you're expecting.” She squeezed your hands.

You took a deep breath and smiled at her. “You're right.”

So Keira. Give always your best! And work hard for practice and for school. I don't want to see bad grades in your senior year!” She reminded you.

You nodded and hugged her a last time. “I'll miss you, Mum.”

I'll miss you, too. You really don't want to drive home with the taxi?”

You shook your head. “No, it's in the other direction as the airport, and it's not far. I like to walk.” You grinned.

She sighed but nodded. “Alright. As you want. I'll call you when I'm home!” With this she waved, got into the taxi and drove away.

I won't see her for 5 months... You bit your lip as the tears flooded up your eyes again.

You turned around and slowly walked back to your apartment.

You stared at the ground, so no one could see that you were crying, when all of a sudden you bumped into someone.

Oh, I'm sorry.” A male voice apologized.

No, I'm sorry. I should have watched out where I was going.” You dissented.

You looked up the same time as he. It was Baekhyun, again.

When you noticed that you had bumped into him the second time this day, the both of you began to laugh.

Well,” he said chuckling, “I think we both should pay more attention where we're going.”

You grinned and nodded.

He looked into your eyes and perceived that they were red and swollen.

Did you cry?” He said worried.

Huh?” You hurriedly looked back down. “N-No..I just...”

Baekhyun smiled and gently patted your shoulder. “It's okay, I won't laugh or something.”

You glanced up at him. “Really not?”

He shook his head. “Really not.”

Your lips formed a small smile. “I was just a bit sad because my mother left...it's strange to know that I'm alone now...with my family thousands of miles away...” You forced yourself to not cry again.

That must be sad. But I think you'll come over it soon. You don't seem to be one of the persons who is sad for a long time.” he winked. “And by the way...you're not alone. You have me and the other EXO members, and didn't you say you're really close to your roommates and they're your best friends? Would you call someone who has 14 friends 'lonely'?” He raised an eyebrow.

You smiled brightly. He said I'm his friend...they're all my friends...He's right. I'm not alone at all.

No. You're right.” You wiped your tears away. Then you noticed that he had been going in the other direction than you, so he had been going away from his dorm.

Where were you going?” You asked.

Getting food for the members.” His eyes widened as he remembered. “Oh no...I should really hurry. They are going to kill me if I won't be back soon.”

You chuckled. “Are they really this bad?”

Like wild animals.” He replied with fear.

You giggled even more, then something came into your mind.

Let me buy your dinner. I still owe you guys one for the dinner yesterday and the food Chanyeol and Suho brought me today.” You suggested.

At first he looked like he wanted to dissent you, but then his lips turned into a smirk.

Oh, okay. And in which luxury restaurant are you inviting us?”

Well,” You gave him a mysterious smile. “You know the american restaurant nearby? The one which is easy to recognize by it's huge yellow 'M'?”

He grinned and nodded. “Yeah...it has really exquisite meals.”

The both of you walked over to the small building on the right on which was written with huge lightning letters 'McDonalds's'.

You bought eight menu's (You and Jisu hadn't eaten dinner also), the cashier stared confused at Baekhyun and you, wondering how two persons could eat so much, but gave you everything you had ordered and then the two of you went back home.


As you finally reached the 5th floor, you were near collapsing.

You had walked these stairs the fourth time this day and your legs felt like jelly.

You dropped on EXO-K's couch and sighed. “Aigoo...I'm too old to walk these stairs up and down so often...”

Then exercise more, grandma.” Jisu chuckled and sat down next to you.

You had called her right when you arrived to eat with you and EXO in their dorm. She was playing with Sunny back then and when EXO heard that you were having a new puppy, they insisted on taking her to their dorm while you were eating, and you agreed.

So now, while the food became cold standing on the dining table, Jisu and you watched how six guys were gathered around a small excited puppy and arguing who could play with her or whose turn it was to hold her.

You shook your head in disbelief. “It's my dog, but I feel like I had spent the less time with her until now.”

Jisu laughed. “It's your fault if you let them play with her. By the way...how you informed me about the fact that we're sharing our dorm with a dog now was kind of....interesting. I mean...a message with 'Hey Unnie. I have a dog now! But I'm leaving with my mother for lunch, so don't be surprised when you come home and there is a puppy. Please feed her! Thanks Unnie!' is...yeah...you know...You could at least have told me where the food is. I searched about a half hour for it!”

You gave her an apologizing smile. “I'm sorry, Unnie.”

It's okay...she's really cute.”

You nodded and watched how Sunny was chewing on the strap of Sehun's sweater.

Your stomach growled to show you that he desperately wanted food.

Guys!” You yelled. “I didn't buy the food for the table! So come on and eat!”

They looked at you and pouted. “But we...”

She won't disappear while you're eating! You can play with her after dinner!” You interrupted them and dragged them to the table. Aigoo...I feel like their mother, despite I'm younger than all of them!

The eight of you started eating and your roaring stomach finally calmed down.


After dinner Jisu, you and EXO-K played with Sunny for a while, but the young dog soon fell asleep, exhausted from the day.

You were sitting next to Jisu on the couch. As you looked at the sleeping dog, you became tired yourself, leaned back and closed your eyes. Soon you were asleep, too.


Keira, what do you think?” Jisu asked. You didn't answer, so she turned her head to you.

Your eyes were closed and you were deeply asleep.

Oh...she must have been really tired.” She looked at EXO. “We'll go home now. Ehm...can someone help me with Keira? She had fallen asleep.” She pointed on your motionless body.

The six guys raised her heads and stared at Keira. Without hesitation, Baekhyun got up.

I'll carry her home.” He offered. Jisu smiled at him thankfully and took Sunny.

Baekhyun lifted you up bridal style and followed Jisu.

Good night!” The other members called. “Good night!” Jisu replied and went out of the apartment, followed by Baekhyun.

She looked down at the sleeping puppy in her arms an then at the sleeping you in Baekhyun's arms.

I heard that dogs and their owners sometimes become similar. But she got Sunny just for a few hours ago and their already doing the same.”

Baekhyun chuckled. “Maybe their soulmates.”

Jisu grinned. “Maybe.” She opened your apartment door and went in. “The door on the very left is her bedroom. Just lie her down on the bed.”

Baekhyun nodded and went into the small room.

He lied you down on your bed and took off your shoes. Then he put the blanket over you.

Sweet dreams.” He whispered while looking at you.

She is so pretty...especially when she sleeps...

He looked at your peacful face and smiled. His view fell on a rilakkuma doll on the end of your bed.

You and Jisu had bought two of them together last year, since the both of you always wanted one.

Cute...she likes dolls... He left the room and carefully closed the door.

Good night!” Jisu waved. “Good night!” Baekhyun left the apartment.

Giggling she went into the bathroom. “I think someone has a crush on my roommate...”

She grinned. “I know what I have to do besides practicing and school in the future.”


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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo