
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)

Soon was your birthday.

Since it was on the first of January, you usually celebrated it together with New Year.

And this year it wasn't different.

After you had eaten the great food D.O. had made for New Year's Eve, the fifteen of you went up on the rooftop to watch the fireworks.

While your neighbors and the people down on the street were all shouting “Happy New Year!”, Jisu, Chaemin and the EXO members called together “Happy Birthday, Keira!”.

You smiled happily as Beakhyun hugged you and Sehun gave you a sparkler.

Then they gave you the more or less creative presents (Most of them were money or vouchers, but Lay got you a giant rilakkuma plush toy, which was so soft that you wanted to fall asleep on it right there, and Baekhyun a really pretty bracelet and tons of your favorite chocolate) but while Chanyeol gave you his gift, you noticed that Kris and D.O. had disappeared.

Confused you asked the Happy Virus where they had gone, but he just gave you his famous smile and didn't answer.

A few minutes later the two guys came back.

Your eyes widened when you saw the huge chocolate cake they were carrying.

It was decorated with eighteen candles and Happy Birthday Keira! We love you♥ was written on it with frosting.

Guys! Where the hell did you got such a huge cake? You really want me to become fat, don't you?” You laughed.

Well...some fat on this skeleton wouldn't be bad.” Kai said.

You punched him lightly. “I do have fat!”

He raised his eyebrows.

It's just...ehh...invisible...?”

Kai shook his head and laughed. “That girl and her invisible fat.”

You pouted and turned back to the cake.

The fourteen of them began to sing Happy Birthday, and to your personal joy in english.

You blew out the candles and wished silently that your friends and family will always be healthy.

Then you cut the cake and gave everyone a huge piece, but it was still almost he half left.

You sat down between Baekhyun and Luhan, eating your cake and watching the fireworks.

The next few hours you and your friends spent with eating the cake and the huge amount of sweets you got today, playing games and almost killing Kai, since he won every game.

When it was about four in the morning, you finally decided to go back in the dorms and get some sleep.

Baekhyun followed you into your room, helping to carry the presents.

After they were all placed anywhere, your boyfriend still didn't leave.

You gave him an inquiring look. “Are you going to sleep here, or what? Not that I would care, but...”

Oh no.” He smiled at you. “I'll just wait until you're asleep.”

You chuckled. “Cheesy. But as you want, you little stalker. I'm just going to change an wash.”

You grabbed your pajamas and went into the bathroom.

When you came back, Baekhuyn was sitting on your bed, holding an envelope and grinning.

What's this?”

He gave it to you. Then you realized that it was the birthday present from your parents.

Oh...I almost forgot.” You opened it.

This time, there was a card.

Dear Keira!

Happy, happy Birthday from Mum, Dad and your brother!

We bet you were wondering about the plane tickets we gave you for Christamas, right?

Well...they will take you to a beautiful Island!

Our gift to you is a ten days vacation on Tenerife.

We thought you need a break after all the hard practice and when you have debuted, there won't be so much time for holiday!

And best of all, you can go with your boyfriend!

Sounds great, doesn't it? :)

Don't worry, he knows about it and we've already planned everything, so you just have to pack your suitcases, get your plane and then enjoy your vacation!

The flight is next Friday. Time and everything important knows Beakhyun.

Have a nice Birthday and enjoy your vacation!

We love you ♥


P.S.: This Baekhyun guy is such a nice boy! So well-mannered and kind and talented, of course! Great choice, Keira! Really! You definetely have to take him with you when you come to Dublin!


You rolled your eyes. Mum...

Then you saw Baekhyun curiously glancing at you.

Your lips formed a grin.

Vacation with my Bacon!” You wrapped your arms around him. “Can't wait for it!”

So you like it?” He asked.

Like? I love it! I hadn't been on vacation since forever! And that I'll go with you makes it even better!”

You were really excited and he was more than happy about this.

That are going to be ten really nice days.


After you had calmed down, you lied down in our bed and Baekhyun sat on the end of it, smiling at you.

You closed your eyes, but after a while you opened them again.

I can't sleep with you staring at me!” You exclaimed.

He chuckled. “Do you want me to go?”


He raised his eyebrows. “And what should I do then?”

Sleep with me.”

His eyes widened.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Not in this way. ert! Just lay down here and sleep.”

You pulled him down so he was finally lying next to you.



Sleeping in jeans and a leather jacket is really uncomfortable.”

I don't care.”

He poked your side.


Selfish little girl, you!”

What do you want to do? Sleeping in underwear?”



Can I at least take out my jacket?”


He stood up and hung his jacket over a chair, the he lied down again.

Comfortable enough now?”


Sure you don't want to sleep in underwear? Or maybe...without any clothes?”

It was dark, but you could still see how his eyes turned into two huge 'O's.

You laughed. “Just kidding. That's the revenge for the day of the concert.”

Oh this? You didn't enjoy it?”

You heard how his voice got that strange husky tone again.

Byun Baekhyun! If you do this again, I'll throw you out of the window.”

You wanted me to sleep here.”

Yes...but when I say sleeping, I mean sleeping! Innocent sleeping!”

You heard him chuckling.

Innocent, eighteen years old Keira.”

You pushed him down of the bed.

Hey? What was that for?”

Do you really need to ask?”

Okay, okay. Sorry. Am I allowed to lie down again, or do I have to go?”

You thought about it a bit.

Hmm...okay, you can stay.”

Too bad...I wanted to go.”


He laughed. “Sorry...it's just too much fun.”

You got up and pushed him down on the bed.

You couldn't see much, but what you saw, was his bewildered expression.

You smirked. “What do you want me to do with you? You know...as punishment...”

His eyes grew even wider. “W-What?”

You couldn't hold back your laughter anymore.

Oh my god...I'm sorry. You're right! That's really fun.”

You lied down next to him, put the blanket over yourself and closed your eyes.

You're just going to sleep now?”

Of course...that's everything I ever wanted.”


You wasn't sure, but he sounded somewhat disappointed.

You grinned to yourself.

My cute little Bacon...” You whispered and he put his arms around you.

Like this you fall asleep.


A/N: my chapters get more and more worse...or is this just my opinion? XD haha...hoped you enoyed it though :P Oh and thanks to pikachu97 :P I'll try my best ;P but I think it works...yesterday he invited me to go out with him and his gay friends (lol :D) and one of them told me that my neighbor is not 'really' gay ;P looks like I could have a chance xD But now I gonna type my baekyeol fic...I have to stop writing on ing sheets of paper...typing is so annoying -.-  :P


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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo