
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)


When you came in, you were greeted by three puppies who excitedly jumped at you and bit your shoes. You grinned and bend down to the small dogs.

So cute!” You mumbled as one gently your finger.

Keira!” Your mother called.

You stood up and lightly hugged her. “Hey Mum!”

I see, you like the dogs?” She grinned. You happily nodded. “They're so cute!”

Great! I think you will be happy about the surprise I have for you then.”

Your eyes rounded. “You? Really?-” “Yes, I do.” She smiled at you.

OH MY GOD! You're really buying me a dog?” You screamed excited.

She nodded. You ran towards her and embraced her tightly. “Thank you so much! I love you!”

Chuckling she hugged you back. “It's my farewell gift to you.” You parted, then she smirked at you.

Before I forget, who was the handsome young guy who accompanied you?” She raised an eyebrow.

You blushed. “J-Just my neighbor. I-I didn't know where the petshop was and it was on his way, so he showed me the way.”

She laughed. “It's okay, you don't need to explain everything. But now,” She looked around the shop, “Choose your new dog!”

You grinned.

Which one do you want?” The salesman asked. You looked at the five puppies in front of you.

You had played with them the last half hour, but you couldn't decide. They were all just too cute.

I'm not sure...OW!” You winced as you felt something sharp stitching into your ankle.

You looked down. A white-golden puppy playfully bit into your leg.

Hey! Don't bite me!” You chuckled and tenderly petted the small dog.

When you touched the dog's head, it let go of your ankle and instead bit your finger.

Yah! I'm not your lunch! Are you this hungry?” You smiled and looked up at the seller.

I want this puppy!”

He nodded. “Good choice. She is really cute. And she is a Golden Retriever. This breed of dog is very friendly and faithful. They also learn fast and easy.”

Later you were filling in all the forms you needed to own a dog.

How do you want to call her?” the salesman asked.

Hmm...” You looked at the blonde puppy which was playing with one of its' siblings. “Sunny.” You said.

He smiled. “That's a nice name.”

He gave you some advices and told you everything you needed to know, like what kind of food she needs and so on.

Have fun with your new dog!” he waved as you left the shop with your mother and your new puppy.

Are you happy?” Your mother inquired.

Yes! Thank you so so much!” You beamed and embraced her the third time this day.

You welcome. But we need to buy her a few things. Food, a blanket where she can sleeps on...” She pointed out.

You agreed and the two of you, and Sunny, walked towards midtown where the most shops were at.

An hour later you bought everything you needed and reached your home.

You stopped in front of the stairway and took out the key.

Your mother stared at you. “Aren't we going to use the elevator?”

You shook your head. “No, it's out of work. We need to take the stairs.”

Your mothers eyes widened in fright.

Okay. The seller said she isn't allowed to walk stairs in less than two weeks, so I'll carry her and you'll take the bags.” You gave her the two heavy bags with a innocent smile.

She sighed, but agreed.

In front of the stairs you lifted Sunny up.

Aigoo!” You moaned, surprised by the small dogs weight. “How can a little animal like you be so heavy?!”

Maybe you're just weak.” You heard a familiar voice saying.

You spun around and looked up into Kai's handsome face. Ha had an sarcastic smirk on his lips.

I'm not weak!” You pouted.

He chuckled, then his view went down to the puppy in your arms.

Aww...” His eyes sparkled “What's his..er...or her name?” He gently the dog.

Sunny. My mum just bought she for me. “ You grinned.

Oh, by the way. Kai, this is my mother. Mum, this is Kai. He's also my neighbor.” You introduced them to each other.

Kai bowed politely. “Nice to meet you, Mrs Choi.”

Nice to meet you too, Kai.” She smiled.

You raised an eyebrow at Kai. “Didn't you have practice today? I thought just Chanyeol and Suho have the day off.”

He nodded. “I had, but I'm having an interview in an hour, so I need to change. “ He looked at the bags your mother was holding. “Let me take them.” he offered and took them.

Your mother thanked him and they went upstairs.

Hey! Why don't you help me?” You yelled offended.

He turned around and smirked. “Well, you said you're not weak, so why should I help you?”

Pfft...Pabo!” You mumbled pouting and followed them.

A bit later you arrived at your apartment and Kai excused himself to get ready for his interview.

Such a gentleman!” Your mother swarmed while she helped you arranging your apartment for Sunny.

The puppy was sleeping on one of the blankets you had bought for her.

Yeah, to you!” You growled. Your arms hurt from carrying Sunny.

Your mother laughed. “Stop being sulky. He couldn't carry everything!”

I know.” You chuckled. Of course you weren't really angry at Kai. 

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo