
In Love With An Idol (On hiatus)

A/N: Again a pretty short chapter...but my third today :D London makes me creative..lol :P I really want to write more now..but I have to get up really early tomorrow so I have to sleep. Enjoy this chapter! 

P.S. I feel so guilty making my Ukiss bias such an ...but I can't help it..he suits the role so well! xD




OH MY GOD!” You had never been this angry before.

KEVIN WOO, I CUT YOU INTO PIECES!!!!” You hollered and grabbed your phone.

You scrolled through your contacts until you reached K.

You waited a few seconds until someone answered the call.


YOU ” You screamed.

Ouch...my ears...” The guy answered.


It was silent for a while, then the boy replied.

I was not stalking you, Keira. I was doing my job..and you and your Idol friend...well you two were a nice victim.”

You could here at his voice that he was smirking.

And since when do you work here as photographer? Or wait...first, since when do you live in Korea??”

For three weeks. I got a job as a photographer for a famous newspaper, and so I took the chance.”

You glared holes into your laptop, since you had no person to glare at.

Strange...first you try everything to stop me from moving here, and now you're here yourself...fate is a confusing thing, huh Kevin?”

Kevin sighed. “What's your point, Keira?”

Let me and my friends alone. Stop following me! I broke up with you, and I won't change my mind! You just showed me again, that it was the best decision of my life to end the relationship with you.

And now...Get. Your. . Out. Of . My . Life!” You hissed, shaking with rage.

With this you hung up.

You clenched your fists and wanted to punch something, but you couldn't do this without causing a huge damage in your apartment.

You took a deep breath and decided to go on the rooftop.

You had been there just one time until now. That was when you were about to kill Sohee a few weeks ago after she flirted with Baekhyun.

You needed a place to calm down and found out that the rooftop of the apartment tower you were living in had a really nice view.

You opened the door to the highest floor of the house and breathed in the cold air.

Against to the day before, it was not really warm.

You wrapped the jacket you were wearing tighter around your upper body.

You strolled near the abyss, but stopped one meter away from it. You looked down at the streets.

It was early morning and the commuter traffic had began.

You heard car honks and cursing people.

You closed your eyes. Well, this weren't really relaxing sounds, but it helped you to calm down a bit.


Keira?” Someone called behind you.

You spun around and stared at Kai.

He was standing a few meters behind you.

You're not going to commit suicide or?” He joked.

You just blinked, not really amused.

He sighed and walked next to you. “The sunrise is pretty, huh?”

You looked at the orange colored sky and nodded.

Kai sighed again. “Listen, Keira...What happened Thursday...I...just...”

You cut him off. “Just forget about it, okay?” You smiled at him.

He forced a smile on his face and nodded. “Okay. Just forget it.” But he didn't want to forget. He liked you, really liked you. And he wished you would like him this way, too.

But it didn't seem so.

Friends?” You looked up at him.

Kai bit his lip. Then he bowed his head up and down. “Friends.”

You grinned and wrapped your arms around him. “I'm happy to have you back, Kai.”

He lightly hugged you back. At least we're friends...that's better than nothing, right?


Later you were sitting in EXO-K's dorm and doing your homework with Suho's help.

Okay...he was doing 90% of it, but you still did a bit by yourself!

Your anger about your ex-boyfriend hadn't vanished completely, but after you made up with Kai you felt much better.

Baekhyun looked over your shoulder. “Inverse functions...how I hated these!” He stated.

You turned around and glared at him. “That doesn't make it easier.”

He chuckled. “I never wanted to make it easier. You have to pass the exam's with them and then you never need them again.”

You sighed. “Well...the problem is that I need to pass the exam...I don't believe I can do that...”

Nah, I'm sure you'll do this!” Suho said comfortingly. Then he looked at Baekhyun.

And you get out of here! If you don't want to help her, then you're useless and just distract her. So, hoosh!” He shooed the second oldest member out of the room.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes while he left. “Good luck, Keira!”


Two hours later you had finally finished your homework.

(You became so desperate that you started to hit your head with your math book, so Suho did the last numbers you hadn't done. Which were 25 out of 30, but who cares?)

The rest of the day you spend with the five guys on the couch watching TV, since it started raining around noon and you couldn't do something else.

Then finally it was evening and Sehun, Jisu and Chaemin returned.

All of them had the same surprised expression on their faces when you showed them the article about you and Baekhyun.

Who the hell would do something like this? I mean, yes he's an Idol and everything, but he still got a right of a private life!” Chaemin exclaimed.

The three of you were back in your dorm since it was late evening and you all had school the next day.

Jisu nodded in agreement. You rolled your eyes.

Well, I know who.”

Two pairs of eyes stared at you. “WHO?” They called in unison.

My lovely ex-boyfriend.”

Chaemin's jaw dropped open. Jisu gasped.

Kevin? But why?” Jisu was the first to be able to speak again.

You shrugged. “Jealous? Hates me? No other hobbies? There are a lot of possibilities. But maybe he's just crazy.”

Chaemin stared at you. “I know he was an and everything when you broke up...but stalking you? That's really a bit too much.”

It's not just that he's stalking me. I wouldn't care so much about it. I would just wait until he lose his interest. But the problem is, Baekhyun is involved. Kevin knows that I like him, so he's going to make his life hell as well.” You moaned and dropped on the couch.

Why always me? Why?”

Jisu bit her lip. “Keira...I don't want to make your life even worse...but you know...tomorrow is school...and we have a lot of EXO fangirls in our grade...”

Your eyes shot open. Oh ...I'm dead! 

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Chapter 36: I will wait for your update :)
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 36: its okay
Chapter 35: NEw reader.. i love your story update soon
Hahaha..kris is funny!!! LOL...love your update author-nim..please update more soon!!! Fighting!!
OMG that was kris?!?!?!? LOL
~ update soon!!! :D <3 ^^
Ilovekpopforever #6
It's okay unnie. We understand just do well in school! Fighting!
Ilovekpopforever #7
Y is Exo going with them bc they dont think they will disgust 2 each other?
LOL heheehheehehehe sneaky EXO hahahhaha
wonder who came with kris and chanyeol???
"THIS happened" ahahhahahahha keira must be well pissed... wonder what baekhyun's reaction would be like????
~ update soon!! :D <3 ^^
littlemiss10 #9
king derp and airport fashion king and 2 others. interestinggg:D
Lol. 'THIS happened.' = sneaky, little, romantic-spying Exo