
Found you.


“Heyyyy Estello!” Minhyuk greeted happily while walking so diva-ishly into the ward even though he was holding his girlfriend’s hand. She smiled awkwardly and waved at Estelle. Minhyuk wanted to make Estelle remember byshowing her someone that she knew. The doctor approved of this.


“Hi! Please, have a seat,” Estelle replied while gesturing at the seats near to her bed.


“So Estelle, today I brought a really special person with me. Does she look familiar to you?” Minhyuk asked after he and his girlfriend had taken a seat.


Estelle shook her head.


“Okay… Does Jae In ring a bell?”. Estelle zoned out a little when she heard that name. Looking at the one and only Jae In that she actually hated (who was indeed Minhyuk’s girl), she nodded, very slowly.


“Just a little teenie bit,” she said, emphasizing what she meant by showing two of her fingers that were slightly apart.


Minhyuk whispered to Jae In, “Hey, let your fringe down. Maybe she’ll remember more that way.”. Biting her lip, Jae In took off her hairband, letting her fringe hair fall neatly on her forhead.

Estelle’s eyes widened.


“Okay wait. Wait. Oh my gosh. You’re… You’re!”. Minhyuk and Jae In leaned in at the same time, anticipating her answer.


Awkward silence.


The couple waited impatiently, as their back were starting to hurt form all the leaning in.


Finally, Minhyuk spoke up, “Estelle, who?!”.


Eyes still wide, she pointed at Jae In and let out a:





Hey guise… OMG I’ve been gone for so long… I’m really sorry, busy, ‘ya know…

Juz a lil chappie.


And hell yeah my AFF fwen --strawberries made a fanfic (finally).

LOLZ Strawb, don’t kill me for this, yeah? I just really want you to get the feeling of having subscribers :D (No offence, gurl).

No, she didn’t tell me to do this for her, I just wanna do this for her as a friend, so don’t bash yeah?


Check out her story ---->    All because of cargo boxes

(It has a weird plot and a weird title, in a good way :D   )


-Your truly human Machine that likes to help friends :))) in a good way, not boastful, yo!




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There will be probably 1 or 2 more chapters until the [3 years ago] 'large flashback' ends. Wait for it! ^^


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WHAT?!? LOLOL! Estelle is forever alone! :( PLEASE MAKE SEQUEL THEN!!! PLZZZZZZZZZ???!!
Hhehe Minhyuk is so cute! :) YAY!!! YOURE BACK!! :D Get some rest though! I bet you feel tiredfrom all the studying and testing. Update soon! :)
Academics before fun stuff!!! Don't worry! We'll still be her!! :) Good luck on your tests!
kikwang32 #4
omg can't wait! Update soon!
I love it!!! I feel so bad for her! </3 update soon!
I LOL-ed at the ball kicking part. XD BUT OMG. <////3 POOR ESTELLE AND BACON. ;w; GVFDTYRFTUYHJG BASTARD APPA! D:<
The nut kicking was wicked. :) update soon!
WisdomJade #8
How does a wife do that to her husband O.O LOL epic. Anyways update soon! Bacon must get better~ T~T
Alice-tvxq #9
so wonderful , please update soon .
OMG IKR?!? DONGHAE WAS FREAKING HAWWWWTTTTT!! <3 my bias Yesunggie was looking good too. ;) update soon!!! Their dad is so mean!!!! My dad stopped beating me up when I was 12 now he just womps me on my head.....HARD.