Finding my brother.

Found you.

You fought the urge to smile. 

Ok. Yep that's mean, but you thought, "My parents are meaner."

-Your P.O.V-

Well, that was wrong.

I did cry a lot.

In the ambulance on the way to the nearest hospital.

I told them I was perfectly fine.

Oh, but they insist

The fireman told me I was a brave girl. ( A/N: Get the joke? )

Litteraly speaking, I am not famous.

But I would like to meet The Brave Brother's, though. They are awesome, to say the least.

Yes, I understand his comment. 

From what I'm tought, if there's a fire, escape.

Oh, I didn't.

I took my belongings ( some of them ) and then escaped. 

I would think of myself as clever. I don't want to end up regretting bringing my three precious things.

Especially the photo album.

"So," the fireman started to say. 

"Do you have a sibling?" 


-Narrator's P.O.V-

You nodded your head.

"Sherman, shut up and let her rest you dimwit." the other fireman said.

You giggled and just flipped the photo book, yet again. 

Only this time, something was different.

Your mouth fell open. There was a bunch of papers and a note.

Mind you,  your photo album was the big, bulky type, in a bigger box for extra protection.

You read the note first.

Dearest Estelle,

This is mom. Yes I know what you are thinking this moment. Mom, how did you know I keep the album in my cabinet?

You silly girl, that thing was so easy to find.

On a serious note, the papers you find that are attached to this note are letters from a talent company SM Entertainment.

Which is the very company your brother is working for, now. I'm so so sorry that I didn't tell you earlier. I know you hate me and Pa. But "disowning" your brother was your fathers idea. I'm not pushing the blame onto him, but it is the truth. Sadly, I have to listen to my husband.

But please, I still love your brother. Find him for me, at least, cupcake. Only then I could rest in peace. I love you. I hope you would keep that in mind. I'll be watching over you.

Love you,


You started crying. The hatred for your father remained, but the one for your mother was washed away by the tears you shed. You started looking through the other papers.  *Wow. Impressive*. Your eyes widened when you saw the last document. Your brother was in a boyband called EXO, more specifically, EXO-K.  *This is going to be messy*


How was it? The drama would start from the next chappie! I love you my subbies!~~~ Till then, annyeong! :DDDDDDD

~Your Truly Human Machine XD

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There will be probably 1 or 2 more chapters until the [3 years ago] 'large flashback' ends. Wait for it! ^^


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WHAT?!? LOLOL! Estelle is forever alone! :( PLEASE MAKE SEQUEL THEN!!! PLZZZZZZZZZ???!!
Hhehe Minhyuk is so cute! :) YAY!!! YOURE BACK!! :D Get some rest though! I bet you feel tiredfrom all the studying and testing. Update soon! :)
Academics before fun stuff!!! Don't worry! We'll still be her!! :) Good luck on your tests!
kikwang32 #4
omg can't wait! Update soon!
I love it!!! I feel so bad for her! </3 update soon!
I LOL-ed at the ball kicking part. XD BUT OMG. <////3 POOR ESTELLE AND BACON. ;w; GVFDTYRFTUYHJG BASTARD APPA! D:<
The nut kicking was wicked. :) update soon!
WisdomJade #8
How does a wife do that to her husband O.O LOL epic. Anyways update soon! Bacon must get better~ T~T
Alice-tvxq #9
so wonderful , please update soon .
OMG IKR?!? DONGHAE WAS FREAKING HAWWWWTTTTT!! <3 my bias Yesunggie was looking good too. ;) update soon!!! Their dad is so mean!!!! My dad stopped beating me up when I was 12 now he just womps me on my head.....HARD.