
Found you.

Cute poster made by  ✩ Loveable Art graphic shop ✩! Kamsahamnida! *bows 90 degrees*




At the sight of Estelle actually responding to something shocked Baekhyun. He was expecting a sleeping Estelle. Not a happy, laughing, as-if-she-was-alright-already  Estelle.

He was impressed. And jealous.

Like how in the world can a guy, moreover, someone who was not Estelle’s relative, make her happy so effortlessly? Unless…

*He’s her boyfriend?*

While Baekhyun was awkwardly standing there, thinking and thinking about the current situation, the atmosphere had actually turned sour, for Baekhyun’s presence was not wanted by Estelle.

“Umm, "Baekhyun speaked up, breaking the thick silence. “Can I speak to your…. friend, Estelle?”.


Pokerface on, she looked in a different direction and waved him away, as if trying to tell him, “Go on, do whatever you like.”. Smiling slightly, Baekhyun signalled at Minhyuk to follow him outside.


“So umm… in which way are you related to Estelle?” Baekhyun asked awkwardly.


Minhyuk chuckled, then answered, “Okay, okay. I know what you’re thinking. No, Estelle and I aren’t in a relationship, we’re only friends, and that is that. Besides, I have a girlfriend. I wouldn’t want to cheat on her,” Minhyuk explained and leaned in, whispering, “She knows karate.”


Baekhyun smiled. He wasn’t jealous in that way. What bothered him was Minhyuk’ s ability to put Estelle in a mood other than sad, angry or just moody. But this was an advantage.


“I need you to do me a favour. Try to convince Estelle that I’m not a bad person. You see, I… umm… sort of got kicked out by my father because I auditioned for SM and got in, without him knowing, so I guess Estelle has this thing against me. I have no idea why she was so happy when we were reunited, it’s weird. So… can you do it?”.


Minhyuk pretended to think about it. “Give me 6 tubs of chocolate ice cream and things that are precious to Estelle and you have a deal.”.


They shook hands.




From then on, Minhyuk would always visit Estelle after school ends. Luckily, SM Academy was a special school, and that equals to no homework.

Taking in a deep breath, Minhyuk walked into Estelle’s private hospital ward. Oh, but this time, he wasn’t alone.


“Are you sure this is a good idea, oppa?” Minhyuk’s girlfriend asked him.


“Trust me,” he replied with a determined face. “It will work.”. An evil cackle would go pretty well with that ‘evil’ look on his face.



I’m really really really really sorry.

The busies,  you know… This story feels so… not dramatic. Let me assure you, Estelle will end up with no one. #ESTELLEFOREVERALONE

Well, she is actually the type that doesn’t want to settle down. No, Minhyuk will not break up with his girlfriend. Yep, just around 5-8 chapters more till this ends, and I already have another storyline in mind… So, who’s Minhyuk’s gf? XDD


-Your truly human Machine who does not feel so dramatic lately.






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There will be probably 1 or 2 more chapters until the [3 years ago] 'large flashback' ends. Wait for it! ^^


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WHAT?!? LOLOL! Estelle is forever alone! :( PLEASE MAKE SEQUEL THEN!!! PLZZZZZZZZZ???!!
Hhehe Minhyuk is so cute! :) YAY!!! YOURE BACK!! :D Get some rest though! I bet you feel tiredfrom all the studying and testing. Update soon! :)
Academics before fun stuff!!! Don't worry! We'll still be her!! :) Good luck on your tests!
kikwang32 #4
omg can't wait! Update soon!
I love it!!! I feel so bad for her! </3 update soon!
I LOL-ed at the ball kicking part. XD BUT OMG. <////3 POOR ESTELLE AND BACON. ;w; GVFDTYRFTUYHJG BASTARD APPA! D:<
The nut kicking was wicked. :) update soon!
WisdomJade #8
How does a wife do that to her husband O.O LOL epic. Anyways update soon! Bacon must get better~ T~T
Alice-tvxq #9
so wonderful , please update soon .
OMG IKR?!? DONGHAE WAS FREAKING HAWWWWTTTTT!! <3 my bias Yesunggie was looking good too. ;) update soon!!! Their dad is so mean!!!! My dad stopped beating me up when I was 12 now he just womps me on my head.....HARD.