Sorry mission

Found you.


My mission is not completed. I have to complete it.

A mission is a mission, even how small and unimportant it is, it is still a mission.

And a mission has to be completed.


BTW, that’s a lot of ‘mission’s there.

So right after school, I head straight home. As usual, I was alone. I entered the kitchen and stood infront of the refridgerator.

“Oppa must have left a note… There,” I mumbled, pointing at his little note.

Dear all,

Late tonight. Give me something better than leftovers. Back by 6. CIAO!


I shook my head, but the ends of my lips were up, forming a smile.

I did a fistpump to myself. Fighting! YOU CAN DO THIS TODAY, WOMAN!

I changed into comfortable clothes and did my homework first. I’d have to say, even though I wasn’t my mother’s favourite, I was my teacher’s favourite. That’s good enough for me.

After what seemed like an hour, I went up to Baekhyun oppa’s room. I pressed in ‘SNSD FANBOY FOREVER’.

“Beep. Wrong code.” The device ‘said’. What the? He changed it? Oh please, this is sooo gonna be a snap.

I typed in ‘ESTELLE STOP SNOOPING’. The door clicked open.

Huh. Wasn’t that much of a problem.

Hmm… Twilight books, out. Where else could he put it?

I sat down on the floor to think.

Twilight… What are other popular series type of books.

I suddenly looked up and snapped my fingers.

The Hunger Games.

/facepalm/ Tch. He at hiding things.

“Hungah gahhemmsss….” I sang while flipping the book.

My prediction was correct. It was indeed in the only Hungar Games book he had, Mockingjay.

But I suddenly had a bad gut feeling… This is my brother’s privacy…

I should stop.

Sorry m​ission.


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There will be probably 1 or 2 more chapters until the [3 years ago] 'large flashback' ends. Wait for it! ^^


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WHAT?!? LOLOL! Estelle is forever alone! :( PLEASE MAKE SEQUEL THEN!!! PLZZZZZZZZZ???!!
Hhehe Minhyuk is so cute! :) YAY!!! YOURE BACK!! :D Get some rest though! I bet you feel tiredfrom all the studying and testing. Update soon! :)
Academics before fun stuff!!! Don't worry! We'll still be her!! :) Good luck on your tests!
kikwang32 #4
omg can't wait! Update soon!
I love it!!! I feel so bad for her! </3 update soon!
I LOL-ed at the ball kicking part. XD BUT OMG. <////3 POOR ESTELLE AND BACON. ;w; GVFDTYRFTUYHJG BASTARD APPA! D:<
The nut kicking was wicked. :) update soon!
WisdomJade #8
How does a wife do that to her husband O.O LOL epic. Anyways update soon! Bacon must get better~ T~T
Alice-tvxq #9
so wonderful , please update soon .
OMG IKR?!? DONGHAE WAS FREAKING HAWWWWTTTTT!! <3 my bias Yesunggie was looking good too. ;) update soon!!! Their dad is so mean!!!! My dad stopped beating me up when I was 12 now he just womps me on my head.....HARD.